29 Aelin POV

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Chapter 29
Aelin POV

After she and Rowan spent the night getting reacquainted with each other they started the 2 hour track back to town.

Only it took longer than two houses since Aelin needed to stop and throw up every few steps. But it gave her time to fill in Rowan what needed to be done.

Perrington from the head of the FBI needed to be taken out. He constant used The Havillairds as pawns.

Rowan agreed and would call the rest of the cadre in.

They would need all the families cooperation on this. No doubt Aedion had already started making the arrangements.

Aelin fell asleep in the car as Rowan drove back to her family ms secrete estate. She'd barely opened her eyes when the door was yanked open by Aedion. He hugged her as tightly as he dared.

"I've missed you." Kissing her hair he muttered. "Your rooms have been fortified. Extra locks, you name it. I also assumed Rowan would be staying with you so I had clothes brought in for him as well"

"Thank you." She muttered.

"Aedion my team will be here shortly. But let me take Aelin to the kitchen for some food."

"Of course of course. We'll have a dinner meeting tonight once everyone arrives."

After lunch Aelin bright Rowan to their rooms. Even though she trusted Aedions word about the fortifications Rowan was taking no chances. He scouted every inch of their rooms and just finished by the time she got out of the shower.

She'd escaped to the cabins to protect herself for as long as possible untill Rowan found her. So she was there for a month. A whole month of being stuck in that cabin. It was awful. Especially with the gas being such a pain to haul there and back her showers were typically cold ones. So she relished her shower at home.

Settling into the bed Rowan began reading to her and she nodded off into an easy slumber.

She woke to knocking on her door informing them dinner would start shortly.

She grabbed rowans hand as they walked down the halls. Where Rowan was for sure in for a shock.

His entire team was there yes. But so we're the other heirs. Manon Blackbeak with Asterin and Sorrel. Illias with Ansel. Dorian and Chaol. Sartaq with Hasar and Nesryn. And Galan.

But standing in the corner next to Galan stood a brunette haired female.


Authors note.
Y'all. This fic is out for me. I had everything planned the way I wanted then it decided it wanted to do something else. Now, I've finally got a heading on where I'm going with it so hopefully it doesn't develop a kind of its own again.
Also my child is finally sleeping through the night so hopefully my mom brain will go away and I can become more creative with my fics again! As always let me know what you guys think!

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