Chapter 7

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Selena Gomez
Last night dinner was fun I really enjoyed Justin company I mean being his date was wonderful but it's been a while since I been out on a date the last boyfriend I had was nick Jonas the famous Disney Jonas brother I'm glad I walked to Justin door step some months ago we wasn't officially dating or boyfriend and girlfriend just two people who likes each other and kisses a lot he makes my blush and I make him blush he doesn't see me as the infamous Selena Marie Gomez anymore it's more then that now I think he likes me too we're friends of course he likes me I'm the girl of his dreams right now I was in my room painting my nails listening to The Weeknd new music there was a knock at my door "Come in"I said "Hi Selena"Justin said "Hi what's up" I said "I was wondering when will I meet scooter"he asked "You don't like spending time with me" I joked"I do it's just that I wanna make music and be in the studio now"He said "I was going to take you to meet him Wednesday but if you want to meet him now I can have my friend Alfredo meet us there"I said "I want to now so I can enjoy the rest of the trip with you"He said I smiled "Okay then" I said after letting my hands and feet dry I took him to island def jam records "Stay by me they have highly strict security" I said he nodded I seen Alfredo waiting for me "Alfredo Flores" I said hugging him "Ah Selena Gomez I haven't seen you in a while"he said "Yea I know something was keep pulling me back to Toronto" I said "I see you brung back a person"He said "Oh gosh where's my manners Justin this Alfredo Alfredo Justin" I said they shook hands "Lakers or Miami heats"Justin asked him "Who's ever playing for the night"Alfredo said Justin smiled "My man that's what's up fav number "Justin said "6"they both said at the same time "My favorite is 9" I said "So what do you do here Alfredo"Justin asked "I take pictures for the cover albums and and I direct videos"He said Justin nodded "So shall we meet scooter"Justin said "Yea come on" I said we all three went to his office I knocked on the door he looked up "Alright stay here for a minute he might not remember you since it's been years he last seen you" I said "What"Alfredo said "He offered Justin a deal and his mom didn't take it"I said he nodded scooter came out he looked at Justin and only Justin "Do your mom know you here"He asked Justin "Well I guess he do still remember Justin" I said "Yes she wasn't to fond at first but decided I should come have fun"Justin said scooter nodded "she also wants to make sure I have the best lawyer but that's one thing we can't afford"Justin said "That's no problem Justin I got you I told her that"scooter said "Well I'll be back at 7 I have to talk to my mom"I said "Okay"Justin said I kissed his cheek he smiled I left out

Justin Bieber
"she's a keeper"Scooter said I nodded "She Sure is"I said he nodded "Okay let's get to business"He said I nodded "So I want to manage your career are you up for it" He said "yes but I really want to see what the studio looks like"I said he nodded we went in

Justin Bieber "she's a keeper"Scooter said I nodded "She Sure is"I said he nodded "Okay let's get to business"He said I nodded "So I want to manage your career are you up for it" He said "yes but I really want to see what the studio looks like"I s...

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(this picture was taking in 2013 I believe for the Lolly song I believe that's how Justin dressed in 2013)

"Wow"I said "Yea it's cool"He said we got to talking about what all I need to get started on my career he said I would need to move to California about a month or two but not right now I should take it all in I went into the booth i recorded my first song (I know Justin started at 13 but this my book don't judge it)
I was going recording while playing the guitar

I looked up to see Selena standing there I felt nervous now she was watching me sing she smiled after I walked out the booth she didn't say anything "So um same thing tomorrow 3:30"Scooter said "Yea"I said me and Selena left we got to her place "Selena about the song I hope you didn't think it was about you" I said "Um no it's okay I mean why would it be"She said she went to the kitchen getting her food ingredients out I noticed that about Selena when she's upset she do stuff to take her mind off the pain I went to her she was cutting a salad up I turned her face to look at me "I was a jerk to say that I'm sorry it is about you I just don't want to weird you out and I get kicked out"I said she smiled "You can never be kicked out Justin"She said she turned around and kissed me this kissing thing is getting out of hand with us but I Like her she's starting to like me so why not go for it she turned back to continue cutting her salad "Want some"She asked "I am starving yes"I said she nodded after she fixed the salad after we ate salad and with fish fries for dinner after that I went to my room and laid there thinking I got up and went to Selena room "Hey Selena May I get Alfredo number"I said "Sure"She said she gave me Alfredo numbers I walked out going downstairs into the kitchen I called Alfredo "Can you come give me a ride this is Justin"I asked "Sure"he said "Okay"I said we hung up soon I got dressed and he came we left "So what's up"He asked "I need you to take me to the flower store"I said he nodded soon I remember my dad credit card info I then went into the flower store and bought Selena favorite yellow roses and yellow flowers and yellow daisies with a card and bear and chocolate I had him take me to the Jared an get a necklace after I was finished I went back to Selena place my dad always said to wow a girl is to wow her so I am I stuck the necklace in my pocket and went in I went to the kitchen and made Selena favorite but she had all kind of favorite foods and snacks she was a girl who loves to eat then I went into her pantry and got all her favorite and made a verity of stuff the door bell rung "I got it"I said "Okay"She said from upstairs I then got the flower people bringing the flowers and roses and daisies I had to asked Alfredo about the address because I didn't remember it I just got here for god sake I ran to My guess room with everything with out selena seeing me then I shut the door I set the rose petals on the bed and put "I love you" "Justin"I heard "Hold on"I said I left out my room and met Selena outside the door "Yes"I said "Who was that at the door" she asked "that was a guy he was sending me something"I said "I have camera's you do know I saw the flowers roses and daisies and they where all yellow"she said "yea they was"I said "Someone like yellow you know"She asked "Maybe It depends"I said "Okay" She said she then walked off i went back in my room shutting the door close once I finished the surprise and ran downstairs getting the finish touches the snacks then went back upstairs then went in my room I shut the door I seen selena laying there hugging the bear "You know if you wanna surprise someone gotta make sure they not in the house to ruin the surprise babe"She said and kissed my cheek she took the tray of snacks and bear walked back in "Oh and I love you too"She said then walked back out but she came back and dug In my pocket "Sorry I felt it when I kissed your cheek"She said she opened it "I used my dad card to do all this"I said "I'm pretty sure when I get back to Canada I'm gonna get an ear full and I'm not getting that iPhone for my birthday"I said "How about I help get the iPhone and you just get your music on the charts and the first stack of money you get will go to father for using his card without permission"she said I nodded "But don't I have to pay for my studio session"I asked "we don't pay for the first studio session but the second session you have to pay for it but since you don't have money yet they will take it out of the company money until after you sell your first record then when you go back into the booth after singing in saying that you using a recording booth then that's when they take money out your savings that your made for that record so make sure you save some to pay for your recording sessions"She said "Every company does it and when you sold your albums oh baby that's when the real money rolls in but be Careful watch out get a good lawyer and a good team but I trust Scooter you should too"She said I nodded she walked out I smiled I laid there i got up and cleaned my bed off and laid back down but I couldn't sleep I got up and went to Selena room I knocked "It's open"She said I opened her door to see her eating her snacks "Thanks for putting this together I never thought about doing this everything on one tray"She said eating a pickle "You welcome"I said "So Selena did you like the necklace"I asked "Yes I love it I can also take it off the necklace and put it on my finger"she said "That's because it's promise ring Selena Marie Gomez I promise to never hurt you I will always love you I wanna be the man you can cry to and hug at night the bear I got you when I'm not here I want you to squeeze it real tight when I'm on tour or back at home I love you and I meant it selena i Love you"I said she started crying "Oh my god I never knew what it felt like Nick hurt me so much I always blocked it out so much"She said "And that's why I'm here to help you over come that fear of feeling loved"I said she nodded I laid in her bed she cuddled into me "Look at me"I said she looked at me I wiped her tears "You so beautiful" I said kissing her nose she laughed then kissed me I kissed her back soon we went to sleep

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