Chapter 21

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Selena Gomez
It was March 3 we got to take her home I didn't have anything to lay her in but I had everything else she needed I kissed her and laid her down I went to her diaper bag and got her love daddy onsie I dressed her she was so fragile "Hello"a nurse said coming in "She's beautiful"she said "Thanks"I said "Name"she asked "I don't know" I said "Jelena Marie Drew Bieber" I said she typed "This her birth certificate" she said I nodded "she is 5 pounds and 8 ounces that's below birth weight considering she was a premature baby her parents" she asked "Mother"she asked "Selena Marie Gomez" I said she typed "Father" she asked I started to wonder where is he "I'm here"I heard I looked to see Justin "Do you know the father"she asked "I'm the father Justin Drew Bieber"he said she nodded typing after getting situated I put her in the car seat he brung after getting ready he picked up her car seat we went to the car I got in as he put her in the car I wondered is we okay after getting to my house I went in with her everyone was here i heard Justin car leave I held my hand to my mouth to be silent she was sleep "I bought her a bed"Ashley said "Thanks" I said I took her upstairs to sleep I smiled at my daughter she was so cute I went downstairs to see every one else here "So how it feel to be a mom"my mom asked "It's wonderful" I said "Okey spill I know something wrong"Ashley said "I don't think Justin loves me anymore" I said "My poor baby"my mom said the door bell ring Francia answered the door "I just have this feeling something not right it's between us been distant with us lately" I said "Hello Selena"I seen pattie "Hi" I said tears came "Sorry" I said I got up I went upstairs I looked at my daughter "The night you was conceived I told you're father I wanted to spend forever with him now forever seems like it's falling apart" I said there was a knock "Hey"pattie said I looked at her "he cheated Didn't he" i said she held my hand "I'm on your side in this" She said tears came to my eyes she rubbed my back "Its Gonna be alright"she said I nodded I picked Jelena up and went downstairs everyone adored her she woke up she looked just like him and me she smiled at me I laughed she was so adorable "You don't need him you have us"pattie said I nodded "no I have you guys to support me but I'm depending on myself I got myself in this I'm gonna be the bigger person and deal with the outcome she's my love all my focus going to her and my career" I said after everyone left to they life I got a call "Open the door"I heard Justin say I went to open the door I seen he came with baby stuff "Here's her a rocker a swing and more clothes" he said he had lips out to kiss me but I put her on his lips then walked away I went to the kitchen getting her bottle warming it up I fed her "Selena"he said I looked at him "Are you gonna fix that" I said he looked at it "Yea" he said he got the screwdriver and sat down on the floor "Was she good" I asked "What"he said "Was she worth it"I said tears fell out my eye "I know who and what you did with her" I said "I mean you left me in the hospital alone then when it's time to go you was almost a hour late picking us up "You having sex with Hailey" I said I seen Jelena sleep I took her upstairs after putting her in the crib I went back downstairs "Tell me I'm lying" I said he just looked at me and continued to fix the toys "That morning that I called you was she there" I asked "No"he said "Before I can say I i love you you hung up" I said "Because the guys was there"he said "Guys my ass they all know you was a fan of me so don't sit here trying to act like you didn't wanna say it" I said I went to the kitchen getting water then I thought About what pattie said I got so mad all over again I threw the cup toward him it smashed against the wall "You lying son of bitch" I yelled he got up I started hitting him "your mom confirmed it" I said "My mom"he said "Yes your mom" I yelled "after I gave birth and slipped into the coma you left" I said "We had our premature baby something could've happened to her or to me but all you did was leave to wstick your dick in that bitch" I yelled "Yes I had sex with her but I don't love her"he said Yelled "Oh my god" I said "We are so over"I said I went upstairs crying "baby"he said he pulled me into him "Get off me" I said but he held me I cried soon I fell asleep crying
Justin Bieber
I seen Selena go to sleep I laid her down and went to the baby room she was adorable I then went to finish fixing the swing and stuff after I was done I went back upstairs I took my pants off and laid there my phone beeped I seen a message I seen Hailey name she sent a picture of herself in lingerie I smiled but I seen Selena sleeping I saved the picture and cuddled with Selena I wasn't leaving her my phone vibrated again I seen Hailey calling "when I sent you a picture that means come over"she said "I'm with my family" I said "Oh boo who you guys not even married"she said then she stopped talking then hung up I laid with Selena and went to sleep I got up because I heard the baby cry I went to her room I changed her diaper and fed her she soon fell back to sleep I went to lay down but the door was locked "Babe" I said "Go to hell"she said "Can I least get my phone" I said the door unlocked she held the phone up "Is this why you want the phone"she added showing me the pic Hailey just sent Selena then she threw my phone "Get the hell out my house"she yelled then slammed the door locking it I got my phone it was cracked for sure "I need my pants" I said "There's some in the laundry room get out"she yelled "My shoes" I said she opened the door and threw them at me then locked the door back "I'll be over tomorrow to see Jelena"I said "Fine I don't care"she said I left i went home I seen my mom sitting there "Mom" I said "How could you"she said "What" I said "Selena had just gave birth to a premature baby and fell into the coma she could have died you left her just laying there"she said "I called you when she woke up 3 hours later you said you was at home it took you almost three hours to get to the hospital and you changed clothes I knew you cheated on her I came here the patio was unlocked like it was today I seen Alec Baldwin niece in your bed naked" she said "Okay yea she was in my bed naked but mom it's my business" I said "When you have a premature daughter and a girlfriend whose in a coma that's your business son not some other women"she said "I taught you right from wrong why did you sleep with her" she said "Because I wanted to Selena cut me off so on my birthday so I took the chance" I said "and what did it get you"she said she was right I sighed "She threw my phone and kicked me out" I said "I don't blame her"Mom said "I'll see you later figure out what you want and stop playing with people emotions"she said and left I went to my room and laid there

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