Chapter 18

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Selena Gomezt
It's been 5 months since I was in Texas now I'm here in California doing maternity photos I was 5 months pregnant I was glad my baby was growing healthy I had no worries after the photoshoot I went to the dressing room I called Justin no one picked up I left it alone he probably working in the studio I got dressed and went to Raquelle house after picking her up we got Ashley "So were are we eating for dinner"Ashley said "I'm thinking pasta" I said "Is Theresa meeting us"Raquelle asked "We can pick her up"I said after we went to get her and Courtney we got to the restaurant we went in and sat down we laughed talked and had fun "Selena isn't that your boyfriend"I heard I looked to see Justin but he wasn't alone he was with her

I was livid mad pissed off My pulse rosed my fist balled up mad as hell I heard a crash sound as I stared at them "Oh my gosh" I heard I looked Ashley grabbed napkins and Raquelle ran to get help I looked at my hand was bloody I broken the glassi ...

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I was livid mad pissed off My pulse rosed my fist balled up mad as hell I heard a crash sound as I stared at them "Oh my gosh" I heard I looked Ashley grabbed napkins and Raquelle ran to get help I looked at my hand was bloody I broken the glassi was holding felt stares on me I looked at everyone was looking at me but I seen Justin he looked right at me then put his head down "Here Selena"Raquelle said "Can we just go"I said getting more angry and upset on the verge of tears "Sure after I wrap this up"she said after getting home they decided to stay with me tonight I went to my room and cried alone I'm here 5 months there was a knock "He's outside"Ashley said "Fine" I said I got my house shoes and went outside "Baby"he said "Don't baby me" I said "The fact that you was with her after you said you wouldn't look at her again" I said "Selena babe she texted scooter and said she wanted to meet me"he said "Meet you" I said "Right" I said "You want her go get her I'm done" I said about to go in "Babe"he said grabbing my arm he pulled me into him "Ow" I said he then grabbed my injured hand and kissed it he got on one knee and pulled out a ring "Selena baby I can't be without I remember that day we was in my car alone with you and you said you want to spend forever with me baby I want to make that happen and we have a baby coming I don't want my baby in life situations like we were"he said "I wanna marry you someday sel"he said "and What if I don't" I said he looked at me "Then I'll wait"he said I started crying "you said you loved me" I said "I do love you" He said "So why was you with her" I asked "Because she wanted to talk"he said he pulled out his phone and pressed something "Hey Justin it's Hailey from the restaurant we bumped into each other I wanted to know if you wanna grab dinner"The message said "Baby I never attended to see her but scooter said it was good press"he said "God" I said "I love you baby" He said he came to me he kissed me "I would never hurt you on purpose"he said "You all I dream of hell I dreamed about having you and now I do you not leaving me baby"he said he picked me up and sat me on the car and kissed me he looked in my eyes "You are so beautiful to me"he sang I smiled "Come" I said we went to my room and cuddled I went straight to sleep in his arms
Justin Bieber
I woke up before Selena I went to Cook breakfast "Life is so unpredictable never thought a love like yours would leave me all alone" I sang I smiled "men are so Pathetic"I heard I seen four girls sitting at the island "Selena might be vulnerable to the little cheating game but we saw you with her"a girl said "that didn't look like a friendly dinner"another said "That girl wants to fuck you"she said "And if you gonna be loyal to Selena no seeing her"the other said "okay" I said "Hey babe"Selena said we kissed "How is my babies" I said "The baby doing great"she said "Good because I cooked mommy a healthy meal" I said "I wish she'll stay in bed for it but that's okay" I said she sat down and ate "I'm going home to get changed" I said "Okey"she said I left I went home and called a restaurant I booked us a dinner then I rented out the movie theater for us after I did that I called Selena "Hey" I said "Hey"she said "what are you doing tonight" I asked "well I was thinking about having a girls night with the girls" she said "do that tomorrow night I booked us dinner and a movie" I said "I wanna make it up to you plus we never been On a real date"I said "okay Fine" She said "I'll be around 7 to get you" I said "Okey"she said "Love you" I said "Love you"she said we hung up I went to get dressed I then went to Selena house she was just coming outside "sorry I was getting something out my car" she said then opened her car door and reached in and grabbed something "Here it go"she said she had a pencil in her hand she then put it under her eye then went inside "Babe are you ready"I asked "Just one sec"she said running upstairs "Careful you caring my seed in there" I said "Shut up"she said laughing after she came down with her shoes

I was livid mad pissed off My pulse rosed my fist balled up mad as hell I heard a crash sound as I stared at them "Oh my gosh" I heard I looked Ashley grabbed napkins and Raquelle ran to get help I looked at my hand was bloody I broken the glassi ...

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"Damn I said "Stop looking at me like that"she said "Like what" I said "You know"she said "I'm ready"she said we got in the car and went to the restaurant we got there we ordered drinks "So if we make it through this pregnancy what will you name our baby I'm thinking something like Justin or Austin as a guy name" I asked "I don't know haven't thought of it"she said "I guess I'm waiting till after like when she comes I'll name the baby" she said "Have you seen the sex yet" I asked "no I go tomorrow"she said I nodded "Well I'll be there" I said "Good" she said I signed "Babe" I said she played with her drink then looked at me "Are you still in love with me" I asked "Yes justin I fell In love with you and I'll do it all over if I wanted to I guess I'm just not in the mood tonight" she said the waiter came "Can we get our food to go" I said she nodded after getting our food we sat in the car for A second she started crying "I don't know what to do earlier I seen a women with her baby in the stroller I seen myself in her what if I don't make it" she said crying "Believe in Jesus and he'll make sure you are okay" I said hoping I can cheer her up she took a deep breath "When you said a dinner and movie I thought we was gonna watch movies while eating"she said "sorry should have thought about it" I said "So are you okay now" I asked "No"she said "But we should go"she said I nodded we got to our next date "Why are we at the arena" She asked "You'll see"I said we went in "Hey there" I said they guided us to the bleachers soon they started the movie titanic was playing "Leave us" I said the worker left "Selena babe" I said "Happy 7 months baby" I said "Wow thanks"she said "We met 10 months ago but started dating 6 months ago we are going to fast but slow but it's fine at our age to go fast because people go at they own speed I love you Selly bear" I said I kissed her head "I'm hungry" she said "Okey"I said laughing I went to get popcorn and food "Thanks" I said paying I went back to Selena she was watching the movie "Here you go" I said "Thanks can you bring me a pickle and a small cup"she asked "Uh Okey" I said I went to get the cup and pickle after I came back "Thank you"she said she pulled hot sauce out her bag she dug in the popcorn and put it in the cup then put hot sauce then squeezed pickle juice the she got something out her bag "Never be unprepared"She said she poured I guess was salt then she ate it "Want some"she asked "Naw I'll stick to my regular"I said she shrugged continued eating "Do almost every Texas girl Carry hot sauce"I asked "Maybe I don't know"she said after she was done we watched the movie soon Selena got distracted "Hey what if I"she said then whispered in my ear then my eyes lit up "Try"I said she nodded she leaned over and unbuckled my pants she whipped me out and rubbed soon she sat on my lap and entered herself on me she was bouncing I gripped her boobs "Mmmm"she said after she got up and sat down pulling her pants up she bent over and sucked me "Oh yea" I said after that we didn't finish the movie we went to my place and continued

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