Chapter 6

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Jeremy Bieber
I was at work my phone rung "I'm at work What is it" I said "Justin is on his way to you he's angry"Pattie said "Why"I said "Because I might have asked him about siblings and he got mad so he's on his way"He said "God damit pat why do you keep talking about our business with him his the kid in the situation we are his parents" I said "I know but he's my only kid so I tell him everything"She said I sighed "I guess Pattie" I said "Jeremy is busy" I heard "He's here I'll call you back" I said "Jen let him in" I said he came in he shut the door "What the hell dad" He yelled "I know Pattie called me and Can we go somewhere and discuss this privately" I said "No dad we talking right here what's wrong don't want them knowing your secret"he said "It's not there business and not yours either what me and your mother do is our business"I said "Oh right yea my decisions don't fucking matter
you left us but now you back for what making sure Mom don't tell the truth about you in her book"He said "I left because I wasn't ready I was too young but I came back the day you're mom texted me and said she was home from the hospital when I looked and picked you up for the first time I cried you were my first and only kid at the time"I said "You came back after I was born then left again when I was ten months old"he yelled "now she talking about having kids with you again for you can do it all over again"He asked "Do us both a favor and just go"He said tears came to his eyes "I know you was there but you left her alone to rasie me all by her self I don't want to see that for another kid even Jazmyn and Jaxon went through it you always do that right so do us all a favor and leave"He said "Justin"I said he walked out I sat in my chair thinking he had a point I grabbed my phone and dialed Erin number

Justin Bieber
I was heated from yelling at dad I didn't want to go home I sat alone at my favorite sight by the lake I threw rocks in the river drinking a beer I heard steps I looked to see Selena standing there "Your mother said you would be out here"She said "Yea" I said "Justin I'm sorry about what happened I shouldn't have asked you that you don't have to pretend to be anything just for fame that was my manager stupid idea" She said "It's Whatever I'm not going anymore" I said "I was right my parents are dating she's talking about having kids with dad again what if he does it all over again he did it to me to Jazzy and to Jaxon it's not fair he left us" I said throwing a rock in anger into the river I turned to Selena she just stood there "He left her pregnant but when I was born he came back she let him come back then only for to for him to leave w when I was ten months all he did was be there for me she raised me all by herself works two hard jobs while he became a successful business in architect now he's back she wants a baby I'm scared what if she do have a baby how will that baby life turn out what if he leaves again"I said she hugged me "Everything will be fine"She said "She making a book about her life and we was the only good thing that happened" I said "No you the only good thing that happened he's a coward to leave you and her like that when you guys needed him the most"she said she looked into my eyes she smiled our forheads touched "Don't let this ruin your chance on becoming who you want to be"She said "Who am I"I asked "As far as I know your Justin Bieber a great guy with a beautiful voice that will kill an audience"she said she leaned in I did to we kissed after we kissed we pulled away "No camera around thank god"She said "Yea" I said "So you wanna go on a date" I asked "I have to go back to California today actually they moved up the date"She said "I hope I see you with your parents tomorrow or whenever they come to California"she said "I don't know I practically went to my dad office yelling at him I don't know if he's going now" I said she nodded "Well I see you when I come back to Canada then" She said "Alright" I said her phone went off "Yea I was with Justin no I lost security yea I know it's dangerous and I don't care"She said rolling her eyes "Alright bye" She said hanging up "I have to stay with you till they come get me"She said "We can go to my house" I said "Okay" She said "How did you get here" I asked "My friend dropped my off"She said "Oh"I said we got in my car I smiled we got my house we went in "Justin Drew Bieber"I heard "What"I asked "Don't what me I told you not to go to mess with your dad"Mom said "Well I'm sorry Mom he needed to hear it" I said "I need that money for my book" She said "What about the rent and the food"I said "that's why I work" She said "Mom I could have did that" I said "I said I didn't want you working"she said "Why I'm old enough" I asked "Because I said so"She said "okay fine can I go to California with Selena for a week I'll be back"I said "Justin baby I don't think it's safe plus you don't have a green card to go across the border" she said "And you will need a visa"She said "I can help him with that"We heard "Yea please Mom" I said "Why do you need to get to California so bad"Mom asked "Because scooter might give me a second chance please Mom" I said she huffed "You better help my son get a good lawyer and everything he needs over there for this music trip and I want to know every detail"Mom said "Thanks Mom come with me" I said "I don't know the bills have to be paid"She said "I can pay them"Selena said "No"Mom said "You kids go have fun"She said "Are you sure Mom" I asked "Yea"she said "Okay" I said I went getting my suitcase and my clothes after I went downstairs "Make sure to call everyday"Mom said "I will Thanks" I said "Bye and come back in one peace"She said I nodded Selena phone rung "Hello"Sh said "Yeah Okay" She said "Come on Justin"Selena said we Walked out I seen dad pulling up "Hold up where you going"He said "To California with Selena" I said "Me and you and Pattie need to talk"He said "Well I'm going to California with Selena"I said "No you not"He said "Yes I am" I said "Selena we have to go"I heard "Wait"She said "Justin I said your not going"Dad said "What's going on"Mom asked coming outside "He said I can't go" I said "Why not he's going to meet scooter"She said "Who is that"Dad asked "He's a manger for island def jam he seen Justin sing on youtube before"Mom said "But of course you wouldn't know that you only come when it's convenient for you"Mom said "tell me this are you and Chelsea together or broken up Or just separate for right now" She asked dad "We are separated right now"He said "I knew it"She said "Baby go on go have fun I said you can"Mom said "Thanks" I said I went to the car holding Selena hand we got in putting our stuff in the trunk then left to the airport we got there I got situated at the deportations center with Selena help and we got on the jet "I never got on a private jet before" I said "Trust me when you become famous you will have one to rent"Selena said "do your manager know I'm with you" I asked "She about to find out"She said "Selena Marie Gomez you were late you had everyone waiting on you"We heard I looked up to see her manager looking at us "Selena when I open my eyes I better be imagining he's sitting there"she said "Nope he's really here"Selena said I smirked "And he's going to California with me rather you like it or not and he's not accepting your fake date request if he can't be my real boyfriend then I don't date him"she said "We already talked about this"she said "We did not talk about him being on this plane"her manager said "I know but we talked about me 'Fake dating' him and I said I'm not doing that"Selena said "I really like Justin and he really likes me I'm not gonna ruin that just because you want some publicity and some tabloids with my name in them let them assume on there own I don't fake for anyone that life is over"selena said she then kissed my cheek I smiled "And I'll admit it he's cute"She said after being on the plane we landed "Get ready there paparazzi everywhere just ignore them head down keep walking stay by me"Selena said I nodded "Know what hold my hand"She said she grabbed my hand we walked out the jet "Hold on Let's take a picture here"She said "Alright" I said "Here Ashley take this" She said I stood behind Selena putting my arm around her

Justin Bieber I was heated from yelling at dad I didn't want to go home I sat alone at my favorite sight by the lake I threw rocks in the river drinking a beer I heard steps I looked to see Selena standing there "Your mother said you would be out ...

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(I know it's a old picture from 2011 but just go with it)

After we went to the car "We going to my house"Selena said "Really" I said "Yes"She said "I Trust you I know you not some creep you have heart you looked like you wanted to kill your dad when your mom said what she said and I don't blame you" she said once we stopped "Here we are"Selena said we got out she walked in the door she kicked her shoes off "Locked the door please both locks"She said she disappeared somewhere then came back with the remote and a bag of chips "I forgot make your self at home there are five restrooms and 6 bedrooms with its own bathroom but I have extra bathrooms two downstairs and three upstairs plus the one in my room you can sleep in the guest room if you want or the couch or if you like cuddles I'm always free in my room IF you know how to cook help your self I usually order but I do cook because it's in my inherent now if you excuse me I'm going to watch scandal"She said and left out I nodded I walked upstairs going through the halls I liked to see where the master bedroom is I put my stuff in there because I had no clue where the guest room was I went back downstairs I seen Selena taking her pants off and her bra off she then got up "oh god I didn't know You was watching me"She said she went upstairs "Sorry"I yelled she came back down with some shorts on "No I'm sorry I get so comfortable and un lady like when I'm home I'm usually alone when I do that" She said "No it's alright this your house I should have said I was downstairs"I said she smiled "Yea"She said "So about that date" She said "Are you sure"I asked "Yea we can go get tacos or burgers"she said "Sure we can decided in the car" I said "We have to change"she said "Yea" I said she ran back upstairs I went to her room getting my bag "Um where do I put my bag at again" I asked "Oh you can keep it in here if you want and change in the guest room"she said I nodded I went to take a shower I got out getting dressed

After we went to the car "We going to my house"Selena said "Really" I said "Yes"She said "I Trust you I know you not some creep you have heart you looked like you wanted to kill your dad when your mom said what she said and I don't blame you" she ...

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I walked out the room I went to the living room I seen Selena come down

I looked at her in awe she was so beautiful she smiled at me "Ready to go"she asked "Yea" I said we went to her car "Do you mind driving"She asked "No I don't mind" I said she threw me the keys" we were soon off she put the location on her GPS the...

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I looked at her in awe she was so beautiful she smiled at me "Ready to go"she asked "Yea" I said we went to her car "Do you mind driving"She asked "No I don't mind" I said she threw me the keys" we were soon off she put the location on her GPS then we went there

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