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Pearl's pov.

I woke up the next morning and cuddled in my bed until I realized that Hyunjin was not there. I opened my eyes and he was nowhere to be found. I groaned because I wanted to wake up with him.
I looked at my side and I saw on top of the pillow a little box. I sat better in my bed and took it in my hands. I opened it and I saw a small letter and a gold bracelet with a little mermaid on top of it.
I opened the letter.

I was going to give it to you yesterday but we caught up by other things. I have to leave to return to the sea for my preparation for the ceremony. Remember I will support your decision no matter what. See you at the ceremony tonight darling. I love you.
Yours Hyunjin.

I giggled happily at his letter and bracelet. God this man really knows how to make me happy.
I heard a knock at the door. I covered myself.
"Come in." I said and the door opened and saw my dad.
"Oh sorry Pearl did I wake you up?" my dad said hesitant.
"No no it's fine. Just please give me a minute to put some clothes on." I said and he nodded and closed the door again.

I put on some comfortable clothes and I opened the door.
He came in and we sat on my bed.
"So um Pearl it's not easy for me to talk to you like this. I'm not used to this stuff." he awkwardly scratched his head.
"Dad I am an adult now you can tell me whatever you want." I smiled
"Ummm, you and Hyunjin had sex right?" he said suddenly.
"Daddd you can't ask that." I whined.
"You told me I can tell whatever I want." he smiled and I hit his arm.
"Okay then. Yes we had sex." I crossed my hands.
"Was he gentle with you?" he asked serious. He wanted to know if he treated me right.
"Yes dad he was a gentleman and we both wanted this. I love him and he loves me." I smiled and blushed.

"I'm glad to hear that he takes great care of you. Will you go live with him in the sea?" he asked and he seemed like he really wanted an answer.
"I don't know dad. I don't want to leave you. After all those years you took care of me, I think it's time I take care of you." I said and sighed.
"I'm not that old. I can take care of myself. And you love him Pearl how will you be without him?" he stroke my hair with his hand and I hold it.
"I love you too dad. It's not easy to leave you like that. I will feel horrible leaving you." I felt tears in my eyes and tried to hold them.
"Pearl baby,one day I will have to let you go eventually and your mum will stay with me. I'm not going to be alone. Besides,you already have a life in the sea. You will have a kingdom to protect,love,friends. When you are in the sea you are yourself. I knew it first that's why I didn't let you near the sea. I was scared you are going to leave but I now realize that it is right for you to let you go and be happy. It will fullfill my duty as a dad that I made my daughter happy. There is nothing that is stopping you for going with him." he said and smiled and I was crying without realizing it.
"Dad what if it's a mistake?" I said worried.
"If he breaks your heart he better find a place to hide. But seeing both of you yesterday I think nothing will happen. He loves you like I love your mother. I can see it in his eyes. This man can't live without you." he said and a tear left his eye.
"That's how you feel about mum?" I asked him sniffing my nose.
"Yes. When I lost her I lost myself too." he confessed and I hugged him.
"Thank you dad you really helped me a lot. Just remember that I love you and you are the first man I love." I smiled and he did the same. He hugged me tightly and we stayed like this for a while.

"Did he give you this bracelet?" he asked me and pointed on the bracelet I was holding.
"Yes he did. He really likes giving me precious things as presents." I said and smiled at the bracelet.
"Here let me put it on your hand." dad said and took my hand and bracelet and put it on me.
"It's beautiful." he then added and I nodded in agreement.

Ceremony night

Hyunjin's pov.

I am nervous. Am I nervous for the ceremony or Pearl's decision? Probably both.
"Yoo bro you finally becoming the king you wanted to be." Felix came in my room when I was getting ready.
"Yeah I am nervous." I sighed.
"For Pearl's decision because the ceremony seems like it doesn't matter to you." he crossed his arms and judging me silently.
"Shut up asshole. I just want to be with her without any obstacles in between. I mean I'm fine with whatever she decides it's best for her. I will always make time for her. But I just want her with me. We could really rule this kingdom well together." I said and he nodded.
"Don't worry handsome boy. I'm sure you will be happy together." Felix smiled and grabbed my arm.
I saw the ring in his finger from my 15th birthday. I looked at mine too.
"Thank you for always being with me Felix." I looked at him ad he smiled brightly.
"We are best friends after all" and he took my hand with the ring and we looked at them together.

Jisung came in.
"Well the two pretty best friends. Hyunjin I think Pearl appreciates your love. The ceremony will start soon. You also have a visitor. Come on Felix let's take our seats." Jisung and said and took Felix hand a left.

The door opened again and I saw Pearl.
My jaw dropped at her beauty. She always looked gorgeous but now she was ethereal with her dress,her aqua tail and the long curly hair with gold jewelry on them.
"Hello Your Majesty." she bowed.
"Welcome Princess. What brings you here?" I went along with her game and bowed too.
"I just missed my boyfriend." she came to me and hold my arms.
"You look gorgeous Pearl." I said and leaned to kiss her.
"You too Your Majesty." she said and kissed me.
"I could get used to see your face everyday." I smiled and her beauty.
"Then do it. Because you will be bored seeing me everyday." she smiled shyly.
My eyes widened.
"Pearl are you serious?" I was speechless.
"Yes Hyunjin. I will stay here with you." she laughed shyly again.
"God I love you so much. I hope you made the decision that it's best for you. I won't make you regret it." I grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly.
"I trust you with my life Hwang Hyunjin." she whispered and I kissed her cheek.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now