Chapter 32

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Justin Bieber
It's Saturday and I was going to the hospital to get Selena when I got there her room was empty "Uh where Selena" I asked "um she left a while ago"the nurse said I nodded I went to the car I called Selena she didn't answer "Uh hi babe I came to pick you up but they said you already left give me a callback" I said into my phone then hung up I went to her house I rung the doorbell the door open to Francia face "What"She said "Is Selena here" I asked "No"she said "Who at the door" I heard I seen Selena behind francia "You just said she wasn't here" I said "Yea and you never told her you were seeing hailey"francia said "Okay I got it"Selena said she walked in and Selena came out shutting the door "Why did you leave the hospital I was worried" I said "Justin" she started "I cant do this"she said "Do what" I asked "This a relationship with you" she said "Why" I asked "Because ever time I look at you I think of how you left me in the hospital the first time remember I was in a coma and you left me to go have sex with someone else"She said "then two or three months later you married her leaving me with a child I had to take care of her myself" she said tears came to her eyes "I wrote perfect because when I lay on your chest I can see her doing the exact same thing when I kiss you it feel like she's kissing me too because her lips where on yours I can't deal with the cheating" she said "Selena baby" I said she cried "You promised me" she cried I hugged her I held her I picked her up taking her in and went to her room we laid in bed I kissed her and laid there I rubbed her face as she settled down "Shhh" I said "Where's Jelena" I asked "Sleep"she said I nodded Selena closed her eyes and softly started snoring I smiled at how cute she looked I went in her restroom and got undressed leaving my boxers on then I went back in bed I pulled her close and went to sleep

Selena Gomez
I woke up I looked it was Night outside I tried getting up but I couldn't I looked to see Justin arm I huffed and tried moving his arm bit his grip got tighter "Justin" I said he mumbled and put his face in my back "Can I get up I need to check on jelena" I said "She's with your mom"he mumbled "Ugh" I huffed he sat up and kissed me "Stop I'm mad at you" I said "come on Selly Bear"he said "Stop" I said he rubbed my stomach "Can you stop" I said he kissed my stomach where my marks were "I'm sorry" he said he kissed my thigh were that mark was "I know I promised and I'm such a dick for putting you through the pain but baby I want to make it up to you"he said I rolled my eyes "Yea right" I got up as he moved "I'll be back later I have to change" he said "Whatever please don't come back" I said he kissed my cheek and left I grabbed my phone and called my mom "Hello"she said "Hi how is jelena doing" I asked "Jelena she's with you isn't she"she asked I went to her room and she was rolled over on her stomach I smiled "She's here Justin said she was with you" I said "Yeah thats because he wanted you to himself do he realize it's not about just you too anymore" She said "And he cheated on you so why you believe him" she said "Because I still love him" I said "Selena"She said "I know mom you don't have to say it I know he cheated"I said "I just want you to be healthy and happy"she said "Me too" I said "I have to go Jelena needs me" I said "Okay" she said we hung up I grabbed jelena 11 month old body up I smiled as she was trying to suck her thumb I went downstairs and sat her in her little high chair I got her baby food and fed her she smiled at me as I did little playful tricks with the spoof after I cleaned her off then took her onesie off I have to remind myself to buy her more clothes she's growing bigger I smiled changing her diaper and picked her up we walked out I seen Justin sitting on my bed "Hey baby girl"he said he grabbed her from me as she smiled "You lied to me" I said "About what"he asked "You said she was with my mom" I said "well I'm sorry I wanted to cuddle more"he said "Justin we have two kids" I said "all my attention can't go all on you" I said I grabbed me some clothes and went to shower after I got out I seen jelena on the floor under her play mat and Justin was gone I picked her up and we went downstairs I seen Justin cooking "What are you doing you left her" I said "She alright"he said "You left her"I said "She's okay"he said "I already fed her" I said "Okay"he said but sat her in the high chair anyway he put food on the plates and sat them on the table we sat there "are We gonna visit our son today" I asked "Sure" he said I nodded "He need a name" I said "How about jack" He said "Jack drew Bieber after my dad his middle name is Jack" He said I nodded "Okay" I said we got ready and left jelena was screaming at the top of her lungs he stopped on the side of the roads and I got in the back with her I got her she rubbed her head on my chest "You hungry" I said I pulled my boob out and she ate after we stopped at the hospital I got situated and went in we went to Jack "Hello" I said "How is he"Justin asked "He's doing fine today yesterday he was struggling"the nurse said "Struggling about what" I asked "he was having breathing problems but we got it under control"she said "okay that's awesome" I said "when will he be able to go home or go outside"I asked "Well he still a premature baby his body isn't getting the nutritious he needs he's getting some but not all"she said "He's a month old I'll say when he gets about 2 months or three then we can see about taking the machine off but now it's best to keep him on it"she said "Okay"Justin said "I'm sorry you guys where hoping to take him home but it's gonna be a long process to have him gain the nutritious he needs"she said i nodded "Thanks for the update" I said after visiting Jack we went home I seen a car parked we went in I seen Hailey "What are you doing here"Justin asked "You Don't get to ask me questions"she said "Let's go" she said I took Jelena upstairs "No" I heard him say "I want a divorce" he said I heard her slap him "I'm not going anywhere get your ass in the car Justin" she yelled I put Jelena in her bed as she slept i went downstairs "It's best if y'all leave my baby trying to sleep"I said "Who gives a shit about that damn baby"Hailey yelled soon Justin slapped her my eyes widen "Get the hell out"he said she grabbed her purse and then grabbed my vase and threw it glass shattered everywhere soon Justin picked her up and threw her out she was kicking and screaming I heard crying I signed the door opened and closed Justin came in he had a blood on his face "You okay" I asked "She scratched me"he said "You slapped her" I said "She talked shit about my baby and she slapped me first"he said "So you hit her for it" I said "Can we not do this"he said "I want you out"I said "What" he said "Get out" I said "I just kicked her out for us and you tell me to get out"he said I heard a click I saw francia with a taser my eyes widen "She said leave"she said he nodded and walked out "Oh my gosh" I said "He hit her" I said "Yea well he need to cool down before trying to talk to you like that" She said I nodded "Thanks" I said she nodded I went to jelena and we watched tv till we fell asleep

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