Chapter 20

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March 1 2018
Selena Gomez
Today is Justin birthday and I couldn't be more happy to celebrate with him I was 8 months pregnant one more month to go and she's here I called Justin "Happy birthday" I said "Thanks"he said "So anything planned today" I asked "Hanging with the guys"he said "oh That sounds fun" I said "yea I got to go"he said "Alright I love y"but he hung up "Okey Maybe he's busy" I said I got a call "Hello" I said "Hey Selena it's pattie"she said "Oh hey" I said "Wanna go shopping for Justin present"she asked "Well I'm kinda on bed rest" I said "But i"I started "No it's fine you stay on bed rest I'll see if someone else can go"she said "Okey" I said after we hung up I turned the tv in while on my phone I was on Instagram and decided to post happy birthday to justin

I then went to the kitchen to fix food but pain came to my stomach I almost dropped the pot I sat it down gently I grabbed my phone and called my mom "Hey baby what's wrong"she asked "Help" I said I then hung up I sat down breathing heavy I seen b...

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I then went to the kitchen to fix food but pain came to my stomach I almost dropped the pot I sat it down gently I grabbed my phone and called my mom "Hey baby what's wrong"she asked "Help" I said I then hung up I sat down breathing heavy I seen blood and water my eyes grew "Noooo" I cried "not today" I cried the door open and closed "Selena" I heard my step dad "kitchen" I said "oh Gosh come"he said we went to the car and to the hospital once there we went straight to the delivery room "Selena we have to do a emergency c section"they said "Okay" I said in so much pain "Anyone you want in the delivery room with you"the doctor asked "My mom" I said she nodded I and walked out "What about Justin"she asked "It's his birthday I'm not ruining his birthday" I said "child this his child too"she said then walked out an hour passed and I seen Justin "Your mother called"he said "Selena we have to go into surgery now"the doctor said I nodded they pushed me into the big room after an hour I didn't hear anything but soon I heard it "My baby girl"Justin said I soon felt tired I closed my eyes and couldn't wake up I felt trapped I couldn't wake up but I heard talking I tried banging and stuff but I was stuck
Justin Bieber
I seen Selena eyes closed "Selena baby" I said she didn't wake up a nurse came over they stitch Selena up we went to the room I seen she was breathing but wasn't waking up "I believe she's in a coma"the doctor said "What"I said "She will wake up when the time right"she said I spent all my time here I held my daughter she looked just like us they said she's a healthy normal new born baby I kissed her head I was shirtless holding her doing skin to skin "Hey beautiful" I said I smiled "That's mommy over there" I said she looked at me her little hands rubbed her face "I will protect you"I said I walked out the room with her every one was here I showed everyone "How Selena"I heard "She slipped into a coma" I said I walked back into the room Selena never moved I sighed after putting the baby down I went to the cafeteria "Are you Okey" I heard I seen Hailey "Hailey" I said "Why are you here" I said "Because I'm supporting a friend" she said she hugged me "I heard she's in a coma" she said "Yea I don't understand the c section went smoothly our daughter was healthy" I said she hugged me "It's gonna be okay" she said kissing my cheek then she walked away "Hey" I said "What's up"she said "Wanna hang"I asked "Best not here not now"she said I nodded "But I'll be around if you wanna talk"she said I nodded I went to the room with my soda and chips I sat there I got bored sitting here I walked out I texted Hailey to meet me I went to my house soon she came "What's wrong"she said "Nothing I was bored up there" I said she nodded "But that's your daughter and girlfriend" she said "Yea but it's also my birthday" I said "Well happy birthday"she said "Thanks" I said I don't know but i kissed her "Justin"she said "What" I said Soon i Picked her up kissing her she kissed back we went to the bed after we laid there "I should get going" she said "No stay"I said she smiled she cuddled into me we went to sleep
Pattie Mallette
I noticed Justin wasn't here I grew confused I called him "Where is you" I said "At home"he said "Get your ass back here now" I said "Fine"he said I went back in "So where is he"Selena said "He's coming"I said she looked around "I hate hospitals"she said after a hour or two the door opened he had new clothes on "You woke babe"he said "Yea I am now"she said "Justin a word" I said we went outside "Are you serious justin" I said "What" He said "The clothes change"she said "And you left no men leaves while they girl in a coma after giving birth and you didn't shed not one tear"I said "Did you sleep with someone" I asked "Mom"he said "Drew" I said "No I didn't"he said "Your father cheated on me I know the signs" I said "Mom I didn't have sex with anyone"he said then went back in the room I went in too "How is she" I asked "She was crying but I fed her"Selena said I nodded I walked out and I then went to justin house i went to the back and opened the patio I went in I seen a woman ear ring I went upstairs I seen a girl I looked at her it was Alec Baldwin's niece my eyes widen she then turned in her sleep I seen she was naked I walked out I fed the dogs and left out I went home

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