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Chapter 27

He'd been searching for months. 3 months to be exact. This was the last place he was going to look for her. If he didn't find her here he would start taking drastic measures. Ones that only she would be proud of.

Walking to the small cabin was a pain in his ass. So. He started day dreaming about all the possibilities of her not being here.

First he would track down all her runners. Then oh then he'd go after her shipments. Maybe take a few hostages. A few executions. All in a Saturday work really.

Finally he got to the secluded cabin. The door was unlocked. Maybe Aelin knew no one would find her here. Or I'd they did. It would it would be the last thing they did.

Her shit was thrown all over the place. Clothes on top of the small bed. Grocery bags in the corner. That must've been a bitch to carry out here. 

Hot steam was pouring from the shower. The water cut off before Rowan could contemplate taking of his clothes to join her.  Well he hoped it was her.

Rowan sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her to come out. And when she finally did. His heart almost stopped.

She was naked. Wet and naked. Her towel clearly left on the bed beside him.

Aelin stopped mid stride . Finally his eyes reached her face. Instead of being the golden beauty she looked ill.

Then he noticed something he should have before she met her eyes.

Aedion POV

"Aelin said-"

Aedion glared at Nox. Ever since Aelin decided to be irresponsible he'd been stuck doing her job. Which he didn't mind. But sometimes it fucking sucked.

"I don't care what Aelin said. This works out better. Contact Havilliard and tell him we're taking the deal. Dorian should keep his dad in line for us to successfully profit from this. If not we can always take out another empire."

Over the last three months. Well the two months that lead up to the previous month were Aelin decided to go gallivanting  off into the forest like some fairy. The Galathynius family had been slowly taking over Maeves  deals and contracts. Tracking down their members one by one. Although they couldn't touch the ones they freed she had others do her dirty work.

This was all easy though because they had Morts approval and help.

Their team was scattered through Erilea. Ren and Elide were back in Terresan where as he was in Rifthold with Nox. Nox made him want to punch his teeth out about once a day. Aedion could see why Aelin liked the shit starter so much.

Aedion knew that the cadre were just waiting to make a move. But Aelin had to be protected at all cost. Especially....

Lorcan had been seen tracking Elide. The twins were no doubt trying to find him. Gavriel and Vaughn were no doubt in hiding. He was still pissed at the no kill order Aelin gave for them. Rowan was no doubt trying to find his sister.

His security tablet went off. Someone had tracked Aelin to that cabin. Only he knew where she was. Nothing even Ren or Elide knew.

Aedion lived to protect Aelin.

Nox had finished sending an email to Dorian Sr. When a knock came through his office door. The door opened to reveal someone very dear to him. Someone he thought he'd lost.

Elide POV

She's laid another trail for the brute to follow. She was having quite the fun leading him in circles. Clearly Lorcan was the brute strength. Where as Rowan was the brains of the operations.

Ren met her back at the local cafe.

Lorcan was sitting in their normal spot. Waiting for them.

Elide was thrilled he finally figured it out.

"Good Morning Dear Lorcan. How may we be of assistance to you?"

He looked good. Wearing dark jeans and a black tshirt with biker boots. Elide have the outfit an A-.

"Rowan found Aelin."

Well. Fuck.

Authors note
This was originally going to be the second to last chapter. But nooow it's not. Because my brain is an indecisive toddler who runs great on caffeine. I've gotten a few more ideas before I finish this fan fic.

But I did start another one. (I know I know) but this one is a Pirates of the Caribbean AU. With a feral Rowan Whitethorn staged as Non other than Captain Jack Sparrow. Just imagine king haired Rowan Whitethorn with hair beads and and silver tooth. Ugh I'm swooning. Any way it's called What Shall We Die For and the first chapter is on my profile! Go check it out my dudes!

Also. What do you think is going on with Aelin? Who walked into Aedions office?? Why is Rowan finding Aelin a not so good thing?? Remember comments are wheats welcomed!

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