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Chapter 18

Whatever she had done in previous lives to piss off the gods she was regretting it.

One bed. She would have to share a bed with Rowan.
She'd gotten to know the stoic man more these last two month. He was slowly filling the hole in her heart that Sam had left.

He was kind. He was intelligent. He was more than just some heir to some mafia. She was slowly falling in love with him. Her enemy. The person she was supposed to hate the most.

Fuck. She loved him. She was screwed.

Sitting their things on the table she grabbed the clothes they had to buy to pop the tags off. "I'm taking a shower." She needed a moment away from him

"Okay. I'll cook. Then we can set up a game plan."

Closing the bathroom door without another word she started to strip. Then turned the shower on. The water was a bit chilled but wouldn't get any warmer. Breathing in and holding it in. She attempted to shove all of the feelings down. Only giving her a moment to think.

Her hand went to the necklace she still wore. She hadn't taken it off. But maybe it was time? No. Only when they found Sam. Got answers from him that she would return his necklace.
Letting the breath out. She let go of what her and Sam were.

Rowan POV
The burner wouldn't turn on. So Rowan went to the gas tank on the side of the cabin only to curse Fenrys a thousand times. The daft boyo hadn't replaced the gas from the last time he had come here. That means he would have to lite a fire to cook.

Grumbling a curse words to the blond twin he gather some wood. The task mindless enough he started to think about Aelin. In the shower. Naked. He'd seen her training enough in a sports bra and leggings to let his imagination run wild. To get an idea of the rest of her body.

Finishing the food he brought it back inside as Aelin was stepping out of the bathroom. Her hair was damp. She didn't have a trace of make up left on. She was wearing a pair of leggings and a long sleeve tshirt that's too big. Every time he still had to remind himself to breath when he saw her. She was breath taking.

"So Fenrys forgot to replace the gas so I had to cook outside."

"So that's why there wasn't much hot water."

"You probably used the rest of the gas for the water honestly."

"I would apologize but that's not in my nature."

Handing her a plate and silverware. "Oh I know fireheart." The term of endearment slipping out.

"Where did you learn that name? My parents haven't called me that I'm years."

"It slipped. And it just fits you."

As it approached nighttime they started settling down. Rowan took a too cold shower. Realizing he forgot his shirt in the bag on the table he walked out of the bathroom to find Aelin in the bed already.

"The temperature is already starting to drop. We'll stay warmer if you come the bed like that." He had to mistaken the darkening of her eyes. But he knew she was right so instead of getting the shirt it wondered over to the bed.

"Are you sure that sleeping in the same bed is a good idea?"

"Yes buzzard. We need the body heat. Also where else would you sleep? There's no extra blankets for you to sleep on the floor."

Without another word he got underneath the covers and Aelin immediately came to his side to leach the warmth from him. She closed her eyes. But all he could do was stare at her.

Aelin POV

He was staring at her in the moonlight. Her eyes caught his. "Tell me to stop." Her hand reached to tuck a strand of hair behind his ears. Her finger following his cheekbone.

His eyes dropped down to her lips. Her breath caught. Her hand caressed down his face to his shoulder. Her hand touched his bare chest. She scooted closer to him. Rowan punched his eyebrows together. Like he wanted to tell her to stop. But didn't. Her other hand went to the side of his face.

"Aelin we can't." Gently moving her hand. He got up from the bed. Storming to the small sink.

"Why Rowan. Talk to me."

"BECAUSE I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO. Damnit. You know. You. Know. What it's like. What we go through. You could be used against me. Used to make me bend. To break. I love you. But we can't do this."

His confession broke down every wall she tried to build. Every attempt to shove her feelings downs. They all came to the surface. And what she asked for next she knew he wouldn't refuse her.

"Then just give me this one night. One night is all I'm asking ." Leaning up she took her long sleeve shirt off. She hadn't been wearing a bra so her bare chest was out. Rowan sucked in a groan.

"You're going to kill me woman. I can't tell you no, especially when you beg me." He started back towards the bed. He placed his hand on the side of her face.

"Just one night."

"One night. That's all we can take Aelin."

Then he kissed her.

3rd POV

Across the continent. There was a blond man going over his plans and his bosses orders one last time. Making sure it was foolproof.

As he went to set the timer a call came through. "Not yet. There's a few more pieces to get rid of."

Hanging up he threw the phone down. Disabling it with one swift stomp of his boot.

Disabling the bomb for another day he left the estate. He started whistling a tune. Time to expose some key players in this betrayal..

Authors Note.
So. Should I make a NSFW chapter? It would be my first attempt at something like that but let me know what you guys think!

Also. I just started writing the epilogue. And you guys are in for a ride!! But don't worry we are still a while from the ending!!

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