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Authors note.
This chapter hated me. It fought me like a teenage girl with her mom.but here it is! Lol

Chapter 30

Rowan POV

Lyria. She was supposed to be dead. He'd seen a pilar land on her. She'd shoved him out of the way. Saved him.  But she was alive.

Looking to Aelin to make sure she was set, he walked over to his first love.


That was he needed to know.

"A miracle honestly. I shouldn't have been alive. But but The god Vanth clearly hadn't wanted to claim me yet. I think it was set things right. To be here."

He didn't know what to do. So he was glad when Aedion called him over to the corner where the table laid with papers stood. Nodding to Lyria he stepped towards Aedion.

She grabbed his arm. "Rowan. I'm glad of our time together. And I'm glad you found the other half to your soul. Aelins beautiful."

"Thank you Lyria."

The heirs sat at the able with their seconds behind them. Rowan sat down next to Aelin as she took the head of the table and sat down. "So, we are all here because we're the next in line for our families. And our next concern should be to take out Perrington and his FBI team. They've been snooping around for way too long and have their claws in some of the leaders right now." She paused to take in everyone's expression. "The Galathynius and the Cadre have already been working together and we were able to take our Meave. She was the biggest issue concerning Perrrington and Erawan. Any suggestions on our next target?" He glanced at her. The cadre didn't take down meave that was all her. But apparently the rest of the heirs didn't need to know that.

"My father." Dorian spoke. "He's been in Perringtons pockets for years now."

Manon agreed. So did Illias and Galan.

"We'll take him out at the next gala. Which is a week right."

Rowan watched as Aelin delegated each heir their roles for the night of the gala. They all would have a huge part in the end. If the other heirs were surprised at the knowledge Aelin had gather on each family concerning their teams they didn't let on.

Rowan had no idea that Illias and Ansel had members in Galans house. But Aelin did. She knew how each family worked inside and out.

In the middle of discussing the Blackbeak matrons with Manon a familiar body came in to interrupt their meeting. 

"Yes, Lysandra?" Aedion asked with no warmth to his voice.

"There's a package in the lobby for Aelin. Do you want me to bring it to you?"

"Have Elide or Ren run security over it. Then bring it."

"I already did." He motioned for her to being it to him.

The rest of the heirs and their seconds were dismissed for the time being. All that was left was Aelin, Aedion, himself and Lorcan.

Aelin watched her brothers face as he opened the box. Aedion normally tanned face paled. And he glanced at Aelin.

"What is it?" Shaking his head he went to take the box out of the room but Aelin stopped him. She grabbed from Aedion and glanced into the box. Aelin glanced to him and Rowan was at her side in a second.

Inside the box was a card. A congratulatory card for a new baby. With a picture of the two of them getting outside of the car this afternoon. But what was making the siblings pale was the note.

In blood red marker someone had wrote "when I return you'll suffer the same fate. I will kill you and anyone that gets in the way" with Xs marked over Rowan face and Aelins stomach.

Someone else knew about them and their baby. "Who else knew?"

"No one. Only Aedion knew out of my circle."

"It has to be Sam." Aedion said interrupting them.

Lorcan, still Rowans second came up behind them. "I thought Sam died."

"He's a fucking cockroach. Unkillable. He saved Lysandra during the explosion and then ran. We haven't been able to track him." A pause and Aelins eyes met his. "He's the main reason for me to go into hiding. I couldn't risk. I couldn't risk it. I don't know his intentions or motives."

"We don't have time for an all out man hunt again Aelin." Aedion muttered..

"You're pregnant? And Rowans the father?"

Rowan stared down his second. "A word to anyone and your dead Salvaterre."

"Yes sir." Lorcan nodded. And he would keep his word too. Lorcan looked over Aelin. Cataloging her. Lorcan would lay down his life for her in an instant now.

Rowan let loose a breath he hadn't known he was holding. 

His new family would be protected. Not just by The Galathynius. But the Cadre.

Aelin POV

Aelin started packing a bag. This would be her last mission. One way or another.

Aedion PoV

He was filling out more god damned paperwork. He looked at the clock. It was almost time. But not yet. He turned back to the paper and sign his name one last time.

He called Lysandra back into his office. As she entered he adverted his eyes. He still couldn't look at her.

"Mail these. Then you're done tonight. See you in the morning" Aedion turned his desktop off, and grabbed his iPad. But when the door didn't shut he looked up.

Gods. She was beautiful.

"I think I've suffered enough. I've proved myself ten times over to you and Aelin. And Elide. So either start treating me like you used too. Or let me leave."

Looking back down at his desktop. "You know we can't do that Lysandra."

"Look at me when you're speaking to me Aedion."

So he looked back up into those green eyes.

"Let me in." She had tears in her eyes. "I've never stopped loving you. Never stopped being on your side. I will burn down the world for you and your cause. Just let me in."

"Look at the papers."

She took in the papers she was holding. The unfrozen assets. Bank accounts now open to her. A home. All of it hers.

"You can leave now, and have a secure life. Get out of the danger."

The papers shook in her hands. Tears streaming down her face. She looked up into his eyes. And stormed over to the fireplace. Tossing the papers inside.


She got in his face. "You will not send me away. I am here. I want to be with you. I am yours for as long as you'll have me. But you will not send me away like a coward."

So Aedion gripped her face and kissed her for the first time in months.

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