Chapter 19

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Selena Gomez
I woke up the sun hit my face I heard someone "Good morning"Justin said "Morning" I said "here's breakfast" He said "
Thanks" I said he kissed me "what time is your appointment"he asked "about 2" I said he nodded after eating I went to the restroom and ran water "Can i join"he asked "I'm trying to get ready quickly" I said "Fine"he said "come here if you can behave then after the appointment I'll do it" I said "deal"he said we took a bath together "I want a girl"he said "It doesn't matter to me as long as my baby safe" I said we kissed after bathing we got ready to leave once there we went in and waited after signing in "Gomez"we heard we went to the aback "Hello I'm nurse Ross I'll be helping reading the sonogram"she said I nodded "here"she said "if you have on a wire bra take that off and put this on"she said I nodded after she walked out I got undressed and sat there "I wonder if I take some bandages would they notice"Justin said "Get out of the cabinets sit down"I said he came to me "I hope we have a girl"He said "I don't know my grandma said girls are a handful"I said "It depends"He said "I guess" I said there was a knock the doctor and nurse came in "Hello I'm doctor Sandra "she said "Hi"I said "Are you guys ready to see the bundle of joy"she asked "Sure" I said "okay I'm gonna lift this up"she said lifting my shirt I held justin hand she put gel on my stomach it was kinda cold and she rolled the stick around "Huh I don't hear a heartbeat" she said my heart started pounding soon she moved the stick some more and then We heard the sound tears came to my eyes "Okey now to See the sex"she said she moved the thing around some more "Congratulations it's a baby girl" she said "yes"Justin said I laughed as tears came "I'll go print these out congratulations you two"she said then walked out I sat up wiping my stomach than got dressed "She's gonna be cute" I said "Our little accident gonna be great"Justin said kissing me "Our accident" I said "Well I was a accident you was a accident but we turned out great so will she"he said "Miss.gomez here are your sonogram picture you get some and he get some"she said "Thanks" I said we left we went out to eat "You are my pregnant girlfriend and I love you so much and you are so damn sexy"he said "I wish I can rip that off you and bang you right here"he said "Shhh" I said we talked and ordered soon I seen a girl come over "Justin" I seen it was Hailey "Sorry Hailey I'm with my pregnant girlfriend" he said "Pregnant girlfriend"I mumbled "Hi I'm Hailey" She said holding her hand out I looked at her hand and continued eating "Okey well Justin I was wondering"she said but i slammed my fork hard on my plate "we are on a date" I said "Bye"she said leaving "My pregnant girlfriend" I said mocking him rolling my eyes "Oh my gosh it's Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber"I heard I looked to see a girl she came over "Can I get a picture with You two"she said "Sure" I said smiling but Justin sat there "Don't be rude" I said he got up we took the picture with her after our date he took me home I went in and sat down I took my shoes off and went to my room I seen a paper I looked at it "There's something on the patio" I read I went and there was my friends "Congratulations"they said I smiled "Wow a baby shower how did you guys know" I said "Someone called us"Theresa said soon justin came "I had to keep it a secret"He said kissing me I smiled "You planned this"I asked "Nope your friends did I just had to tell them the gender"he said I smiled "Well I'll leave you girls to it" He said he was about to leave "Wait" I said "I said if you behave" I said "we can Later go have fun"he said I smiled I kissed him and he left I went to have fun after the baby shower I got a lot of stuff for my baby "So when was baby girl conceived"Ashley asked "She was conceived I think in August or September 2017 I said "Where"they asked "In a car" I said "I wasn't planning on getting pregnant it just happened we didn't use protection so yea it happened" I said "Who the god mother"they asked "I think I'm gonna let my cousin gonna be the god mother" I said "You should do a raffle who ever win they be the god mother"Taylor said I nodded "Maybe" I said after we hung out I got me some clothes and went to Justin house I knocked on the door he answered with only a shirt on but I seen Hailey on the couch "Didn't he tell you I'm his girlfriend" I said about to jump her but he stopped me "Relax baby I made it clear to her that I don't want her"he said "fine" I said going upstairs after she left "Why do you keep hanging with her"I asked "She keep popping up"he said "Well tell the bitch to know her place" I said "Selena baby you are so sexy when you mad"he said he pulled me to the bed he hovered over me "And I'm lucky to have you baby" He said we kissed I smiled after sex we laid there "Maybe we shouldn't have sex until after I give birth" I said "um Yea okay"he said the tone in his voice changed but I ignored it I guess I was tired we laid there He rubbed my stomach I smiled as we kissed and went to sleep

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