Chapter 2

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Justin Bieber
July 22 2016
"oh my god Mom guess what happened "I asked "What is it sweetie"she asked "Selena Gomez Followed me back on Twitter she was doing a following spree and she retweeted my post about meeting her and I guess she likes it so she retweeted it and followed me"I said fanboying "that's great honey your father will be over any minute with jazzy she's sick and couldn't go to day camp today jaxon might be over too"she said I nodded "Here go 50 dollars to get something to eat for the whole day but I'm about to go to work so I'll see you tonight when I get home"She said after some hours dad came he laid jazzy on the couch "Jaxon will be over later he's at the day camp I called and told them to bring him to this address cause Erin is working and I have to work too and Allison is with her biological dad for the week but I have to go to work"He said "Okay bye dad"I said after he left I played the game and fixed some soup for jazzy then went back to playing the game the door bell rung I went to open the door the brunette haired girl turned to me her hair flowing with the wind

"um Hi hello my car ran out of gas and the car battery died My phone is also dead and I don't have a car charger so I was wondering can I use your house phone or cell or charger to call a tow truck"she said I just stood there admiring her beauty s...

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"um Hi hello my car ran out of gas and the car battery died My phone is also dead and I don't have a car charger so I was wondering can I use your house phone or cell or charger to call a tow truck"she said I just stood there admiring her beauty she laughed "hello"she said waving her hand in my face "Sorry it's just your Selena Gomez"I said "Um yea I am and I'm sorry for being like that but may I come in I don't need anyone recognizing me right now I'm trying to stay low for right now"She said "Well my mom at work but umm sure"I stuttered she giggled "Thanks"she said I let her in "You can sit over there my sister she is sick and I'm watching her while my parents work"I said "She nodded "that's so cute I like when a guy take the time out for the little siblings"She said "Yea they are my world so are you excited to perform tomorrow"I asked "I am but I really need to see the phone or charger or there won't be a concert tomorrow"She said laughing "I also have meet and greet tickets for tomorrow my friend Chaz agreed to go with me so I won't be alone in the crowd"I said she smiled as I gave her the charger she went and charged her phone up a few minutes later she was making calls after a while a tow truck came "Thanks for lending me your charger"she said "Your welcome so I was wondering can I get your number"I asked "Um I'm not allowed to give my number out to people but I'm always available on Twitter or Instagram"she said "Oh yea of course well I'll see you tomorrow then"I said she smiled getting into the tow truck "Bye you should probably go check on your little sister"she said pointing to the door I looked there stood jazzy "Bye"I said going up to jazzy "Was that Alex Russo"she asked "Yes it was and her real name is Selena Gomez Alex was just her character for a show"I said "Wait isn't she the girl on your wall"she asked "Yes Jazzy she is now I made you some soup all i have to do is put it in the Microwave to heat up"I said she nodded going to the kitchen table after some hours Jaxon bus came dropping him off I waved bye to them he came in taking his jacket off I went to him "Are you hungry mom gave me some money to feed y'all"I said "Yea I want pizza"He said "Okay kiddo"I said I ordered pizza soon my phone made a beeping sound telling me I had a message I went and got my phone it was twitter I had a Dm I looked I had 1 New message From Selena Gomez I smiled and blushed really hard "Oh god it's about Selena again"Jaxon said "Shh go watch Tv"I said I opened the message "Hey it's Selena I remembered retweeting your tweet back in March but I wanted to say thanks again for letting me use your charger"She texted "It was no problem I'll do anything for you wait dammit I mean your welcome"I replied "Lol your funny I can give you a backstage pass for helping me out"She said "You don't have to do that"I said "I insist I was lost anyway without gas and I didn't have a car charger to charge my phone to look up the GPS so yea I owe you"She said "Wait instead of bringing my friend is it okay if I bring my siblings"I asked "Sure I'll tell the security that I know you guys"she said "I mean that do sound like a lot of trouble"I said "Its called breaking the rules sir"She said "Well my sister just threw up I have to go"I said "Okay I'll see you tomorrow"She said I put my phone down and went to jazzy who just threw up on the kitchen floor i went to get a towel while I had her go take a warm bath after she came out feeling a little better then what she was "Jazzy jaxo come for a moment"I said "Yes"They asked "How would y'all feel about going with me tomorrow to Selena concert"I asked "Sure I never been to a concert before"He said "Me neither"Jazzy said "Okay then I'll talk to dad about letting y'all go tomorrow"I said I called Chaz telling him he was free from tomorrow "That's good because I can't take you fanboying over Selena every day"he said then hung up after dad came and got them I told him about the concert he agreed on letting them go he said he will bring them over in the morning to get ready with extra clothes in case they get dirty after he left mom then came home "Hello mother"I said "Hey Justin how did it go with Jazzy and jaxon"She asked "Good actually they are always good kids"I said "That's good I am so tired"She said "Mom guess what"I said "What is it Justin"she asked "Selena Gomez came over today and she wanted to either call a tow truck or use my charger because her car ran out of gas right in front of our house"I said I looked mom was already sleeping I went to the closet that was by the kitchen and got a cover out and laid it on her and kissed her head then went to my room and got some sleep

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