Chapter 43

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Justin Bieber

I was shopping with Hailey and Alfredo I seen some of Selena favorite things then get a basket aside then we got home I put everything Selena likes into the basket after I drove to her house I rung the doorbell but my phone beeped I seen a new YouTube video from Selena Gomez I unlocked the door with the extra key she gave me then I went in I heard crying I grew confused I went upstairs Jack was crying so loudly I went to Selena room I seen her passed out "Selena baby wake up" I carried her to the bathroom and turned the water on "What the hell" she screamed "What is going on" I said "Where's Jelena" she said trying to get up "Jelena" I said running around she then walked out the closet with Selena heels on I smiled I picked her up "Here she go" I said "She was trying on shoes" I said "why were you past out" I asked "I honestly cant remember" she said "Oh yea Jelena was trying to show me something but I tripped and fell hitting me head" she said "Yea I see a bruise do you need to see the doctor" I Asked "No I'm okay" she said"you fell baby plus you are pregnant we need to see if the baby is safe" I said "Can you get a doctor who can come here it's eŵwsounds embarrassing falling" she said "Yea let's get you to bed" I said "Jack needs me" she said "I got him and I'll call the doctor" I said I went to get Jack I then called the doctor he'll be here in 2 hours I took Jack to Selena I put Jelena on the bed and turned on the tv I went to YouTube and watched Selena video I looked at Selena as she watched the tv tears came to her eyes "Babe" I said she looked at me I held her hand "I'm sorry" I said I kissed Selena "Daddy"Jelena said "sorry pumpkin" I said "I need to get you a nanny" I said "No they my kids I can do it" she said "I know they your kids but baby I need you healthy" I said she pouted "Can I at least get like 4 hours to my kids alone" she said "Yea but remember baby you need to rest and need the help" I said she nodded we kissed "Kids who wants to make a fort" I said "I do"Jelena was trying to say "okay let's do it" I said after putting pillows on the ground and hanging covers everywhere we got under the fort "Here let's watch a movie" I said I grabbed my phone and went to get my projector and had it lit on the covers "Daddy we need snacks"Selena said "Okay" I said after getting snacks I went back in after watching kid movies Jack was sleep we took him to his room the door bell rung I went to answer the door I seen the doctor he came in "Hi I'm Dr.morris" he said I nodded I took him to Selena "Sorry we made a fort trying not to upset the kids" I said "it's understandable" he said "Hey Selena remember me" he said "Yes from the hospital"She said "I heard you fell I'm here to check on you and the baby"he said "Okey"she said "Okay let's check"he said after checking "She's okay and the baby is fine"he said "have her rest" he said I nodded after I walked him to the door I paid him thousand dollars and he nodded and left I went back upstairs I got a call "hello" I said "Mr.Bieber we have Mrs.Bieber here she needs a ride"they said "Sorry who this" I said "Planned parenthood"they said my eyes widened my heart was pumping fast "Sorry call her friend" I said I went into the restroom slamming the door tears came out my eyes I then punched the wall the door open Selena came in locking the door "Are you okay" she Asked "Justin" she said she bent down the best she could "What happened" she said "She did it" I said she signed but she got up and walked out she grabbed my phone and called them back "I'll get her" she said then left

Selena Gomez
I made it to the planned parenthood I went in I seen Hailey she was sitting there in a gown "Why would you do this" I said "Because I wanted to" she said "And besides you said you would"she said "Because I have lupus I could have died my baby could've died so yea I wanted to but I didn't because no Bieber or mallette believes in abortion I wanted her but I was scared so it almost happened but look my baby girl the one who calls you her step mom here and honestly she probably likes you more" I said "Justin is at home pissed off" I said she looked down "he probably gonna divorce me now"she said "All because you didn't want to lose your figure" I said "Let's go" I said I helped her we walked outside we seen Justin standing there "The kids in the car"he said "Let's go" I said he helped her in the car I followed them to they house I sat with her "I actually had to give up my third baby"I said she looked up at me tears came to my eyes "Kidney were failing and I got pregnant" I said "Look us both getting pregnant by the same guy" I said "Well was" I added "I just want a life with him" she said "I want to adopted a kid I don't want to push a kid out" she added "But he loves you more then me" she said "Let's make a deal" I said "deal" she Asked "Yea" I said "Saturday I get him" I said "we already talked though" she said "Do you really want me with him" I asked "No" she said "Me either Justin Bieber thinks he can get everything he wants" I said she smiled "Yea Fuck him" she said I laughed "We already did that" I said she laughed "My girls getting along"Justin said "get out" I said "Alright"he said leaving me and her laughed again "So the baby any names" she said "Rhode Bieber" I said she stopped smiling "Rhode" she asked "Yes" I said "Why I been nothing but mean to you" she said "Well because you are Justin wife and you just gave up a baby" I said "Yea for selfish reasons" she said "Your body your choice" I said  "Yea my body my choice" she said I nodded I got up "I'll be back" I said I walked out "I think I should head home" I said "Actually I prefer if you moved in"Justin said "What" I said "You two actually getting along"he said "Because she needed support today" I said I kissed his cheek "Tell her I had to go" I said I left out I went home and then went to sleep

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