Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Rowan POV

The alarms from the next building woke Lorcan and hisself up. They started to dress as quick as possible. Not wanting to give up their location easily, but they needed to get away if they were someone's target.

Hours later they were staying in the same hotel as the twins. For once they weren't the attended target. Somehow they had totally missed that Aelin Galathynius was right next door to them.

Fenrys just happen to see two figures running across rooftops before they finally disappeared and he couldn't track their movements anymore. They all knew it was going to be a long day of trying to track them down. Especially after they send in their report to Maeve.

Soon enough Rowan volunteered to get coffees from the local coffee shop. As he strode in the doors he took everything in. The group of college girls. The single man sitting at a table by hisself. He watched as those girls came up to the man to obviously flirt with him. Then Rowan turned his attention to the counter.

His eyes laid on the most stunning woman he's ever seen. Her golden hair was swept back in a high ponytail. Her eyes were a stunning shade of blue, almost green. But he could see the purple smudges underneath her eyes. So a college student then. Who must've been up all night studying or working on homework.

Her name tag read "Caleana". Something about that name sounded familiar. But Rowan couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Aelin POV

Even though her and Sam had to relocate last night she still need to show up for her last shift in the coffee shop. It had started a few hours before and Sam had just wondered in. He was dressed in simple jeans sneakers and a plain T-shirt with a flannel. He looked like a typical college student going to Terresan University.

He ordered his drink and sat down to wait for her to finish her shift so they could go home before getting stationed somewhere else.

They needed to go over all the information they gathered and the surveillance cameras of the warehouse.  To try and track down who would've broken in and tried to kill them.

But they had to go home first. They had argued with Arobynn this morning because he wanted to send Elide out into the field. Even though they all knew their places after her parents retired they all needed to be trained in everything.

But elide hasn't been on a scouting mission since she injured her ankle tracking Lorcan.

Aelin had just finished up a group of college girls orders. Those same college girls stopped to flirt with Sam. But that was the least of her concern.

Rowan Whitethorn walked through the doors. He glanced around the place assessing his soundings as he came to the counter. He pulled out his phone to place his orders  to go. By the orders themselves she could tell he was bringing these back to the rest of the Cadre stationed in Terresan. His accent was the lovely sound of waves. Weird for him not to try to mask his accent. But a good conversation opener for her.

While she was making his drinks he stood by the counter since no one else was behind him. The college girls were still trying to get Sams number, but his gentle demeanor meant he wouldn't be rude to anyone. Unlike her.

"So where are you from?"

Rowan looked up at her from his phone. " I'm from Doranelle. Is it that obvious I'm not from around here?" He joked.

Aelin threw on her award wining smile. "In a sense yeah. So how long you plan on being in Terresan? Did you just move here? Vacation? It is a beautiful place to vacation. I suggest going by the river. Or are you here for a job with no room for fun?"

"Aye, I'm here for a job with some of my coworkers."

"What do you guys do then?"

"We're property investors. We all have different jobs per day. Such as one of us is a realtor, another a contractor, a marketer, and I'm the investor."

"Ahh sounds interesting. How long are you guys here for?"

"Until our boss sends for us again to relocate us. Do you know anything about that old estate right off the road?" He asked causally enough to that to anyone else it wouldn't have raised suspension. But he asked about the Galathynius house. Her house. Aelin was suddenly glad that her family had decided to relocate to their country estate that no one hit the inner circle knew about.

" I honestly don't really know the area well. I just go to school here. I'm originally from Rifthold. Well here's your order sir. I hope you come back soon!"

Rowan thanked her then left. It seemed keeping her identity closed off was one of the smartest decisions she'd ever make. No one exactly knew what she looked like. Only that she resembled her mother and brother. Neither Aedion or herself got their fathers hair, or blue eyes. But instead they got the traditional Ashryver eyes.

Her shift replacement showed up then so she quickly got out of uniform to look for Sam who had slipped out, probably to follow Rowan.

He was just walking about to her when she got outside. He took her hand and they walked to their car. He opened the door for her then got in on the other side. "They are staying with the Moonbeams in the hotel Lysandra tracked them too yesterday. How I missed their original movements I don't know."

Sam then surged forward to capture her mouth in a fierce kiss. "I need to get you home. That scared the shit out of me. He was so close. Gods when I looked up from talking to those girls and saw him standing not three feet from you my heart stopped." He kissed her again. Gentler this time, but still filled with panic. "Aelin, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. I love you."

Aelin could feel her cheeks flushed. Of course she knew Sam loved her. But those words had never left either of their mouths before. They couldn't afford to have any weaknesses. But for Sam. Only for Sam. "Sam, I love you too."

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