First impression.

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Pearl's pov

So I sat near him but you know safe space and away from the sea.
"What's your name?" I said trying to sound cheerful but I was more creepy.
"I'm Pr-, I'm Hyunjin." he said coldy.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Pearl." I said smiling at him but he didn't even look at me.
"Look you don't have to act like a jerk all the time. If you didn't want me here you shouldn't have told me to stay. I am wasting my time here and I don't like being here near the sea." I said and I regret it immediately. I shouldn't have told him that.
He scoffed "Are you that afraid of the sea?" he said ironically.

He talked like he knew me and tried to joke about my fear. This for some reason pissed me off,more that usual ans I hit his arm in respond standing up to leave from that place.
Suddenly he grabbed my legs and his grip was so strong, I tried to break free but I couldn't.

"Nobody hits me" he said angry. I was so scared. He threw me into the sea and I had a panic attack. I couldn't remember swimming, I chocked with water and I was screaming for help.
I started giving up.I was trembling in fear and the water suffocated me. Maybe I do have the same destiny as my mom. I closed my eyes and the water pulled me down.

Suddenly I felt two hands pulling me out on the surface of the water.
I chocked and spit the water out of my mouth and I opened my eyes and saw Hyunjin's figure almost covering me.
I had my hand around his back and his neck. It was my first see him so close. I can now study him better even though it's dark outside. His gold details were shining and the water sure made him unreal.

I locked eyes with him. We stared at each other for seconds before he decided to speak.
"You are really stupid. You are in a spot where you can walk with your feet. The water it's in your chest. Overdramatic for nothing."
"I afraid of the sea,I am not sure if I still know how to swim and I panicked okay? It's your fault. You threw me here. Now get me out of here I want to go home." I said angry and he sighed.
He got me back to the beach and I ran off his arms.
"I am all wet now. Thank you for making me being in trouble. My dad is going to kill me if he finds out I was near or inside the sea." i glared at him.

"I just wanted to help you okay? You got on my nerves hitting me but I was too harsh on you.I thought this way you will not be afraid of the sea. Sea is my home why would you be scared of it? he said kinda sad.
"Sea took something from me and I can't have it back. I have my reasons okay? Don't act like you can solve everything. You have to learn some boundaries abour people's lives. You can't only care about yourself. Think about the others too."I snapped back at him and call Kkami and left running.

Hyunjin's pov.
"You can't only care about yourself. Think about the others too." Pearl said to me disappointed and I felt awful. This fucking curse. I am so sick and tired of this life. When I think I do the right thing I always fucked up. And now she will never come back here. If I were in her place I would do the same.
Stupid Hyunjin. I went to the sea and returned home. I will come tomorrow again I have to see her again.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now