Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Aedion POV

Aedion had just finished strapping his fighting knives to his thigh when their phones ping with the coordinets. The Cadre follwed them quickly and silently out to the garage. Fen let out a low whistle at the car that had yet been tarpped over. Aedion gave him a quick warning look not to say anything about the car. The car was Sams baby. It might have been one of the only things he cared for as much as Aelin.

Rowan was still pulling over a long sleeve and attaching his weapons to his person. when he walked up to the vehicle that they would be taking Aelin was putting her ear piece in as she got in the front seat.

"she knows the underworld of Terrasen the best. and she would know where Archer Finn would most likely be." Aedion said to lorcan.

Aedion got claimed the passanger side to type in the gps. He couldnt help be feel off kiltered. Sam was normally driving them to missions. Aelin in this seat to guide them. Aedion always in the back to keep lookout. but now Rowan sat in his usual seat. he adjusted the earpiece and checked his ammo as Aelin spun out of the garage.

They would be exiting outside the cannel closets to the clubs of downtown.

"shit. how many exits do you guys need?" Lorcan muttered.

"honestly not enough. with a family as big as ours we all need to split up more often than not when we flee the premesis. but we do have an impressive amount. Sam and i used to take random ones outside the house to see where it would take us. this was always my favourite since our parents frequwntly forgot about it."

Aedion added, "its also your favorite since its so close to the clubs and shops we used to frequent."

"that too"

Rowan looked over to Aelin, but spoke to Aedion. "i read in the notes that you used to be friends with Archer? Yet he put Sam in the hospital?"

she changed lanes before answering. "thats what i dont understand. Sam found Archer the same time we found Lysandra and Evangline. we bought his debt from Clarisa. he was one of our most trusted contacts in rifthold.  there has to be another motive. hes honestly to much of a pussy to defect on his own... When we get him tonight we hold him for questioning. espespically since he might know more about the bombing at the Gala."

they pulled up to the club that Elide had sent to them. "this isnt your normal haunt with Archer and Sam." Aedion mutted. The club was the club that none of them stepped foot in. it was the one club in all of Terrasen that was owned by Havilliard,

" this is some bullshit."

Rowan POV

the siblings kept letting out a line of explict words that even he knew Fenrys wouldnt have known. Aedion gently grabbed Aelins arm and drug he off to the side.

"if they siblings arent allowed to go into the club it might be up to us" lorcan said. Rowan looked to his second and almost shuttered. the brute of a man looked menacing. they couldnt just walk into the club either, not with how they were dressed. he could have passed if he took his weapons off. he was fixing to suggest as much when Aelin punched Aedion.

"Damnit Ace. fine. fine. here." more colorful language escapse Aedions mouth as he took of his shirt. Rowan got a close look at young Ashryver. HIs body was marred with scars and bruises. he had a tattoo above hisi heart but Rowan couldnt make it out in the dark. Aelin had grabbed the shirt from Aedion and started to twist into into a cocktail dress. her body was just as scarred and bruised as her brothers. Aedion was helping cover her back when she spoke. then he filtered through the items in the e back of the SUV till he found a tank top. Rowan had known that the siblings were pretty hands on with the family business. But he hadn't expected to find those types of scoring on each of them. Typically the heir would be protected but it seems Aelin didn't like sitting back and letting others do the dirty work.

"Since Rowan looks like a civilian he and i will go into the club to see what we can find. Aedion, take Fenrys and Lorcan to the downtown warehouse. the one that got broken into when were there last. if we are not back by 2. You know what to do." she hugged her brother then turned to him. The look he recived from her took his breath away. for the first time since he saw her at the gala she had the spark back in those wildfire eyes.

Lorcan looked to him for confirmation. Rowan nodded in agreement. Then followed the golden beauty into the alleyway. As the others went to the car.

Fenrys POV
Fenrys was excited to see the famous Galathynius warehouse. Especially one that had so recently been broken into. So he willingly followed Aelins directions and went with the eldest Galathynius.

"So what type of products do you store at this warehouse?" Lorcan inquired.

Aedion stuck the key into the ignition and started it before he answered. "We don't store products at this warehouse. This particular one has an apartment on top. But the bottom floor we use it has a safe haven for refugees or women in need. More or less than a crises center. We've helped relocate and set up futures for women of domestic abuse mainly. It's strictly volunteer work from the city."

Whatever response they were expecting that was the last one. Fenrys would have expected a control center at the very least. Not a building to help others.

"Alright then."

Aedion looked into review mirror. "We might be ruthless when it comes to how we run our business. But we also help the less fortunate as much as possible. Our family actually donates a good portion to the charities of Terresan. Then we try to help out those who are in a bad spot. No one should stay in a shitty situation."

The rest of the car ride was silent. Even negative Nancy Lorcan didn't have anything to say to that.

They pulled up to the curb of the warehouse. Aedion was on his phone then went I step outside the car as a bullet hit the side mirror.

"Fuck. We gotta go. Now."

Aedion turned towards the direction of the shot. Fire a few round hisself then got back into the drivers seat.

"Call Rowan and let him know we've been compromised." The tires spun out as they went under the bridge. Lorcan was firing behind the SUV trying to hit the tires of the car following and shooting at them.

Fenrys was was retrying Rowans number again and again. But the bastard wasn't answering. "Shit. Shit. Shit."

"I can't even get Elide on the line. Someone must be using a blocker in the cell service. Lorcan can you tell who that is in the car?"

Fenrys looked up to his fellow brother. And lorcan face was uncharacteristically pale. "Yeah. And your not gonna believe me." He took a gulp as he aimed for the tires again. "But it looks like Sam. Sam Cortland."

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