Chapter 37

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Selena Gomez
it's been 3 months and I had another appointment with my doctor "Selena I see you tried to make a appointment 3 months ago"she asked "Yes" I said "What's wrong"she asked "Um I had sex" I said "Selena we talked about this"she said "I know sex not good with a bad kidney but as we were you know into it I started hurting" I said "Yes because sex is bad with a bad kidney"she said "Yea I know but when we did it sideways it felt good" I said "Okay" She said "to be sure I want to do a test" she said "Test" I asked "yes a Pregnancy test" She said "Oh I have two kids I would know if I was pregnant" I said "Every pregnancy is different Selena" she said "I'll be back in a second" she said I nodded after three minutes she came back with a cup with my name on it "You know where's the restroom is" she said I nodded I went to piss and went back to the room she then took the test "Um Selena"she said I looked at her "You are pregnant" she said "I'm sorry to say this but we have to terminate the pregnancy in order to save you"she said "How many months"I asked "Well you called three months ago so I'll say three months and 2 weeks pregnant" she said "Can I talk to my boyfriend about this" I asked "You can but your life is not at risk really at risk if you complete the pregnancy" she said I nodded after my appointment I went home Justin was on the floor sleep with the kids I smiled he opened his eyes to look at me then I just broke down crying he got up and came to me he held me as I cried "Hey look at me"he said "When they find out if francia a perfect donor we will be alright" He said "I'm pregnant" I said he looked at me he smiled then it faded "but your kidney"he said I nodded "Yea she wants to terminate the pregnancy" I said I started crying again "She said you have no say because if I go on carrying this baby I'm harming myself and I can die and I don't want you alone with three kids" I said "I know I hated when you tried giving up on jelena but there's a lot of sprem and only one you"he said I kissed him he kissed back "Let's save you" he said I nodded he kissed my head I called the clinic my doctor referred me to they got me in today later on and let me tell you I was upset and mad at myself because I let my feelings get so hurt from Justin cheating to Justin marrying Hailey it hurt me so much now I have kidney failure I then realized I'm like this because of Justin everything that happened to me lately been his fault I went to the room getting ready for my abortion I then called Pattie but she said Justin called her and he was on his way over to her house "Okay thanks" I said "I'm sorry Selena"she said "It's fine" I said I started crying "are you okay"she asked "No I'm not I'm like this because of Justin" I said I hung up and walked out the house I seen Justin standing there I tried going around him but he stood in front of me "I'm like this because of Justin" he said what I had said "yes Because it's true" I said "Really how" he asked "I don't have time to do this with you" I said  "yes You Do" he said I yanked my arm from him grip I went and sat in the car knowing Justin wanted to be there to see our baby die he got in the car we where soon off to the clinic Once there I had my glasses and hoodie on Justin did too we went in signed in and waited soon I went to the back Justin waited "Hello mrs.Gomez"the nurse said "Hi"I said "Are you ready"they asked "Wait" I said "I want my boyfriend" I said she nodded they went to get Justin soon I felt relaxed I held his hand after they took the baby out "Okay mrs.Gomez we are gonna sit you with the others who came in and give you some crackers and juice"the nurse said they wheeled me to a chair and sat me down Justin refused to leave my side he held my hand a nurse soon came with crackers and juice "Drink slowly"she said i nodded I can hardly hold the cup Justin held it for me when we got home Justin carried me to the bed I laid there "You want Dinner"He asked "Not at the moment" I said he nodded he came to the bed "What did you mean" he asked "Justin" I said "I want to know" he said "Justin you hurt me" I said he looked at me he laid beside me "when we were in that car on the lake I told you I wanted to be with you forever"I said tears "I'm really in love with you Justin" I said he looked at me "I love you too" he said "I'm just trying to wrap it around my head" I said "wrap what around your head"He asked "everything" I said "Like what" He asked "Justin you cheated on me then married the girl you cheated with all because I didn't want to have sex while pregnant"I said "And you left me in a hospital when I was in a coma your mother told me everything you did I can't believe that you did that not just to me but Jelena" I said I got out the bed I walked out the room going downstairs I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge I stood there thinking about everything i looked I saw Justin standing there "Why are you standing with the fridge open"he asked I slammed it Shut I went getting the bread making me a sandwich I grabbed everything I needed and after making my sandwich I ate it "I'm sorry" I heard I walked out the kitchen turning the tv on I seen blurriness I noticed that I was crying I just sat there "Yea I hurt you and I'm sorry" he said "Please" I said "what" he said "Justin please shut the hell up" I said I walked out the house I kept walking and walking I stopped I looked up I was at my parents house I went in "Selena honey"mom said I collapsed on the floor crying mom grabbed me hugging me "Look at me" she said I looked at her "What's going on" she said "I'm dying" I said "What"she said "I been stressing myself because he cheated and I took him back and I had a abortion today" I said "I'm so tired" I said then I fainted

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