He is (un)real.

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Pearl's pov.
I stood up so quickly that I lost my balance again and fall on the ground. I think I past out but the dog was trying to move me and I woke up.

My head hurt and I slowly stood up I remembered what I saw.
This wasn't real. It was my imagination. The hit in my head really made me crazy. I looked at the sea again and it was peaceful not a sign from anyone.

Then I realized that I had years be this close to the sea. I bend down on my knees near the water and I looked at it for a while. I moved my arm above the water to touch it but my hand started to trembled. I stood up fast and run away from that place.

I made my way to the start of the path and the dog came with me.
"Oh so now you are listening to me" I pet it. "Come with me I like you even though this almost got me killed." I said to the dog.
"I will name you Kkami" I said and I was finally back home.
"Dad I made a new friend look. He's name is Kkami." I said to him.
"Where did you find that dog?" he asked me.
"He was walking around the house and I felt bad leaving him alone. Please let me keep him I want a friend." I said like a baby to persuade him.
"Fineee don't do that. But you are responsible for him" he said annoyed but laughed.
"Yayy thank youu. Come on boy let's go to my room." I said and Kkami followed me.
I made a bed thingy for him next to my bed but he decided that he wanted to sleep with me. And I was so tired that I didn't mind.

Was he real? I have to stop thinking about that boy because I will be convinced I am going crazy. They aren't true. Mermaids and mermans don't exist. They are fairytales that my mom used to read to me. Maybe he will come back. What am I even thinking??? Sleep Pearl forget him. I have to be sure though. It's not a big deal. I'm just gonna check one more time to make sure and never going near the sea again.

Later that night
"Dad I am going to take Kkami for a walk" i yelled
"Okay be careful and don't go near the sea" he answered from far.
I took Kkami and it was the first time I lied to my dad about going near the sea. I mean I don't do something wrong I am just making sure.

We walked to the path again and Kkami seemed excited.
"Shh we have to be quite. If he's here which I highly doubt we have to be careful. He might be dangerous.
We went down to the path and I saw something moving in the sea.
I took Kkami and hide behind a big rock.
And then I saw him. The boy from before.

I felt like I was dreaming. I pinched myself to make sure. He was out of this world. Obviously Pearl wtf.
His hair was black and kinda long. The hided his neck. He was shirtless and he had gold sparkles in his chest and collarbone. His body was so define and he look liked a statue. His tail was a dark color. I think black.

And his face. Oh his face. The moonlight was hitting his face beautifully. Like it was his flawless make up. His beauty was unreal,breathtaking. I was shocked by this boy.

He sat on the edge of the beach and his tail was inside the water.
He looked up to the sky. He seemed sad. Like something was bothering him. I thought of my mom. Did he loose someone? Is he okay? I had so many questions. I didn't want to disturb him. I took Kkami and slowly was heading back to the path.

Suddenly Kkami started barking and he left from my hands and ran to the boy.
"Kkami no. Come here." I yelled making the boy to turn to look at my direction.
"You again?" He said and was ready to leave.
"No please stay. I didn't want to disturb you but Kkami had other plans. You were here first I will go. Sorry. Kkami come here boy." I tapped my foot to signal Kkami.
The boy pet Kkami's head until he came to me.
I went to the path with Kkami full with guilt.
"Fuck okay come here and sit with your slave but don't come near me." he yelled and I turned around to see him looking at me. I froze I didn't know what to do.
"You are coming or not? Come on." he said annoyed.
"S-sure" I stuttered.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now