Chapter 12

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Jeremy Bieber
I was with Chelsea at home when I got a call it was pattie house phone "Hello" I said "Um hey it's Selena"I heard "Hi" I said "Justin walked out the house upset said he was going to a friends house but we had a little disagreement on something he cried and now he said he going to his friends house but I really think he's going to get beer" She said "but then again his friends don't know about the meetings so they might buy it I'm guessing"She said "Stay there I'm coming"I said "Okay bye"She said "I have to go Justin needs me" I said she nodded I went to get Selena we went to almost every store and bar then she showed me a spot I waited in the car then she shook her head "Is there a place that you took him as a kid"she asked "he always at The Avon theater" I said she nodded we drove there soon we saw him sitting there drinking a bottle a whiskey with my guitar "Hey dad remember this song"he said as he hiccups he stood up but almost fell I caught him "Okay let's go"I said he pushed back "No I'm not going anywhere with you you didn't want me and she trying to kill my baby just like you left me"he yelled "We can go talk about this come on" I said "I want Mama"He cried he sat back in the step crying "Okay okay I'll get her"I said I went back to the car I looked at Selena "Are you really pregnant and getting a abortion" I asked "I don't know if I am and I said I'm just thinking about it"she said "Selena this family don't believe in abortions mines nor pattie family"I said she looked down I called pattie soon she came Justin ran up to her and hugged her the she smelled the alcohol "Justin Drew my god"she said we all convinced him to go home but he only went if he went with pattie and that was okay we all got there we all sat down soon Selena came in after seeing to Justin sleeping "So what was the big fuss"Pattie asked "Um I might be pregnant and I might have said I wanted a abortion"Selena said "Abortion"Pattie asked "Yea"Selena said "Now I can see if you a unfit parent and given your child to child protection services or you have a miscarriage but abortion Selena the Mallette's and Bieber's don't believe in abortion"pattie said "My mom aborted my sister it broke everyone heart when she did so yea no Bieber can abort because that's a life you carrying"I said "And I don't know if Justin told you or not but people begged me to abort him and I said no because he's my baby and I wasn't gonna be peer pressured into letting a little innocent baby die because I wanted to live life so I made the choice to keep thriving for him"pattie said "I had to do three Jobs to keep a roof over Justin head all you have to do is get on stage for a night or do a photo shoot once and twice a year for your child what's the worst that can happen"pattie said "She can die or the baby might die"We heard we looked to see Justin "What"pattie said "Selena tell them"He said "I have lupus"she said "it's only in woman though if I'm pregnant and I birth this baby by pushing I can die she or he can die or we both can die I'm scared and also I didn't want to ruin Justin career with a baby that's why I wanted the abortion but I understand"Selena said "You really need to stop drinking"Pattie told Justin "Yea I know mom I was very upset with the whole baby thing I have a lot going on mom"He said "That's what I'm here for Justin remember the doctor said it's always okay to speak your mind"she said "okay then Dad left us with nothing I was hoping He stayed gone the only time I'd see him was when he came to pick me up but mom you fell in love with him all over again then I thought about how you said he left you pregnant with me he never wanted me did he"Justin asked "Listen to me Justin Drew Bieber we was teenagers we were young and dumb and didn't use protection as some people mostly forget"Pattie said "Yea no kidding"Justin said "See you understand that part but we was still teenagers in high school your dad was just about to graduate I was in a grade lower then him but that's because I got expelled for lighting the school trash can on fire so yea I was held back a grade"Pattie said "So um Justin your dad wasn't particularly ready I wasn't either but I didn't have a choice"She said "But dad did"Justin said "Yea he did I went 9 months with you in my belly but after you was born two days after I brought you home he came knocking on my door he wanted to see you and only you but he promised me he wasn't leaving anymore"She said "But that was a lie"She said "You was 10 months and was with grandma and I was working then got home to rest a bit I seen a letter from Jeremy he had left again I was devastated but I had to show I'm happy for you I didn't want you knowing that because of how you are now"She said "Wow"Selena said "Men are cruel sometimes"she said "Why did you leave again"Justin asked me "Because like I said I was a coward and pathetic at the time and I was young and stupid for not being there for your mom I didn't know she was struggling this much" I said "Yes you did I sent letters"Justin said "Okay baby calm down you still a little hung over"Selena told Justin "I'm fine Selena"He said "No you not okay you literally threw up in the sink"She said "Ugh"Pattie said walking out I followed her "You okay" I said tears came to her eyes "I blame myself for everything that's happening to him" She said "You left me I wasn't good enough he wasn't good enough for you"After I calm her down and went home to Chelsea "How is he"She asked "He's damaged by the fact I left his mother pregnant with him and then she didn't get the contract signed when he was younger he's drinking it's bad he's going to AA meetings" I said she nodded "Well you should support him your his dad"She said "I will"I said she nodded we kissed then went to bed

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