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Chapter 20
Rowan POV

Waking up with Aelin in his arms was incredibly peaceful. Her skin was warm. Breathing in deep he nuzzled his face in her hair and tightened his arms around her. She somehow still had the jasmine scent of her shampoo in her hair. Aelin slightly groaned but pressed her face further into his bare chest.

He'd never had someone unmake up like she had. It was breathtaking, earth shattering. But yet forging all the same.

The sun hasn't risen yet. But it was starting to lighten outside. Yet he heard a noise outside. Almost like someone was looking for a way in. Rowan untangle himself from Aelins grasp. Pulling on sweatpants as he reached for his gun on the nightstand. Aelin woke up to the sound of him cocking his gun. When she really what he was doing she followed by putting one of his shirts on and a pair of sleeper shorts.

The person decided to try for the door handle. Which was unlocked. The handle slowly open. The door pushed open as the person walked through.

Fenrys stepped through the door followed by Elide.

"Well. What do we have here? You two were totally canoodling."

Elide shoved Fenrys aside as she pulled her iPad out of her satchel. "We have go move you Aelin.Sams on his way right now." Rowan looked back to see Aelins face. Last night her expression was open. Honest. Now it was feigned in indifference. However his heart was beating out of his chest. Even though they had only agreed on one night. How was he supposed to let her go?

"So? Let him come."

Shaking her head elide said. "We caught Lysandra and Arobynn. They went after Aedion tonight. Sams on his way to either capture you. Or kill you."

Her complexion paled. "Is Aedion okay?"

"Yes yes he's fine. I have the security footage to prove it to you. But we need to leave. Now.." she shoved the iPad into Aelins hands then her and Fenrys started gathering our things.

Rowan watched as Aelin typed on the iPad then watched the said footage. Finally releasing a breath she'd been holding once she saw Aedion was safe. Nodding to herself she had made a decision.

"We stay here. Then ambush Sam for answers. Capture him. And take him back to the estate for further questioning."

Elide stood straight." Since Aedion is not here. It falls on me to protect you. At all costs. And that means telling you to get your shit together and let's go."

Rowan started getting ready himself. He took to the bathroom to get fully dressed.

"—if he brings more than himself you and i are leaving."


Fenrys sat them down at the table once he gathered all their weapons. Aelin turned the lights off. Like as if they were still asleep. And they took their places.

Aelin POV

It's been over 6 months since she'd seen Sam. She grasped the necklace he'd given her the night before the bombing. She'd thought she'd found real happiness with him. That she could be happy with the lie they were telling themselves. But she was just settling. Sam was as easy as breathing. Easy to love. But then he betrayed her.

Every single sweet whisper in the darkest part of the night he gave her. A lie. Every declaration of love. A lie. Aelins heart started creating a barrier around it. She'd be facing Sam with a cold steel heart.

Another hour passed in silence. Then they heard the click of the lock being picked.

She quietly picked up her hand gun. Ready to kill on sight.

Sam. Her Sam. Walked through the door. Dressed in all black, he looked as handsome as ever. Hair a little longer than he normally kept it. He even had a little bit of stubble to his chin. But he took in his surroundings. He noticed the small bed. The kitchenette. His eyes glanced over her and trained on Rowan. Then he looked back to Aelin. She could see the pieces coming together in his mind..

"You already moved on." Not a question. But a statement. But still she didn't answer him. "How could you. I promised I would follow you anywhere. I promised you that we would have all the time in the world. This. What I was doing was supposed to secure that future for us."

Fury so potent filled in her chest. "And what exactly were you doing? You betrayed me. My family. That wouldn't just fucking slide with my father Sam."

Sam stormed towards her. Ready to grab her. She steadied her feet. But before he came any closer to her Rowan had him by the neck. "Don't. Come any closer Sam Cortland."

Pine green eyes met Carmel brown. But before Sam could retort Rowan hit him over the head to knock him out. Elide pulled out hand ties to keep his hand secure. Once they were tied Rowan hefted Sam over his shoulder.

They began the 2 hour hike back out of the forest. About a hour in. She grasped the necklace Sam had given her. Pulled the chain free from her neck and dropped it.

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