Chapter 42

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Selena Gomez
It's been 6 months since I been in rehab and I got out on good behavior I smiled as I was free but now I had to go home and take a shower and eat better food then what they had cooked after my friend came and got me I went home then I grabbed my laptop and FaceTime Justin "Where is the kids" I asked "They're with my mom" he said "okay that's fine" I said then hung up then a hour went by there was a ring at the doorbell I was confused soon I seen Hailey at my door she came in she had a belly then sat crying "Are you okay" I asked "No I'm not fine" she said "My husband is in love with you" she said "Everything he do is Selena related and it's getting on my nerves" she said "Every time we have sex he thinks of you"she said "Wait how did you know I was home" I asked "I'm logged into Justin iCloud on my iPad"she said "You FaceTimed my man" she said "Yea because we have two kids together" I said "I see you pregnant" she said "um yea" I said "He came to see you" she said I nodded "Yea" I said "You know the crazy thing about it is he asked me did I want to do something crazy and I asked like what he said let's get married I wasn't thinking about marriage but I love him so much and want to be with him but all he see is Selena Gomez" she said "I can't win" she said "I'm getting an abortion" she said "I can't lose my figure"she said "If you do he won't forgive you for it" I said "I tried to abort" I said "But once I realized I'll lose him because of it I decided not too" I said "Well I'm not you and he already told the world it's my decision to do want a baby or not" she said "don't abort the baby Hailey" I said "If anything let me keep the baby" I said "so you get my husband and our child" she said "You just said you getting an abortion" I said "Yea and that's my final decision Justin don't love me he wants you and I'll be damn if you get him and the baby too" she said then she opened the door to leave but Justin stood there "Of course you would"she said "Justin why are you here" I said "We both know why we here"he said "You should stay with Hailey" I said "And at that she's pregnant" I said "Yea I know she is"he said "She can focus on the baby while I play daddy and boyfriend with us"he said she slapped him she left out crying he sat on the couch and turned the channel on my tv "No sir you will not" I said taking the remote "what the hell Selena" he said as I turned the tv off "She's going to get a an abortion" I said "She loves me too much to do that"he said "yea Justin she loves you" I said "Okay I'll deal with her when I get home" he said he walked up to me "But for now it's us time" he said "Justin" I said but he got on his knees and pulled my underwear down "no I can't stop it" I said "Shhh" he said he then pushed me to the couch and lifted my leg "Oh" I moaned "We always find ourselves in this situations" I said trying not to moan "Moan my name baby" he said and went back to my vag I couldn't hold it in I let it out my eyes rolled he gripped my boob "mmmmmmmJustin" I said soon I splashed on him "Oh my gosh" I said he then got up and unbuttoned his pants he entered me and let's just say it was like heaven my orgasm plus the sex and the baby was everything I didn't want but need after I did a blow job after we laid out on the couch "that is the Fucking last time I'll ever do that" I said I grabbed his shirt that was on the floor he grabbed my ass as I bent to get his shirt he then sat me in his lap he kissed me "Justin go home to your wife" I said he stood up and carried me upstairs he sat me on the bed he kissed me "I'll be back baby" he said then left out he walked back in with my clothes and sat them in a chair then he came and kissed me "I'll be back tomorrow I'll tell my mom to bring you the kids" he said I nodded he left out I took me a nap after I woke up going downstairs I seen Raquel and treasa "Selena"Requel said she came and hugged me "Wow"she said poking my belly "Yea" I said the front door opened I seen Justin with the kids he came to me and kissed me "I sat and talked to Hailey" he said "I'll still be married to her and in return she keeps the baby" he said "Okay" I said "And I get you on Wednesday Friday and Saturday" he said "Wow so we shareing now" I Asked "Yea she's wants me and I want you do you want me" he Asked "No" I said "What why not I finally have her on board"he said "because you lied to me" I said "What did I lie about now"he asked "when You were kicking her out and moving me in you told me her and her dad made you marry her made you sign a damn contract but in reality you asked her to marry you because I remember how I found out you called me I was busy so I guess you called her and invited her over and married her right then and there" I said then pushed him "yes you're right I did ask her marry me"he said I rolled my eyes "Don't do that your eyes go be stuck like that"he said I went to the kitchen "I'll put the kids to bed"he said I didn't say anything I sat there silent tears came out my eyes I grabbed the bread and a spoon and the meat and cheese out the fridge "You should go " Raquel said "I'll be back" he said "I'm ready" I said "Ready for what"treasa asked "the song release" I said "Maybe he'll take the hint that way" I said after eating I went to my room then I thought of Justin and I don't know what came over me but I grabbed my vibrator and went to it "Justin baby"I whispered as I felt myself up after I went to sleep

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