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Chapter 21
Aelin POV
Luck finally seemed to be on their side. For Sam stayed unconscious till they hit the helipad. But he didn't bother to strain against his bonds. He seemed to have accept the fate he would be given at the hands of her father.

Aelin and Elide climbed into the pilot chairs. Checked over everything in silence then they were off.
Another few hours at they were back to their estate. Sam stayed silent and head down the entire flight over.

Aelin grabbed Sams arm as she brought him to the interaction room. Where Lysandra and Arobynn were already seated. She shoved him down in a chair. Her eyes met Lysandras bloodshot eyes. Then looked away. Causing Lysandra to let out a pitiful cry.

Rhoe walked into the room. Followed by Evalin. Aelin and Aedion took their spots shading the wall. Elide, her parents, Ren, and the Cadre all took places outside the room. But the two way glass allowed them to see and hear everything. Rhoe led the way by punching Arobynn hard enough in the face to knock out 2 teeth.

Rhoe asked. "I will only ask you once. And I might show mercy on your two children." He crouched down in front of Arobynn. "Why. Why would you plot against my family."

"Aelin would have destroyed this empire. So I had Sam love her. Then he was going to bring her down. And as my heir he would eventually rule. He wouldn't be some hidden secret from the world as he would be with Aelin leading. You and I both know he couldn't properly be with her. Without it undermining her."

"So you did this to let Sam lead?"

A shrug. "One of the reasons."

Rhoe looked to Sam and Lysandra. "What do you have to say."

Sam looked at her father with clear disdain. Then he looked at her. Focusing on Rhoe, Sam answered." I loved her. But I didn't want to be under her. I wanted You dead and Evalin dead. That way Arobynn could take over. Eventually when I took over for Arobynn I could properly marry Aelin.." glancing back at her he continued. "She's too headstrong. Too impulsive to lead an empire as big as this one. It would fall within a year of her leading."

Rhoe turned from him to look at Lysandra. Aelin caught a glimpse of sorrow on her fathers face. But he masked it.

"What do you have to say?"

She didn't even look at our father. Instead she looked over to Aedion. "I'm sorry. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you Aedion. But all the same I did. My only regret is not coming clean about Arobynns plans sooner." Swallowing. She turned towards Rhoe. "I will accept any punishment you deem appropriate."

Rhoe turned towards Evalin. She had stayed silent with tears streaming down her face. But she still had her chin held high as she nodded towards her husband. He then looked towards his children. Aelin nooses at the same time as Aedion.

For the punishment for betrayal was death.

Rowan POV

He looked on from just outside the glass window. Once they all nodded in agreement Rowan turned towards Elide.

"What are they doing?"

With tears shimmering in the small woman's eyes she whispered just loudly enough for the whole room to hear. "They just agreed on the Galathynius execution."

Aedion shoved Arobynn, Lysandra, and Sam down to their knees. Aedion wiping his eyes with his hands. To hide the tears.

They had all been shocked at the betrayal of Arobynn and his family. Rhoes face was grim. He had trusted this man with everything. Yet Arobynn still sought out to betray him.

"Any last words?"
"No? None? Sam? Lysandra? Anything you want to say?"

The Head of the Galathynius family looked at the three of them. He took the gun from Evalins shaking hand. He made sure 9 bullets were in the clip. He would start with the youngest. The Galathynius Family had a particular way of execution. Three shots. One through the leg. One through the chest. The final through the head.
One to inflict pain. One to prove a point. One to finish the job.

He shot Lysandra in the leg. Forcing a blood curtailing scream out. Then the chest followed by the head before her body went limp to the ground. Aedion was trying so hard not to let his emotions through. Evalin looked at the body of the girl who she had considered a second daughter.

Then he followed with Sam. The same three shots.it was Aelins turn to not show any emotions. To not flinch.

Rhoe looked into the eyes of his right hand man as he shot Arobynn in the leg. The chest. Then the head.

Rowan and his cadre looked on. Lorcans face was unreadable. The twins had a look of disbelief. Vaughn and Gavriel looked at each other faces pale.

It was almost in slow motion. But Rowan watched as Gavriel lifted his phone to his ear. "It's time." He spoke then hung up the phone. Gavriel nodded toward Vaughn.

Vaughn pulled out his gun and shot Marion and Cal Lochan. Just as he turned the gun towards Elide, Lorcan jumped in front of her. Gavriel took out a remote and pressed the single black button on it. A low rumble shook the ground. The Galathynius family took through the window and saw the scene. Evalin screamed as the Lochans fell to their knees. Just as Rowan made eye contact with Aelin. Her face morphed into a look of horror as the wall blew out from behind her. Throwing her forward. Aedion threw himself on top of her.

The force of the explosion blew out the windows. Leaving no hope for survivors.

Authors note.
*evil laughs from behind the scene.* I would apologize. But I won't
I will tell you it was super hard to wrote Sam and Lysandras characters like that. Since it so far from their canon personalities.

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