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Chapter 31

Rowan POV
He looked over at Aelin as she finished getting ready by putting a bejeweled clip into her hair. Tonight was the Charity Gala.

The very same Gala that got bombed the year before. Rowan had been not so shocked to find out that it had been Maeves plan to bomb it last year. She'd used some of the Galathynius runners of course. But she'd been the mastermind behind it.

Aelin stood up from her chair and faced him. Gods she was beautiful. Especially after she gave him a shy smile. Words weren't needed as he went to her, cupped her face and kissed her. She was his.

Aelin POV
She felt Rowans warm hand move to settle over the almost nonexistent bump of their child. She basked in presence, the peacefulness. The blissful moment was gone all to fast through when Aedion knocked in the door.

"We need to leave soon, Ace." He came in and looked at them. At the hand Rowan still had on her. The placement on it. The eyes that twinned hers, softened. "We can push this off-"

"No." She whispered. "It needs to be tonight."

Aedion looked her over once again. Then he left the room. He wouldn't win the argument against her. Not about this.

Tonight, they would take out Perringtion and his FBI team. They would also attempt to get Erawan. The ring leader that pulled the strings for  Matron Blackbeak, Dorian Havillard Sr. For too long they profited off betraying the other family's. Using their members as blackmail.

She looked back at Rowan, grabbed his hand and lead him out of the room.

Tonight it would all end.

Aedion POV
The Havilliards hired extra guards. Which was most likely a bad idea. But Aedion didn't give a shit. He kept one eye on Aelin all night. When Rowan or Lorcan wasn't next to her he was. Unlike last year it was just them, Elide and Ren had stayed behind to run security. Lysandra, she was back at the new estate in Terresan.

This year The Havillards hosted the Gala. And Aedion was on edge. Something was off. Call it a gut feeling. But something was fixing to go down.

Lorcan POV
He trailed behind Aelin. Her insufferable swagger irked him. She in general pissed him off. But he hated to admit it, she was a genius. Too smart for her own good.

She tired to look at him over her shoulder. Opening her mouth to no doubt berate him about something. But she got interrupted by Havilliard Senior tapping on the mic.

"Good evening my guests. The next portion of tonight's events will be the the First Dance Auction! Now will one Lady of each house please come to the stage."

Aelin was the only lady of house Galathynius. This was a bad idea. Very bad idea.

He reached for her. "Aelin no." But she slipped from his grasp and stepped towards the stage.

Rowan was going to have a fit.

Rowan POV
He was going to murder someone. She was too exposed up there. They all were. How dare he demand that they do this dance.

Aelin stood next Asterin and Neseryn. Ansel was whispering in Selene ear glancing towards a group of men in the back. Kaltain had crossed her arms and scowled at Asterin.

Rowan kept his eyes trained on Aelin as Lorcan and the rest of the cadre placed themselves in various places around the room. He wouldn't be taking any chances. Not when it came to her. To them.

One after another each girl was bid on. Finally it was Aelins turn.

Rowan called out a number.

Then a strangely familiar voice called out a higher number. Finally taking his eyes off Aelin he turned to see Rhoe Galathynius.

He watched as Rhoe Galathynius and Evalin Ashryver came forward with Arobynn Hamel behind them.

What the Fuck.

Aedion POV

He grinned. This, is what Aelin had spent months planning. And by Aelins face she was pleased with everyone's reaction. By the looks of it she hadn't even told Rowan. Perfect.

Rhoe stalked towards Dorian Sr. Grabbing him by the collar.

"Our old friend."

Evalin stepped up to stand beside her husband.

The entire room was silent as the grave. But no one noticed Aelin shifting down the stage and disappearing behind the large curtain.

"Did you really expect us to believe that it was only Maeves idea to try and kill off the Galathynius family? Dorian, my my. How idiotic do you think us be? Archer Finn came running to us as soon as you came forth with your proposal for him. It was risky I give you that. But offering him what he already had? Why in earth would he go for that?" Rhoe turned to face the room. Then he addressed the other families. "Dear Dorian Senior, thought it a good idea to try and blackmail one of our spy's. Archer Finn was supposed to kill Sam Cortland. Causing an all out war. He'd even had Archer plant bombs at our estate. But what he didn't know was that Archer never intended to do any of that. Archer remained loyal to the Galathynius. And for that he's been rewarded."

Evalin stepped forward. "After the Cadre helped fake our deaths and took out Meave we had Aelin and Aedion start gathering intel on you. Man. Your pockets are filled deep with the blood money of Perrington and Erawan. Every one of our missing cargos, you picked up and sold. And not just ours either. But everyone else's too."

Aedion watched the other family's start surrounding Dorian Sr. He glanced around to make sure Chaol had moved Dorian Jr to a safe spot.

On the far wall a projector had been set up. Flashing all of the found intel. Proving what Evalin and Rhoe said to be true.

One after another gun clicked their safety off.

Aedion looked for the spot Aelin was supposed to be in.

She wasn't there. Rowan looked around too. She wasn't anywhere in the room.

Panic started to form.

Where was Aelin. She was supposed to be next to him or Rowan now.

Turning in a full circle Aedion caught the eyes of Dorian Sr.

Dorian Sr saw their expressions. He lifted his hands up in surrender. "Where is dear Aelin? Maybe Cairn should bring her out now."


The member that was kicked out of the Cadre.. even they couldn't tame him. He had Aelin.

Cairn brought Aelin out from behind the stage door. With a gun pointed to her head. He looked at his sister. She gave an almost invisible shake of her head. No this isn't part of the plan.

This wasn't apart of her plans.

They were in deep unending shit.

Rowan POV

He saw the fear in her eyes. It froze his heart over.

He took a step towards her but the bastard of a man clicked his tongue. Forcing him to stop.

"No one moves a muscle. I know-"

A shot rang out across the room. Cairn looked at Aelin in bewilderment. As if he hasn't mean to shoot her.

Rowan ran to Aelin as she crumbled to the floor. Blood flooding out of her body. Her panicked eyes searching his pine green ones.

Where was the blood coming from. Where where?

"Aelin. Fire heart no. No. No!" He grabbed the love of his life to him. Maybe if he held her she would stay. Aelins body was failing her. But she had enough strength to lift her hand up to his face. He grabbed her hand. So much smaller than his to his face and did not let go.

"I love you."

Rowan whispered the sentiment back and watch as the light diminished her eyes. As she started back at him unfocused and unseeing

Rowan let out a cry that set the world trembling

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