Chapter 17

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Justin Bieber
I was finishing up using it when I was coming out the restroom I bumped into this girl she was beautiful but not as beautiful as Selena "Hi"she said smiling "Hailey" I heard "Sorry my dad calling me" she said about to walk away I stopped her "Justin, Justin Bieber"I said she smiled "The name Hailey Baldwin"She said I smiled as she walked away I went back to the table "Who was that"Alfredo asked "Nothing just a fan" I said he nodded "I'm not hungry anymore" I heard I looked to see Selena she pushed her plate and got up and walked off I got confused but maybe she wanted alone time I thought but she never came back I called her and texted her no reply after the tour I went so to Selena room I knocked hoping she'll let me in "Sorry Mr.Bieber Miss.gomez told the front desk to hold your bags"someone said "Um thanks" I said I went to get my bags I called Selena again she didn't answer "I'm sorry for whatever I did babe" I said leaving a voicemail I booked a room and wandered what went wrong I soon went to sleep thinking
Selena Gomez
I laid in bed thinking about what had happened he was flirting with her I could tell I looked at the time it was 11:02 pm I sighed I got up and went to the restroom looking at my belly tears came in my eyes I slid to the floor crying she was so skinny and perfect I couldn't control my hormones there was a knock I laid there but I heard harder banging I went to open the door to see Alfredo "Are you okay" He asked "I noticed what had happened"he said "She's nothing compared to you and I'm pretty sure he don't like her"he said "Do you know who she is she's Hailey Baldwin daughter of Steven Baldwin and niece of Alec Baldwin she's a model she can walk a runway without trying"I said crying "But he loves you he adores you"he said "Then how come he didn't try come find me" I said "I don't wanna be a single parent" I said "Okey then tell me this why did you walk away from the table"he asked "Because I'm pregnant the smell was getting to me" I said "And Justin luggage at the front desk and you moved hotels"he said "Okey fine I'm scared and I'm upset" I said "Upset about what that Justin said hey to one girl"he asked "She wasn't just any girl she comes from a famous family"I said "So you do too your mom is a producer and was your manager your step dad he got a company" he said "Trying to make me feel better" I said "Talk to him" he said "I'll think about it" I said he looked at me "How did you even find me" I asked "Let's see this hotel like literally five blocks from the other one I literally walked over here"he said "And at that I never seen miss.Gomez jealous till now"he said "I wasn't jealous" I said he looked at me "yea okay Sel" he said "Well I'll let you get some sleep but talk to him"he said and left I seen my phone ring I looked to see Justin calling I pressed end and laid down I went to sleep
-The morning-
I woke up I looked around then I went to the restroom then came out I seen Justin sitting there "Hey how did you find me" I said "Alfredo told me where to start"he said "Oh"was all I said "Selena yesterday I had no intentions on flirting with her"he said "So she just magically bumped into you and you looked at her what did you think huh 'She's beautiful" I said going to my phone as it rung "Hello" I said "Selena I been trying to call you" I heard "It's your grandma" I heard "What's going on is papa with nana now" I said "you should come to Texas"they said "Okay I'll be there" I said i hung up and got my luggage "so are we gonna continue this conversation"he said "Right now I need to see what's wrong with my grandma" I said "Okay and I'll be here when you done with family matters"He said I got my stuff and walked out "Selena I been dreaming about the day I have you in my arms I had you in my arms and I'm not letting go"he said I stopped "That's fine" I said I left I got on a plane and went to Texas I went to my dad house "Hey dad"I said "Selena we need to talk"he said I nodded we sat down "Selena grandma Maria is dying of breast cancer she's in stage 3 now she's about to go on four the more she in the hospital the more the bills pal up"he said I took my check book out "Dad why didn't you tell me" I said I hugged him "Of course I'll help out and I'll be here for the support" I said he smiled "This my family grandma went through so much to make all our life's better" I said "Where is grandma" I said "She's at chemotherapy right now"he said I nodded I went upstairs putting my bag down "Honey sel Someone here"I heard dad say I went to see I seen Justin "Why are you here" I asked "Because you seemed upset I'm not done with this conversation"he said "Selena doll is everything alright" I heard I seen grandma I went to her I started crying "Yes nana everything is okay"I said "Who this young gentleman"she asked This is my boyfriend Justin Bieber" I said "Ah he's pretty hot to me" She said "Yes I agree" I said she then went upstairs with the help of my cousin David helped her upstairs I went to the kitchen pulling stuff out to cook "I know you mad" I heard "Just cooking for my family" I said "And why did you follow me here you can be at the studio making music" I said "That can wait"he said "This couldn't wait"He added "I'm having a fucking family crisis here my grandma is sick I really don't have the time for Bieber world right now" I said "baby I'm just here to talk and support you" He said "You want to support me disappear till I freaking call you when I'm ready to talk" I said I got to cooking after I was finished I put it in the stove to cool off I went upstairs to chill with granny I walked in her room "Selly"she said "Come" she said she got something out her dresser it was a pants and clothes "What's this" I said "Maternity clothes" she said "Thanks grandma" I said "Anything for my granddaughter and great grandchild" she said I nodded "I know everything"she said poking my belly "Never go away I love you nanna" I said kissing her cheek "Food is done it's cooling off" I said she nodded I walked out and went to my room and put the clothes up in my luggage I went downstairs I seen Justin eating the food I cooked "Excuse me my dad and grandparents eats first" I said he looked at me "sorry babe"he said I walked out I went to the kitchen and started fixing plates "No" I heard I seen my aunt she came popping my hand "Ow"I said "Selena outside now" she said "You too"she told justin pushing us both out the door it was cold fuck Texas weather I felt a jacket go on me Justin sat down I sat by him "why did you look at her" I asked "Because she bumped into me"he said "Okay say sorry and keep going" I said "fine I thought she was beautiful but she's not beautiful like you"he said "I mean she had lip ejection done her nose was crooked one way eye looked like it was a lazy eye"he said "Oh so now we describing the bitch" I said getting up "Why she gotta be a bitch"he said "Oh you defending her now" I said "Stop okey I messed up I won't stare at another girl"he said "Fine" I said I got up "You look so damn sexy when you jealous"he said coming kissing me "Not at my dad house" I said I pushed the door nob but it was locked "Are you serious" I said soon the door open and I went in I sat on the couch after spending time with the family justin left out the door I followed him "Come to the hotel with me"he said "And what" I said "We can cuddle watch movies and talk"he said "Let me go get some clothes" I said he nodded I went in I grabbed some clothes and left out with Justin

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