Chapter 13

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September 29 2017
Selena Gomez
I was laying down in bed pattie left for work a hour ago me and Justin was sitting here his phone rung as we was watching tv I got up going to the kitchen I found the pots and started cooking after I was done I made Lasagna but I opened the garlic bottle and the smell of it I closed it and ran to the restroom I went and threw up breakfast "My gosh Its been two weeks already" I said I washed my mouth out and went to sit down "Something smells good in the kitchen"I heard I looked to see Justin dressed "Yea it's Lasagna I made"I said "Are you okay I can stay home"He said "I'm fine I just threw up but I'm great babe" I said "I think I am pregnant I smelled garlic and I immediately threw up"I said "I can stay home and not go out"He said "No I'm fine I have pattie when she gets here" I said he nodded "Okay I'll be back later on"He said I nodded I went to the restroom and looked at my stomach "Are you okay"I seen pattie "No I'm not"I said "I'm scared" I said "I can get the c-Section but I never had a kid I'm hardly around my sisters what if I'm not a good mother" I said "Stop Selena I promise you will be a good mother"she said "thanks for the confidence" I said "And you not the only one nervous this Justin first baby too"She said "But he had to practically raise his brother and sister because his father had to work a lot"I said she looked at me "What" I said "He didn't tell you" She asked "Tell me what" I said "Justin father has remarried twice first ex wife Erin are jazmyn and Jaxon mother not me beside lately they haven't been here when you been here you noticed"she said "No I didn't notice they wasn't here" I said "Besides the pregnancy issue and Justin AA Meetings and him trying to get meetings with Scooter down here in Canada I haven't noticed"I said she nodded "That's understanding"She said I nodded "We can go to the clinic"She said "No I can't I'm a celebrity and people talk" I said "And besides if I do go to a clinic I rather go with Justin for support" I said she nodded I walked away I went out and called a clinic "Choice in Health Clinic"the receptionist said soon hung up I turned to go in but I seen Alfredo there my eyes widen "You guys back already" I said "was that"He said "Can you just not please"I said "Fine"He said We went in Justin came downstairs "there she is" He said "Can we go somewhere right fast"He said I nodded he took my hand with the keys we went to a clinic "You're mom wanted to bring me but I told her I felt better with you with me" I said he nodded I put on sunglasses and a jacket "don't need the news knowing just yet" I said he nodded we went in I sighed in and sat down I sighed in with Justine don't need people knowing it's me soon we was called back I pissed in a cup and waited "Congratulates ms.Gomez"She said "Wait What" I said "Oh We understand why you didn't put your real name but congrats"she said "Are you planning on keeping the baby"She asked I didn't say anything so Justin said yes I was froze I was pregnant "Yay" I said with a mid fist pump after we left we got home I went upstairs and laid down the door opened and closed I felt the bed sinked I sighed "I talked to mom why didn't you talk to me about being scared I might have been there for jazzy and Jaxon but baby I'm scared too"he said I sat up "I don't know if I can do this"I said "We will get through this"he said then hugged me I gave a small smile "Come my mom cooked dinner"He said I nodded we went to the kitchen "Hey Selena I hear a congratulations is in order"Scooter said "Um yea thanks" I said "You don't sound too happy about it"He said "I have three loving kids that I would do anything for once you hold the baby nothing else matters" He said I sat and looked at him then walked out I sat on the couch and looked at the tv "You know nothing on there right"I heard I seen Usher "Oh my Fucking god" I yelled I went outside and sat there soon I seen Justin there in front of me "Baby" He said "It's gonna be okay" He said "Stop telling me that if I don't get the C-Section and I push I'm putting me and the baby in harms way hell I didn't even ask how many months I am" I said "You two or three weeks pregnant unless you lied about being a Virgin" He said "See this baby is getting to me" I said "What you need is a vacation to relax let's get away from my mom and Scooter And Alfredo" He said "Don't forget usher" I said he nodded "But where would we go" I said "We can go to Texas and I meet your family"he said "Right and my grandma try to baptized me again because she thought I lost my virginity when they met nick and I kissed him she threw holy water on us "Don't worry Selena you not showing you only two weeks you not showing we got this" He said "you better be right because I throw up and if they catch on you better be prepared" I said "Okey MOMMA"Justin yelled she came running "Is Selena and the baby okey"she said "They are fine we are thinking about going to Texas"He said "Scooter and usher came down here just for you and you gonna Leave"She said "Justin that's rude" She said "Oh right" He said he walked out then came back "it's settled baby we going to Texas"He said I smiled "Yay" I said I went to Justin room packing my clothes for the trip "Alfredo coming with us"He said "Why"I asked "Don't worry he staying at a hotel"he said "I guess" I said "Baby Are you okay"he asked "Yea I'm fine" I said "Okay we gonna have so much fun meeting your family"he said I smiled

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