Chapter 26

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Justin Bieber
Once I sat there I seen Selena come "Where is she"she said "She's in there getting checked" I said she nodded she sat down "Well well" I heard I looked to see Hailey and her sister "I knew you couldn't be faithful"Hailey said "Not now my mom been in a crash" I said "Why you think I'm here she's my Mother in-law"she said "They called the house"she said "She went to the other side with her sister and sat there "parents of Jelena Bieber"we heard we got up "That's us" I said "well I'm her step mom"Hailey said coming to us "Okey"the doctor said we followed him "She was a little shook crying but she's 5 month's I noticed she have a delay in crawling now I know she's too young to crawl at 5 months but her legs are bent"he said "I'm diagnosing her with Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. cerebral Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles. but we gonna keep her over night to observed to see if anything changes"he said we nodded "They told us she was healthy"Selena said "She is in fact healthy CP is most of the Brian development it has nothing to with her nurturing or health"he said "What if she is going through cerebral palsy how do we take care of this"I said "We have the best doctors and best physical therapy that will help you with this"He said "okay she's under observation so how is my mom" I asked "She has a broken leg but she's fine"the doctor said I nodded "Can we see our daughter"I said "Sure"he said we went to the back "I'll show you the signs of what I mean"the Doctor said "she'll cross her legs when picked up she's feels floppy or stiff when you hold her like this"he said "How did we miss this"Selena said she walked out crying I followed her she was walking back and forth crying "I said I was gonna protect her" she cried I hugged her "It's okay baby let's not forget she's a premature baby so that's probably why she had a difficult time with brain development"I said she looked at me "Can you come over I can't be alone"she said "yeah I'll come over"I said we went back in. "sorry it's hard to process"she said "This is hard on any parent but we can make it as easy as we can"the doctor said "How much will this cost" I said "It's not about the price"Selena said "Just get it done" I said "Can I take her home now" she said "well I said we have to keep her over night"he said "he walked out I looked at Jelena she was looking around then she looked at us "Hey baby girl"Selena said Jelena smiled after we got to take her home Selena didn't let her go she sat crying "It's gonna be okay baby" she said To Jelena I sat by them "I'm gonna stay here for tonight make sure you and her are okay" I said "I'm fine"She said she looked at me "Selena you showed up to my door step in tears and two days ago you called me crying you are not fine" I said "Justin this is all hard on me I mean you the first guy I dated since Nick and you got me pregnant cheated then left me for her so yea I'm not fine"she said she put Jelena down because she was sleep she went to the kitchen "Well I'm sorry I forgot how you would be effected by this" I said "Its crazy how we met because I just came upon a random door asking to use a phone but the more I spent with that person I fell in love"she said she went to the fridge getting food to cook tears in her eyes "It's been two whole years and it still hurts"she said "I'm wishing I never got pregnant I wish I never said forever because how can a guy that been so in love with me for so long switch and say he WANNA marry someone else" she said then threw the knife getting a new one I just listened "You don't mean that about Jelena" I said "Why not you not here helping me"she said "I said I wanted you forever but forever is lost"she said "Selena" I said "I'm sorry" I said "You can't take That back" She said "You married her"she said "We had sex today" she said rolling her eye "You cheat on me with her so now you cheat on her with me" she said "I'm just focused on my child" she said "Our child"I said "Sorry I don't care"she said after eating we went to bed I laid on the couch she in her room I called Hailey but she wasn't answering I went to Selena room she was sleep I climbed in bed and laid there

Selena Gomez
I woke up I felt a arm around me I looked at justin then I got up I went checking on Jelena she was sleep I went to make coffee then I went to get dressed after I tapped Justin he woke up "I don't Know what you call yourself doing but you need to get out my bed"I said I walked out but he grabbed me and we fell on the bed "Justin stop I'm supposed to be mad at you" I said but he kissed me soon we had sex after I got up I went to the restroom but he followed me "Let's shower"he said "I need to make sure Jelena is okay" I said "she's sleep"he said showing me the monitor we got in the shower and had more sex then showered again after we got out "Damn I haven't had sex since I was 4 months pregnant" I said "I was all in that what If my dick probably why she have brain issues I was pondering way to hard and it must have given her bad brain development"he said "That's not funny" I said going to her room she was woke smiling kicking then she kept crossing her leg I signed I picked her up going to my room I laid her on the bed I went to get her blanket then I held her Justin came in "Here I cooked breakfast"he said "You cooking up my shit" I said he looked at me "Just eat"he said I ate as he held Jelena after eating he put the Tray on the dresser he came back kissing my hand "I'll be back tonight to check on y'all"he said "I honestly don't care" I said he got dressed and left I spent my day with Jelena just me and her

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