Chapter 36

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Selena Gomez
Today I had a doctors appointment I had francia with me as support the kids where with Justin and Pattie "From your last doctor visit nothing has changed your kidneys are still the same level but they are still weak it's the left side we still didn't find a donor"the doctor said "Wait this the first I'm hearing of this"francia said "Im sure after the appointment Selena will update you"she said "So Selena how is everything at home" she asked "Um it's okay I have my boyfriend helping me when I need it to be honest he's been the sweetest during the whole thing he takes care of the kids he helps cook more clean more if I take one step he's there to stop me and make me rest" I said "That's nice to hear it's always good to have more than one support on your team"She said I nodded "If I wanted to see if I'm a match then what can I do"Francia said "It's a long process are you sure"she asked "She's like my sister yes I'm sure"Francia said after talking we went to my house as I said the kids where with Pattie and Justin I went upstairs to put my purse up I heard moans I grew confused I went back downstairs and got francia I didn't want to believe it was Justin but he literally left me in the hospital to fuck Hailey me and francia went back upstairs I opened the door a little I heard the moans more I looked Justin was alone watching porn I smiled and closed the door a phone rung "Sorry mom I went home for a moment"Justin said I signaled francia to wait downstairs it was fine after a few minutes the door opened Justin almost jumped "Hey babe"he said "Hi"I said almost in tears "Are you okay"He asked "Yea I'm fine"i said "Really" he said "Actually no" I said he looked at me "Babe" he said "I have francia downstairs can we talk later" I asked "Sure" he said he kissed me then walked off I went downstairs I smiled with tears "Someone happy" she said "Yeah" I said after hanging out she left Justin came in with the kids "Mama"Jelena said "Hi baby" I said Justin sat her down shr crawled off and Jack was sleep "So do you want to talk now"He asked "No we will at bed time" I said he nodded we got the kids ready for nap time I went upstairs to my room going into the restroom "Babe" he said "Yes" I asked "I know you might can't have sex but can we you know" he said "Sure let me get prepared" I said putting my hair in a ponytail I sat on the bed Justin stood in front of me he unbuckled his pants I went to work "Mama" I heard but I could just be imagining what jelena said earlier "Da da" I heard I stopped I got up I seen jelena by the bed sitting on the floor Justin was confused but i nodded he buckled back up I went to wash my mouth out i went getting jelena she smiled playing in my hair "What are you doing up" I said she laughed I took her to her room putting her back in her crib then i seen her escape plot she had blanket hanging then got out the bed I put her in the bed and took her blanket she started crying "Jelena mommy and daddy need us time" I said I then put her back to bed I walked out I went to my room I locked the door I seen Justin on his phone watching videos I don't know why but I was in the mood and I wanted him so bad I went to the restroom "So do you want to talk now" he asked "Uh Yea" I said "Okay but before we do what did the doctor say" he asked "She said my lupus is still the same nothing changed" I said "Okay what about your kidneys"he asked "Um I don't know before she can say francia asked if she can be a donor" I said "What for real"he said "Yea" I said he smiled then kissed my neck "Oksy"I said "What"he said "Oh is Selena in the mood" he joked "shut up it's not funny" I said I went to the bed he laughed then kissed me and we kept kissing he pulled my strap down "Justin" I said "Shhh"he said I nodded we went far as his fingers in me in and out he got up as I stared at him he took his shirt off and he kissed me I took my shirt off with my bra he opened my legs "If I hurt you please tell me" he said I nodded he kissed my legs to my vagina then went to work I moaned soon his flicked his tongue up and down on my pearl my high was coming I played with his hair he looked at me as he devoured my girl I gripped my boobs he suddenly stopped he came to me and kissed me "If I hurt you tell me" he said I nodded he took his boxers off and slowly entered me and his thumb on my pearl he rubbed as he went in and out "Baby" I said in moans letting him know to continue he went a little faster and he bent down to kiss me and let me tell you everything inside me wanted more "More daddy" I moaned he laughed at me but continued he went faster and my god I was almost there again after we both were moaning and about to burst soon it happened and shit hurt like hell but I was too horny to stop it after he kissed me and we laid there "The look on your face"he said "I'm fine" I said he pulled me close and we went for round two him behind me and this was better and less painful we laid there kissing then we went to sleep him still inside me

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