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Chapter 17
Aelin POV
2 months later.

Nearly 6 months after the bombing at the gala the Blackbeak Clan got 2 of the accomplices. One man named Tern and another named Harding. The men were runners for Sam. Aedion and Aelin then started sorting through all of Sams contacts. Arobynn was slowly getting shut out of meetings and conversations too. The red haired man was furious.

There had only been one other siting of Sam. He had been In rifthold at an old safe house they no longer used due to it being compromised by Perringtons Officers.

Currently Aelin, Rowan, and Aedion were on the rooftop of the warehouse in Rifthold. Lorcan was currently out scouting that safe house. But it had appeared that Sam had left. The orders from Rhoe and Maeve made sure that the cadre and the family had equal memebers on every mission. If there was only one family member only one cadre went. 2 family members 2 of the cadre and so forth. So Elide and Ren and Lysandra were with the twins and Gavriel. A new addition from the cadre.

Things between Aelin and Rowan had remained professional. They didn't see longing looks the other gave when they weren't looking.

Aelin had chopped her to her shoulders. For reasons she didn't tell anyone. But she felt it was symbolic to her new self. Before Sams betrayal she would had left this life behind. Yeah, she enjoyed the dirty side. But the uncertainty of loved ones survinging, got her. She looked over to Aedion. Her brother. He was keeping secrets. He'd been meeting more and more with their parents. One night he'd come to lay beside her while she was on her laptop studying floor plans. He'd had such a haunted look. But refused to say anything. The siblings had always brought each other comfort. By just being in each other's presence.

"He has to make a mistake somewhere. Rowan what do you think?"

Rowan looked to her. The setting sun catching his green eyes making them almost gold. "I think he's getting tired. But I also think he has help from the inside. Your family most definitely has a leak."

"The only ones that would even have that information is Arobynn and Lysandra? But they know what we would do to them if they betrayed us..."

"Sam knew too. And if he was being blackmailed he'd already come forward.." Aedion speculated.

Nodding she said. "Send the order to the parents. We won't be going through control for orders anymore. As of right now we are MIA. Going Rouge."

Aedion grabbed her in the shoulder to look her in the eyes. Seeing the confirmation in her eyes he stated downstairs. But before he got to the first steps a gunshot rung out. Barely missing Aelins head and inbedding into a water pipe.


"Get down."

"Head to the chopper."

More gunshots.

"Just one shooter." Rowan said as they ran to the chopper on a neighboring rooftop. Scaling over a drainpipe to the building next to them he continued. "A single shooter. So sniper?"

Aedions and Aelin looked at each other as they ran.

"Aelin No."

"Aelin Yes." She replied as she threw herself into the pilots seat.

Rowan looked surprised but go into the back placing a head seat over his ears.

"You know how to fly?" He asked skeptically.

"Of course. I took a course."

Aedion was done with her shit but had followed suit by shoving his headsets over his blond hair. "She fucking fell asleep during half the course..."

"Wait what?"

Before either brute of a man she flipped the right switched turning the blades on. Then took off. The sniper shot one more time barely missing them.

"Wheres Lorcan?"

Rowan gave her the coordinates.

"Aedion we'll drop you off. I don't like doing this. But remember. Get off the grid till we figure with the mole. You'll know how to make contact once we either get the mole or Sam."

Tuning the chopper north Aedion replied. "You just focus on Sam. You know him the best. We'll handle the mole."

Rowan POV
Making contact with Lorcan, he and Aedion went off on their own. But not without one last hug between the siblings.

Rowan and Aelin abandoned the chopper and starting hiking into the woods to head to one of the cadre safe houses. They had agreed that the Galathynius Families houses would be compromised.

It was about 30 minutes into their 2 hour hike that Aelin broke the silence. "So how come out of all of your cousins and you, why were you chosen to be the heir?"

"When we came of age, we all went through a series of tests. I came out on top. Why are you the heir and not Aedion?"

She looked at him. He caught his breath. Every time she looked at him it was getting harder and harder to keep his distance. He felt the ties snapping slowly:

"I'm still not sure. Typically it is the oldest child. Look at Dorian and Hollan. But Aedion was very adamant that it was me. Not him. He had claimed that he was meant to protect me. But there's something else going on. He keeps meeting with our parents."

The silence hit them once more. Rowan could taste the tension in the air. "Were you going to run off with Sam?"

Belierderd eyes met his. "How did you know that?" Her hand went to her chest.

"You were so in love with him. It wouldn't have been a surprise if you had. Since you couldn't marry him."

"I knew my duty. Of course the thought did go through my mind but what would my family do? My own father would have had to do my execution."


"Yeah. If the Galathynius family has someone who had caused great offense then the head of the family deals with them personally..." she paused. "3 shots. One through the leg, to cause pain. One through the chest to prove a point. The last through the head. To finish the job"

"That's brutal."

"Betraying the most notorious family is brutal. And takes some fucking guts."

Sometime later they arrived at the cabin. Rowan personally had never been to this particular one. But when the walked in he realized his mistake.

The cabin was one big room. A kitchenette, and bathroom and a couch. He assumed the couch pulled out into a bed.

One bed. Fuck him.

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