Chapter 10

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September 13 2017
Selena Gomez
It was 9 in the morning Justin was woke sitting at his computer desk "Good morning sleeping beauty"He said he kissed me "I made you breakfast"He said "It's going to be eaten downstairs because those cover need washed"He said I nodded "I got up and went downstairs I see pattie Scooter And Alfredo "I noticed a shirt change"Alfredo said "Those was good old college days"He said "Sorry what"I said "When you have sex with a guy you wear his clothes the next day"he said "We didn't have sex"I said "Nope"Justin said "So oral and touch"Alfredo said "I'm eating"Scooter said we stayed quiet and ate soon Justin got ready for his meeting I got dressed and we all left pattie was waiting at the place with Justin dad "I had no idea you been drinking your life away"His dad said "Well if you payed more attention you would know"Justin said as he held my hand we went in and sat down soon two women came in they sat in front of me and Justin "Um who"they asked "She's my girlfriend if she have to leave then I leave"he said "Okay Justin so I hear you had more drinks"The lady asked "Yea I did"He said "in that moment how did you feel when you ordered them drinks"she asked him "I felt free"he said "Free"she asked "Like I didn't have this Weight I been carrying since I was 13 I have a second chance at it I don't wanna mess it up" He said "Really because ordering 13 cups of liquor tells me other wise"She said "May I add on the way here to Canada I checked his bag he had 20 beer cans"I said "Mr.Bieber do you wanna be put into rehab because that's where you headed"She said he had tears "I'm supposed to be a upcoming new artist"He said "Well stop drinking and focus on the music"she said "I'll try"he said "And besides you have a lovely girl who cares about you"She said I smiled after we all left we got back home Justin and his dad left to talk I sat with pattie and Scooter

Justin Bieber
Dad pulled me off somewhere in the house "Son I didn't realize how much I was hurting you I'm sorry I should've never said the things I said last night and I didn't realize she was here either I probably upset her also and I'm sorry forgive me I went home and I talked to Chelsea she said I should come back and talk to you because you are my first child and I shouldn't be talking to you like that after everything you going through I know you need me and I'm sorry I haven't been around much"He said "I told selena I was gonna pay you back after I get money from making music" I said "music"He said I nodded "Your mother told me you wanted to become a singer"he said "Yea Selena is a also singer And actress"I said "Yea I know you always talked about her"he said "Wouldn't Shut up about it" He said "So how did you meet her"He asked "She was trying to get away from the fame and her car battery died In front of the house plus her phone wasn't charged so she came knocking and asked me can she use the phone" I said "since then she's been popping up randomly in my life so we just decided to hangout and got to know each other and come to Fine out we are kinda similar" I said "How so"He said "Her parents had her at 16 got married then divorced while you got mom pregnant with me and left her pregnant but when I come oh you come wanna be daddy" I said "Yes I was wrong for leaving you're mother pregnant but we was young I was scared she was scared we was teens"He said "Yea" I said I walked out "Justin" he called I ignored him and went to Selena "Wanna go somewhere" I said "Before we do Scooter needs to talk to you"She said I nodded I kissed her going I the kitchen "Okay I have justin here" He said while on the phone then I seen a FaceTime call "Hey Justin my name is Ryan good here I have with me is usher Scooter told me you a big fan of him"He said "Yea I am"I said "Cool maybe we can meet when you come to la"he said "Will do"I said "Justin is kinda in a AA program so it's best if he say in Canada right now he have a meeting every Tuesday"Scooter said "oh well we can come out there to Canada"Ryan said "That would be great"Scooter said "bring everyone who will be on the team and I'll get hotel rooms situated for everyone"Scooter said "We can pay ourselves"Usher and Ryan said "No I insist"Scooter said "Okay"He  said they hung up "Okay we need a spot to do our meet"Scooter said "Canada have studios"Selena said "I always go to them when I'm town"She said I nodded "Do it have a conference room"Scooter asked "Yes"She said "Alfredo lets go check it out"he said "I'm coming too" I said we all left once there we went in it was comfy I liked it I went to Selena as she looked at the buttons on the panel "I always loved music but my mom wanted me to be a actor"she said I looked down "The whole barney show was her idea"She said "After she heard rumors the actor for barney was supposedly touching kids she took me off there and had me on spy kids for a small part I finished elementary school Then started Wizards of Waverly place they I wanted to audition because the lead actor gets to sing the theme song"she said "But that wasn't the first song I sung"She said "Cruella De Vil" I said "Wow"She said "What"I asked "Nothing"She said after the day we went back home Scooter And Alfredo went to the hotel mom went to work it was just me and Selena we cuddled watching tv in the living room "So Selena"I said "What"She said "wanna get out of here" I said "Where would we go" She said "Our place"I said "our place Justin we don't have a place"She said "Come" I said I got in my car and drove to the lake I Always go to no one never comes here I got out then went to Selena side and opened her door she got out "It's where we first kissed" she said "Yea our spot"I said she smiled I sat on the car and helped her up onto the car we laid there watching the stars she held my hand "Sel"I said "Yes"She said "When I went to Alfredo house I actually called you a bitch and I'm sorry for calling you that I was mad because you called my mom" I said she got up "And that's okay thanks for being honest"She said we kissed she got on top of me I unzipped her jacket her jacket hung half way off her I kissed her neck "Mmmm"She moaned she rose up "What" I said "There's a lake"She said "Yea so"I said she got off the car she took her shoes off then her pants and shirt she went to the car turning on the headlights and went to the lake she held her hair she was in the lake she turned and looked at me

Justin BieberDad pulled me off somewhere in the house "Son I didn't realize how much I was hurting you I'm sorry I should've never said the things I said last night and I didn't realize she was here either I probably upset her also and I'm sorry f...

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"what are you doing" I asked she ignored me and continued to swim I then got undressed and went in with her she then rose up in the water I held her she screamed I laughed "It's just me" I said "Don't do that Drew"She said "Sorry"I said she smiled and splashed me I splashed back she came to me and wrapped her leg around me and looked into my eyes and kissed me

"what are you doing" I asked she ignored me and continued to swim I then got undressed and went in with her she then rose up in the water I held her she screamed I laughed "It's just me" I said "Don't do that Drew"She said "Sorry"I said she smiled...

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And I kissed back I felt my manhood poking her "Hold on"I said "This water is cold"I said "So"she said she took her top off along with her underwear "Um" I said she then pulled me out "Not here" I said "Let's get to the car" I said she nodded I grabbed her bra and underwear we swim to shore got in the car and she got in my lap

And I kissed back I felt my manhood poking her "Hold on"I said "This water is cold"I said "So"she said she took her top off along with her underwear "Um" I said she then pulled me out "Not here" I said "Let's get to the car" I said she nodded I gr...

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"Are you sure about this" I said she nodded "But it's only the second day" I said "I don't care I want you forever"She said we stayed there and had sex

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