Chapter 16

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Selena Gomez
I was woken by movement I looked to see Justin getting back in bed I cuddled up to him "Baby it's 6:30 in the morning wake up"He said "Just three more hours" I mumbled "I know I'm not a morning person either but babe you have a movie shoot to attend"he said "Fine but I get morning sex" I said "Better yet let's shower"He said He helped me out of bed and carried me to the restroom I smiled as he sat me on the counter he took my pjs off then his clothes off my legs automatically opened ready for him he laughed "You are so horny this morning"He said "I haven't touched my boyfriend in two weeks" I said he kissed me he picked me up and got in the shower I held onto him tightly "Selena let go"He said I loosen my grip and I stood up he smiled at me I walked to the Fossett turning the water on he grabbed me and kissed me roughly he moved to my boobs my back was too the wall as he went to work gripping my boobs and fiddling with my nipples he told me to turn so I did my boobs against the wall he entered me I moaned his left hand went on my neck "Oh yes baby" I moaned he kissed my neck as he went in and out with every inch I moaned louder "Shhh baby"he said "Come here sexy"he said we turned me where I was facing him he kissed down my body then he put my leg on his back he devoured my vagina again moaned (WATTPAD IS REALLY STRICT ON NO NUDITY ON HERE UGH) (I literally have to delete all examples) After that he stood up I bit my lip "Dammit Selena don't do that" He said I sat down on the floor and sucked his dick he moaned I read about how to give good Bjs and I had him where I wanted him after he picked me up and kissed me he kissed all over my face "Selena baby"He said I laid my head on his chest as we stood there "I love you babe" I heard I looked at Justin I smiled "I love you too"Soon the door opened and stood my manger my eyes grew "Oh my gosh"she said she walked out me and Justin got dressed I walked out and Justin came too "I'm not gonna get that picture out my head"she said "But I been calling your phone for the past hour"she said "Sorry I was pretty busy" I said "When was you gonna tell me you was pregnant and had a abortion" she asked "I didn't have a abortion" I said "I'm a month and a day pregnant" I said "vWhy didn't you tell me I had you sit and do a scene in rain and it's cold out do you know you can be sick and with your health"she said "I'm fine" I said "Fine how are you fine"she asked "I am" I said "Plus making the movie almost over" I said "Yea good for that" she said "and you" she said pointing to Justin "I never hated you but I need Selena to focus"she said "Okey I'll be on track"I said "Okey well we have to switch up the scene"my manger said "Okey I'll be out in a minute" I said she nodded and walked out "After I do the last scene then I'm all yours" I said he smiled and nodded "Okay I'll just wait here"he said I nodded I walked out the room and went to the set "Okey we doing the same scene just a little different"The director said I nodded after filming I went to the trailer getting my bag then I went to see Justin he was laying watching tv "Hey sexy" I said "Hey babe"he said "Sorry if filming took long" I said "It's fine"he said I smiled "So are you going out to eat or I can order room service" I said "well You and the baby need to eat"he said "I know baby but a small room Servies snack won't hurt and besides I haven't seen you for two weeks babe I want us to have some alone time"I said "Babe" I said I went to the restroom and changed into something comfortable I walked out putting my hair in a bun justin had laid out on the bed "What" I said "Oh I thought you was about to give oral"he said "No" I said "Why don't you go put something sexy but casual on I'm taking you out"He said I nodded but he grabbed me and started kissing me "What was that for"I asked "Just appreciating what I got"he said I smiled "Well how about we skip the outing and we can stay here" I said "Nope i reserved us a tour"he said "A what" I asked "A tour" he said "No I heard you but babe we can't do a tour the news haven't died down and you famous now I can't be outside knowing that I almost aborted our baby and they hating me" I said "Look at me babe"he said "I'm right here" he said "No one gonna hurt you" He said I smiled we kissed he pulled me closer "Okey jay"I said backing up he smiled "Who going" I asked "The guards you me and Alfredo and major"he said I nodded we took a shower got dressed walked out "This my first time in New York"Justin said "Well congrats babe you made it" I said "I wanna sale out Madison square garden one day"he said "Just believe it and you can"I said "I love you" I heard "And this time I'm actually saying it"he said we went to where everyone else was "Sel"Alfredo said I looked down he knew all along what I was trying to do we loaded the bus for the tour once we stopped for lunch justin excused himself and left to the restroom

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