Chapter 39

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Selena Gomez
I woke up I seen Justin and my mom but I only card about Justin and our kids at the moment I smiled at Justin "For the love of god" I heard my mom say she walked out me and Justin laughed "You should go before my mom gets you thrown out" I said "No way you're my kids mother they go have to throw me out physically because I'm not really doing anything but sitting here"he said I nodded he kissed me I kissed back "Can you go get me ice please" I asked "Sure babe" he said then left "wow" I heard "I forgot you were in here too" I said as Francia looked at me "Are you sure you want to do this"she asked "Do what" I Asked "be with him after he left you for her" she said "We sat and talked about it he apologizes every night gives me kisses for it" I said "I really need him more than ever right now and yea I'm still hurt but I need him for the kids" I said she nodded Justin soon came back with my ice "Here you go babe" he said then kissed me "I'll go be with Jelena and jack"he said I nodded he kissed me then left

Justin Bieber
I got home then I seen Hailey there she had the kids she was crying "why are you here" I said "you know why" she said "I want my husband back" she said "Well I don't want you back I'm happy with my life and how it is" I said "Well I can't give you them" she said "There babies Hailey they don't have anything to do with this" I said she walked backwards and ran out the backyard with them I ran towards the front but then I seen she was gone "Bring my kids back here bitch" I yelled I called the police and told them everything what Hailey had done they made a missing child report I was so angry at Hailey for what she did I went up there to Selena she had to know I went to her room she was laughing with francia "Justin"Mandy said I then turned into the room crying like a baby Mandy took me out in the hall we went down the hall away from Selena room "Is everything okay"she asked "No" I said I then told her everything "My gosh" she said "You made this mess you fix it" she said I nodded I left the hospital I went to Hailey parents house I knocked on the door "Where is my kids"l said I went in "Hailey I'm not playing with you girl" I said going to every room "Where is she with my kids" I yelled "She haven't been here"her mom said "Well she got my kids and ran" I said "If she hurt any of my kids be ready to get a fucking lawyer because I'm coming" I said I left soon I got a call "Justin" I heard I looked I seen it was from a hospital "Yea it's me" I said "What's going on my mom being suspicious then all suddenly I see a missing person on two babies" she said "It's fine baby don't stress" I said "Tell me NOW Justin" she yelled I took a deep breath and spoke "I got home thinking the kids where still with my mom but I saw Hailey holding them then asked for me back and I said no so she ran with the kids to I don't know where she went" I "Justin Drew Bieber you BETTER GET MY FUCKING KIDS FROM THAT HEFFA OR ITS GOING TO BE PROBLEMS WITH YOU AND ME AND I PROMISE YOU THAT" I said "Yes baby" I said "oh at this moment you are not my boyfriend get my kids and we'll see about us still together"she yelled "Okay yes ma'am" I said I rode around everywhere then i remembered that one date we went too I had the cops meet me there I seen Hailey with the kids "Hailey" I said "Stay back or I'll drop them"she yelled "Please Hailey I'm sorry" I said "You left me" she yelled "Okay I understand that and I'm sorry but this is between me and you let the kids go" I said "no" she screamed then moved to the other side of the edge "Please" I said "I begged you" she said "I know but I'm here now Come here" I said she walked over to me "Please put them down" I said she nodded then she kissed me but then they hand cuffed her "Justin"She said crying I walked off I went to the kids tears came out my eyes " we got to the hospital they had to make sure the kids were safe soon the door opened I saw Selena "Mommy"Jelena said "Hey baby girl I'm glad you're safe" she said after spending time with the kids she went back to the room not saying anything to me soon Mandy came to me "I'll keep them" she said I walked out I went to Selena room "I don't think we should be"She said to Francia I walked in she looked at me "Your mom has them" I said she nodded "okay" she said I sat down by the restroom "You can leave" she said "I'm not going anywhere" I said she rolled her eyes then pressed the help button "Yes Ms.Gomez"a nurse said coming in "Please make him leave" she said "Sir" she said "Alright" I said "But before I go just realize this 'If I leave I take the kids and forgive Hailey" I said "Well I'll see you in family court" she said I walked out I sat down tears came out my eyes the nurse stopped the rubbed my back then walked away I went to the waiting room and sat down

Selena Gomez
I sat there tears ran down my face I got up going to the restroom then I went out the door "Ms.Gomez"a nurse said "Are you okay" she said "Yea I'm looking for someone" I said she pointed to the waiting room "Thanks" she said I walked over to the waiting room I saw Justin sleeping in the chair I sat across from him I just sat there tears came down my eyes "Ms.Gomez"the nurse said "it's better to be in your bed" she said "Wait" I said "You had surgery" she said I nodded "okay"She said I touched his hand then she wheeled me back to my bed I went to sleep

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