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Chapter 24
Aelin POV

Aedion set off a small fire in the eastern wing of the mansion they tracked Elide and Ren too... it's was fucking ostentatious. Even for her. Aelin then set the fire meant for the west wing. Manon and her 13 quietly set up their explosives around the city.

Dorian and Chaol had sat in their Wendlyn safe house the past couple of days to block feed from Meaves mansion and to broadcast an emergency evacuation from the City of Rivers where Meave made her throne. Those two had barely slept because they constantly had to fight the cadres inner security and techies.

The rest of her plan was slowly coming into fruition...

Aelin dressed in all black,  met Aedion in the front gates. Where they walked through to the entrance.

Both siblings covered head to toe in weapons walked with their heads held high into their most rivaled families safe house.

The twins spotted them first. Connall had bruises and bloodied nuckles. His face paled as he caught their expressions. Aedion she knew was furious. Ren was his oldest friend and he was slumped onto the ground. Unconscious. Fenrys only gave them a hint of amusement. With a flick of his eyebrow he barely gave a nod in their direction.

Vaugh and Gavriel. We're dead man where they were standing. She'd make sure of it by the end of this night.

Maeve. Deserved to be tortured. But she would settle for death. Not a simple death no.

Lorcan stood slightly in front of Rowan. Always guarding the heir. That said heir had an unreadable expression. But Aelin could see pride in his eyes. And relief.

Before the Ashryver- Galathynius could take another step. Vaughn and Gavriel stepped in front of Maeve. As if to guard her. It's no matter. They would all get what was coming for them.

Aedion then turned to face Gavriel. With a look full of fury.. "You killed my mother. Then you attempted to kill Aelin and I. After you set a bomb up to kill Rhoe and Evalin."

Stunned Gavriel looked at Aedion.lorcan glanced between the two males.  It finally clicked. The reason why Aedion wasn't the heir for the Galathynius. Why he didn't have the Galathynius name. But the Ashryver.

"What are you talking about? The bomb killed your parents."

"Try again. Rhoe and Evalin might have raised me. But they didn't give me life." The whole room was silent. Aelin grabbed Aedion from behind. To offer him support. "I read the file. You killed Helene Ashryver. My mother. She was a spy for the Ashryvers in Doranelle. You fell in love with her. Then you killed her when you found out who she was."

Gavriels tanned face was pale. "I didn't kill Helene. Evalin killed her for fraternizing with the enemy.  For being in love with me." He turned towards Maeve. As if she was the one who gave him that information...

It was Aelins turn to speak. "So. You're Aedions father. But you never came to collect him?"

"No. I." He swallowed a lump in his throat. "I never learned of your existence. Helene ordered me away. Then she wound up in Terresan with her sister. I found out about her death a few years after she'd been killed. When I asked to come to Terresan to find out what happened I was denied by Maeve."

Maeves face was impassive. But Aelin knew the truth. So did Aedion. Maeve had Helene killed. And it seemed Gavriel was was putting the pieces together.

The original files Aedion received from Rhoe and Evalin were wrong. Those files had come from a source inside Maeves circle. They'd stated that Gavriel has assassinated Helene. But in truth is was s hired hit an. Hired by Maeve.

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