Chapter 4

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Justin Bieber
It's been a year since I seen Selena she didn't do much concerts she didn't say why but she started in May and ended in August I was with Chaz we were walking around the mall we went to one store I seen a Selena Gomez t shirt I wanted it so bad but I didn't have enough I sat there staring at it for the longest "Are you gonna buy it or what" I heard I looked to see selena there "I would but I don't have enough"I said she laughed "Oh okay"She walked away then went behind me she touched my tag "M 22"She said she picked the shirt up looking at the sizes "Selena you don't have too"I said "Shhh"She said she found the right size then grabbed my hand dragging me to the front of the cashier "Can I buy this"she said "That would be $32.83"The lady said "Selena you don't have to do this"I said "I want too"She said after buying the shirt Chaz walked up to me "Hey let's go to the arcade"He said "So anything else you want to get before I go to the phone store"Selena asked "No I came for one thing and one thing only and that was to buy one of your album because Jaxon accidentally broke it so I'm here to replace it" I said "Awww so where are you going to get the cd"She asked "I have money for it selena if anything it should be the other way around I should be buying you things" I said she smiled "Thanks for the gesture but I can buy my own things and you not my boyfriend to buy me things so yea"She said "Bro do you have 20 bucks"Chaz asked "Sorry Chaz this Money for my CD Bro"I said showing him my money "Wow thanks bro"He said taking the money out my hand my eyes widen "WOW that's fucked up"Selena said "So are you gonna go get it back or not" She asked "No he needs it more than I do" I said she nodded "And with the Cd I can get them on my phone right" I said "Yea with iTunes" she said "I have an Android my mom couldn't afford an iPhone" I said "oh you poor thing" She said "Hey I'm Not bugging android is better then Apple" I said(A/N ..I typed that using an Apple product 😂😂) i only Had one android my whole life other then that I been with Apple"she said "So why you going to the phone store" I asked "Because the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7plus just came out so I'm going to get the 7plus "She said "Oh okay" I said "So are you going to hang with your friend I mean you did come with him"she said "He can see me anytime I don't get to see you much" I said "Are you trying to flirt with me" She asked "Pssst no I'm just saying it's cool to have a girl as a friend because all I do is hang with guys"I said "Yea sure"she said "So you going to the at&t with me" She asked "Can i"I asked "I don't want to upset your manger"I said she reached and kissed my cheek "What about now" She asked smiling I smiled "Selena who is this"I heard then flashes came she took her shoes off "Run"She yelled we ran like our life depended on it then we hid in a closed space which I hated I started breathing heavily they ran by she held her finger to my lips "What was that" I asked "That was paparazzi"she said "They take pictures of celebrities and sometimes make up fake rumors I can already hear my manger voice when she see the pictures and the stories" she said "Are you regretting hanging out" I asked she looked at me "I got to go but I'll see you later or tomorrow" She said then left I smiled she kissed my cheek I went home Mom was here she was in the kitchen "Um honey Yovanna came by I told her you where at the mall" she said "Okay I thought you had work today" I said "I already went and I had a talk with Jeremy about my book ideas I been writing about my life he said he would help me money wise and so me and him are going to Los Angeles To see if I can publish the book"She said "How long will you and dad be down there" I asked "if I'm lucky two or three weeks"She said "That's great Mom I want to go to support you"'I said"Okay we leave in two days"she said I nodded I went to my room and went to Twitter "Guess whose going to Los Angeles in two days"I typed I got a dm "Meet me here in 5 mins please"It said I looked it was from Selena I saved the address to my gps and told my mom I was leaving again she nodded I went to the address selena gave me I went in the place it was empty no one was here "Hey Justin"She said "Selena what's going on what happened" I asked concerned as tears where down her face "I'm having anxiety attack and a meltdown it happens every time I'm seen by the paparazzi" she said "Okay uh well let's go sit down and take deep breaths"I said she nodded we sat down she took deep breaths and exhaled then repeated the steps soon she was calm we sat there for a minute "At thirteen I was close to getting a record deal" I said she looked at me "Why What happened that you didn't get it" She asked "My Mom turned the offer down once he started talking about a lawyers she flaked and said no" I said "So what I'm hearing is that you can sing and your mother said no because she couldn't afford a lawyer" she asked I nodded "He even said he will pay for everything but she said we didn't need his pity so she said no I could have brought her a house and a car"I said "Can I hear you sing"She asked "Sure" I said I sung a usher song because he my favorite she smiled "Wow you have a unique voice not to high and not to low just perfect I seen on Twitter you where going to la in two days how about you give it another shot"she said "But a warning the fans and paparazzi are crazy but at the end of the day you will fall asleep realizing you made someone day or millions of people day just by one song"she said I smiled maybe I will give it another try I thought "Oh about that kiss on the cheek I really meant that but I don't know what my manager will say when she see the pictures she will probably say we can't hang out because you just a fan and trying to ruin my reputation"She said "I would never do that selena" I said "Hey that's not my words those are her words" She said I nodded "Well maybe we can sneak"I Said "I really do like you but I'm not really ready for a relationship right now after what me and nick been through"She said I grew confused "That was way back in 2009 it's 2016"I said "Well can you blame me he was a jerk"she said "Okay I don't know about your relationship with him but I can guarantee you I'm way more better then him" I said "We will see about that Justin in the near future but as of right now we stay friends"She said "Deal"I said "Good how about we go to your house and grub on lunch" She said "My Mom there" I said "Okay I don't mind"She said I nodded we went to my house she followed me there we went in "Mom I'm home"i said I seen her cleaning the stairs "Hello selena"Mom said "Hello"Selena said waving at Mom we went to the kitchen started talking about her upcoming events she had coming up she laughed she moved her hair to the back "So Justin I never gotten your last name" she said"My last name is Bieber middle name Drew" I said she smiled "Justin Drew Bieber That's a weird last name" she said "So your step father last name is teefey what's not weird about that"I said she looked at me "Don't insult his name"she said "Then don't insult my name Mrs.Gomez" I said "Take back about teefey being weird and I'll take back about bieber not being weird" She said "what do I get if I do take it back" I asked "Mmm I don't know"she said she came up to me "I'll give you kisses all this week" She said in my ear "That is not a fair trade" I said "How So"She said "Because I can't date you" I said she giggled her phone beeped "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow if not then in two days bye"She said walking out the kitchen but she came back in she hugged me "Thanks for helping me with my anxiety"She said then kissed my cheek then left I smiled Mom walked in "She's cute"she said "Yea she is"I said "So your dad is bringing your brother and sister over Tonight me and your father are going to dinner to talk about the book" She said "What about his girlfriend she going right" I asked "I need to get ready"She said and walked out ignoring my question after she came out in a dress

"So is that what you wearing to dinner"I asked "Yes it is And oh Erin said she'll keep her kids your off the hook"She said the door bell rung "How do I look"She asked "I thought it was just dinner to talk about your book" I asked "IT IS BOY"she al...

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"So is that what you wearing to dinner"I asked "Yes it is And oh Erin said she'll keep her kids your off the hook"She said the door bell rung "How do I look"She asked "I thought it was just dinner to talk about your book" I asked "IT IS BOY"she almost yelled "I mean yes Justin we are talking about the book but tonight while there I can meet someone who will wants to date"She said I grew confused "I guess Mom you look nice" I said I opened the door there stood dad "Dad where is your girlfriend"I asked "She is with her friends" He said "Okay then dad"I said "If you have anyone over use protection do not let Chaz eat up my food I just went shopping for and I mean do not let Nolan nor Ryan have sex with there girlfriends around my house that's what the guest house is for"Mom said "I think I'll just invite Selena over"I said she nodded "Don't Wait up I might go over a friend house after dinner"she said "mmm sure Alright bye" I said I shut the door they think I'm stupid "Friends house my ass"I mumbled to myself I went back in just as I went in Selena texted me "Hey May I come over it's boring"She texted "Sure Mom went to dinner with dad home Alone" I typed "Lol so I'm guessing you babysitting"she asked "Naw we have the same dad different mothers they are with there mother" I typed "Ah that's how me and grace are same Mom different dads"She said "Yea that sibling half life" I typed "See ya in a few jay"She replied then stopped texting after a few minutes I cooked my own dinner spaghetti of course the door bell rung I went to answer the door there stood selena "So Mom and dad at dinner huh"She said I nodded "I think they low key fucking they think im stupid Mom car still outside dad girlfriend didn't go to dinner with them Mom is single she said she going to a friends house after dinner which Is code for Yea me and dad going to a hotel selena I don't know how to feel about this" I said "Well i don't know how to help you my parents were strict when they said no more talking to the point where my mom got me and went to California while my dad stayed in Texas"she said "So how did your mother dress"She asked "Her boobs where showing"I said making a weird face "Yup they fucking"She said "So what smells good"She asked "My grandma famous recipe" I said "What is it"She asked "Spaghetti bologna" I said "Sounds good can I have some"She asked "Sure" I said I went to the ice box and opened it the smell of celery hit me I got up I stopped breathing selena looked at me "Are you Okay"She asked "Can't breath" I said gasping she got up quickly "oh god What do I need to do"She asked I went to the draw in the kitchen getting a pen and paper writing "Look in my room in my dresser for my medicine" I wrote she looked at me "Oh my gosh your face broke out that fast" She said "Can you go get it"I wrote she nodded she went upstairs I tried not to worry about the allergic reaction I was having right now but I was She soon came back "Is this it"she said I nodded I raised my shorts up and stuck the pin in me and then waited for a few moments I looked through my phone camera my face was back to normal "Okay what the hell just happened" she asked "I had a allergic reaction I'm allergic to celery I told my mom to stop buying it but when I opened the fridge the smell hit me" I said she hugged me "I thought I lost you" She said "I'm not going anywhere" I said she looked at me "Thanks for saving me Selena" I said she smiled "Well I did owe you one you did help me Over come my anxiety"She said she sat in my lap "Justin I have a question" She asked "If you do become famous can you possibility become my boyfriend because if the fans see me dating someone we will be all over the news and articles and pictures just to see me with a guy"She said "Selena are you asking me to become your fake boyfriend just so you can impress the fans"I asked "It we would be great for both of our careers like we can promote each other and everything"She said "You don't get it selena" I said "What I don't get"She said "I really like you not just as artist or a singer I told you before I wanted to be your boyfriend because I like you for you I'm not trying to promote a fake ass relationship when I can have a real relationship with someone I love"I said she looked at me "I know this wasn't you saying this did your manger put you to asking me this" I asked "Yes"She said "Oh my gosh selena Sorry But I can't" I said she nodded then left I feel like a complete idiot

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