Chapter 8 Rowan POV

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Chapter 8
Rowan POV

Rowan paced the airplane cabin as they flew to the southern continent. He had asked Lyria to accompany him to this gala. Hopefully she was currently flying out with their other members. He was upset when he found out Remelle would be joining Lorcan 

Fenrys was the only one still awake besides him. He was making adjustments to different operations. Rowan always forgot that the golden twin that was constantly grinning and goofing around could actually be serious.

Once they landed, they took separate vehicles to their hotel. Rowan was to meet up with Maeve to go all their new information.

Once they figured out Elides and Sams identity, the pair seem to have disappeared completely. If it wasn't so clique, he would have said it was magic. Maeve was throughly impressed they had found some useful information out. Then demanded Rowan be apart of a meeting with the heads of houses.

Rowan wasn't the only heir at the meeting. However when Rhoe and Evalin Galathynius walked in he wasn't surprised to not see their heir. Aelin looked like she would still be holding her identity secret until the gala.

Once they got all the pleasantries done the meetings began Rowan studied everyone. How Dorian Sr would drive the conversation the way he wanted. How Maeve only spoke to Matron Blackbeard. Rhoe and Evalin kept side eyeing each other when the Khagan said something distasteful.

Rowan kept looking at Evalin. She looked strangely familiar. However he was familiar with the Ashryvers in Wendlyn. Something else was nagging him. Evalin gently spoke to Glaston Ashryver. He nodded in agreement

Khagan spoke to Rhoe and Evalin then. "Where is Aelin? All of our heirs are here, except yours. You'd think since we're all on neutral ground she finally honor us with her presence."

Dorian Jr said. "Knowing Aelin she probably slept in on purpose. And is waiting to make her dramatic entrance at the Gala tonight."

Manon only huffed in agreement.

Rhoe glared at the Khagan. "She was tying some loose ties up in Rifthold before heading here with Aedion. I believe her flight only landed just this morning. And only very little sleep she's even more unpleasant than I am." Rhoe chuckled as he glanced at Dorian Sr. "That is why Arobynn is currently handling her."

The last time Rhoe had lost his temper at a meeting Dorian Sr ended up with a knife through his hand. Which Rowan had noticed the man slowly put his hands back underneath the table.

"We'll make introductions at the gala tonight." Evalin said as a peacemaking.

The rest of the meeting went more smoothly. They hadn't heard from Erawan in at least a month. Which wasn't comforting. The head of the FBI was constantly trying to pin one of the family's for crimes he couldn't prove. The last he heard Erawan had set his sight on trying to infiltrate the Blackbeaks. But with very little success.

The meeting finally adjourned to leave just enough time for everyone to get ready for the Gala.

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