Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Aelin POV

Aelin wedged her way in through an open window to unlock the back door to let Rowan inside. Since the man couldn't fit through the window. The scent of sweat, sex, and alcohol hit her all at once. This was definitely a low scale establishment. Especially since it was owned by the Havilliards. Gods she could ring Dorians neck. He had told her that his father was going to sell this place. Not turn it into whatever this shit was.

They walked through the kitchen and into the club luckily with out encountering anyone along the way. She knew that Archer would most likely be in the back rooms with a select few with him. But he only ever had two guards with him to avoid suspension.

Aelin had to keep reminding herself that it was her who gave the no kill order. They needed answers. But she so wanted to gut Archer Finn in a sewage drain.

Rowan took her hand gently before leading her to the dance floor. she marveled at how calloused his hands were. He must spend hours upon hours training. She must get him in the training room back at the estate. They could learn so much from him.

But he had the right idea. They needed to blend in as they observed their surroundings. To get the layout of the club.

Being forever grateful that Lysandra had taught her how to tie a long sleeve shirt into a cocktail dress. She honestly hadn't needed Aedion shirt. But she needed him away from Archer. She couldn't loos him too. She'd take ever risk on her own to protect her brother.

Fenrys was her first choice but Rowan looked the part. He still had his jeans on from dinner. And with the long sleeve he looked like he was ready for a job out. It helped that he was naturally very attractive.

The beat to the music slowed down, as did Rowan and Aelin. His hands slowly moved up her body in a sensual way, that was driving her mad. She gripped the back of his neck as she turn herself to have her ass pressed against him. His sharp intake of breath made her smirk. Hands gripping her tighter he grazed his lips against her throat. If he was anyone else this wouldn't have meant anything. But Rowan knew what he was doing.

"There to the door on the left." He said into her ear as he gracefully pivioted her so she could see what he saw.

There was Archer Finn.

Rowan POV

It was all for show. There was no way Aelin was reacting to him the same way he was to her. Luckily seeing Archer had pulled him back into perspective.

They were still enemies. Although working together. But still enemies. They were both heirs to their family's and nothing could change that. There was no way to make this work even if they'd want too. And for fucks sake. They both had just lost someone. If anything were to happen it would to be to try to fill an empty void.

They followed Archer to one of the back rooms. But had to duck into a utility closet at the last second. It was a tight squeeze. Aelins hot sweaty body was pressed against him. But so very lucky for them they found a vent behind a shelf of cleaning supplies .that gave them hearing access to the room Archer was in.

And he was alone. But on the phone. However unfortunately they couldn't hear the entire conversation

"... this plan of yours was such bullshit..... hunted by"


"She's here now? Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?" Then archer started hastily gathering all his belongings in the room. Then he left as quickly as he came in.

Aelin went for the door handle and pushed but it was locked. "Fuck. For malas sake. Fuck."
Then she bent over pulled a bobby pin from her hair and started picking the lock.

Rowan was quite uncomfortable. Aelins lean form was bent over but she was directly in front of him. And with the small space there was no room for him to back up or turn.

"Um Aelin."


"Please stop moving that way. I can't move any further back."

Rowan knew the instant she realized how she pressed against him. Her whole body shuddered then froze.

"Please tell me that's a flashlight buzzard."

"Well I'm not a liar so. So no. I won't do that." She turned to face him.
She gave him her signature smirk. Gave him the up and down look. As she brought a hand to his face her body came against his.

He grabbed her hand saying "don't touch me like that."

He couldn't fall for her. He couldn't take loosing someone else. So he had to break her more. He saw has the light fled from her eyes. And it destroyed him.

"Wait. Aelin let me explain."

Turning to pick the lock again she said . "No it's okay you don't have too. Let's get Archer."

3rd POV

He was in deep deep shit. He should have just hired a no name. But noooo he had to make sure the job was done right. But then he fucked it up hisself.

As quickly as possible he ditched his phone. And jumped out of the car. Hopefully loosing his pursuers.

Running down an alleyway he was grabbed by a looming figure. "Hello Boy. Let's have a chat with the boss."

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