Chapter 22

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Selena Gomez
It's May now I was in New York for my puma event Jelena was back at home in la with my mom I can't wait till she start traveling with me after the event I went with Theresa to dinner after we went to the hotel I called mom "hey mom how is my beautiful girl" I said "She's doing wonderful"she said "Give her kisses for me" I said "I have to go" I said I hung up I got a text from Justin I looked at it "Can Jelena stay with me or the night"he asked "No she's too young and too little to be out in the cold"I typed "Selena she's my child too"he responded "I'm not saying no justin when she gets older like three then she can I'm just saying she's to young to be out in the cold she's only three months"I typed "Fine"he Responded after texting him I went to sleep but was woke up to my phone I got up we went get ready for the met gala I looked it was 5 in the morning So I went to lay back down I went back to sleep
Justin Bieber
"Justin wake up" I heard I seen jazzy sitting there "What"I said "I want food"she said "Okey" I said "So what are you gonna do for your birthday" I asked "I don't know"she said "Jazzy princess Bieber epic party" I said "No"she said laughing "Why not your birthday is may 30th" I said "So"she said "Is my baby sister growing up fast" I said she smiled "I'm turning 10"she said "More like 30" I said she laughed "I have a baby" I said "Look" I said showing a picture

"She's beautiful"she said I nodded "Yea she's my baby girl" I said "Thought I was the baby girl"she said "where's her mom"she asked "She's working right now" I said "Why you not with her" she asked "well Because I made a bad choice and I have to s...

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"She's beautiful"she said I nodded "Yea she's my baby girl" I said "Thought I was the baby girl"she said "where's her mom"she asked "She's working right now" I said "Why you not with her" she asked "well Because I made a bad choice and I have to stay alone" I said "Daddy always give Chelsea flowers and she always forgive him" she said "I dont think flower will do hun" I said "You don't know if you don't try"she said I nodded after hanging we went home "Justin I have the perfect shirt for Jelena"Chelsea said "Thanks I'll make sure Selena gets it" I said I went to my room soon the door opened I seen Jaxon "Can you show me how to play this"he said soon my phone rung "Whose Hailey"he said "A friend I help later let me take this call" I said he left out I answered her call "Hello" she said "What's up" I said "I was just wondering do you want to hang"she asked "I'm in Canada with family" I said "Oh okay well I'll see you at the church convention in Washington" she said "Will do" I said I called Selena " where Jelena" I asked "She's in California with my mom you know this"she said "Oh" I said "Are you alone" I asked "No I'm not"she said "Oh" I said "Justin why did you really call"she asked "I miss you I miss us" I said "Justin I'm busy"she said "Do you ever still think of me" I asked soon I didn't hear anything I seen she hung up I texted Hailey "Want to come to Canada" I said "Sure"she replied after I booked her a ticket she'll be here during midnight I sighed I went to help Jaxon but they was gone "Justin we went to Dave and busters you sounded busy didn't want to distract you" I read after reading that a I fixed some food my phone rung "Hello" I said "What did you want to talk about"I heard "it's Nothing when back in California I'll come to see Jelena" I said "We have to get along and coparent"she said "If I can't be with you then I don't want to just get along" I said "don't turn this around on me you the one who cheated on me" She yelled "I'm not turning anything around I just wanted my girlfriend back but fuck it" I said "Are you crazy I'm not dating you ever again you broke my trust" She yelled "Fine then I'll just date Hailey" I said "Yea because ever since she met you all you did was be into her it wasn't about me us nor Jelena"she yelled "Look I got to go" I said the door bell rung I hung up I went to see Hailey "Hey beautiful" I said "Let's go to a hotel" I said she nodded we left the house going to a hotel "Wow this is nice"she said "Yea I booked the best" I said she smiled I went up to her "You on birth control right"I asked "Yea I don't want kids"she said "Well I have a kid" I said "yea I know and That's fine I just don't want to push any out"she said I nodded after we had sex we cuddled watching tv she went to sleep I went to the balcony I played videos of me and Selena i got in my car I wrote a note and left I went to me and sel spot I laid on the hood "I don't care I want you forever"I remember her saying tears fell out my eyes after sitting there I went back to the hotel I seen Hailey woke painting her toes "Where did you go" She asked "I had to clear my mind"I said "Okey"she said she came to me "What if we did something crazy and unexpected"I asked "Like what" she asked "got married"I said she looked up at me "Are you sure about that"she asked "Yea I wanted to be a dad I got that I always wanted the perfect family"I said "Hate the break it to you but everything and everyone not perfect"she said "Yea I understand"I said "But I'll do it on one condition" she said "What" I said "Let's travel the world let everyone know I'm gonna be your wife" she said "Deal"I said but I couldn't get Selena out my mind I missed her too much

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