Guardian Kkami.

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Pearl's pov.

I hugged my mum crying. I wanted to ease her pain. I felt sorry for her. She was my mum after all.
She hit Hyunjin and he fell on the ground.
"Mum please. You love me and I love you don't hurt me and him again." I sobbed.

She looked at me. I looked at her too.
Her eyes softened.
A big blue light came from both of us.
After it disappeared we slowly fell on the ground.
I looked at her but she didn't have the dark aura around her. Her hair was red now and her tail was the same aqua color as mine.

"Mum are you okay?" I said worried.
She looked at me and smiled weakly.
"Pearl you saved me from my own curse. Thank you baby."she hugged me and I hugged her too. We were both sobbing.
"Pearl I will explain everything but you have to heal Prince Hyunjin fast. If the glass hit his heart you don't have enough time to save him." she said worried and looked at Hyunjin's body.

I swam to him fast and lifted him to my arms.
"Hyunjin I am here. Can you hear me?" I said shaking.
"Pearl. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" he asked weakly.
"Yes Hyunjin I am fine. Everything is okay. Please don't talk you are weak." I tried to smile and not cried infront of him again.
"Pearl I am in love with you okay? You make me so happy. Thank you. I own you a date." he smiled but I knew he was in pain.
"I feel the same Hyunjin but now don't talk like you are dead already. I am going to save you don't underestimate." I tried to sound as confident as I could.
I put my hand in his chest where the wound was and focus on healing it. A blue light came out of my hand again but I could feel it that it wasn't strong enough.

My mum came next to me and did the same with me.
"Pearl we have to sing too. The most powerful singing you have ever done sweetheart. We belong to the ancient sirens. We can do this." she smiled and I nodded in agreement.
We both sang and a bigger light came this time. I could feel that it was more powerful.
After a while the light disappeared.

Hyunjin's wound had almost healed and his hand.
"Hyunjin can you hear me?" I touched his head and brushed his blonde long hair.
"Will you do this when we are together? I really like it." Hyunjin spoke and I smiled widely.
I hugged him tightly and he did the same.
"I didn't underestimate you love. I trusted you." he said and put his face in my neck which tickled and I giggled.

We stood up and started looking for Felix and Kkami.
We found them behind the throne.
"Kkami how is Felix?" I asked him.
He looked at me and tears were in his eyes.
"I am so sorry. I couldn't do anything else. The glass hit his heart and the medicine didn't do much. Your powers could have helped but now it's too late." he said sobbing.
I started crying and looked at Felix's body.

Hyunjin went and hold his hand.
He was crying silently.
"My best friend. The boy that loved me and my brother. He helped all those years just to die like that. It's not fair. That should be me not him. He didn't deserve any of this. I was never a good friend to him." he took his body and hugged him.
He was crying now loudly, screaming in pain.
"Kkami are we sure that I can help him with my power?" I said desperate to help.
"Pearl there is a way but I don't think you will like it that either." my mum came to us and looked at Kkami.
"What? Kkami what is she talking about?" I screamed.
"The only way to bring him back is if we find him another soul to give him." he said.
"Kkami is your guardian Pearl. If you tell him to give his soul for Felix's he will do it. It's his job." my mum explained and I was shocked.
"What are you talking about? I have to tell him to sacrifice himself? You are asking me to kill him? I can't do this. I love Kkami. He is my friend." I said sobbing.
"Kkami no you aren't going to do this." Hyunjin said serious but he didn't left Felix's body from his hands.
"Pearl I have to protect and make you happy it's my job. Just tell me to do it and I will do it. It's okay. I know you love me but a merman like Felix are more important than another guardian." he smiled.
I knew this was fake. He was afraid.
"No Kkami you are not my guardian, you are my friend. Outside the ocean you are my dog. I don't want you to die. Don't tell me to let you die like it's easy." I was crying non stop.
"Pearl I can be reborn. Once I am reborn I will come and find you. I promise you." he hold my hands.
"Really you can come back?" I sniffed my nose trying to stop me from crying more hearing this.
"Yes Pearl I will be your guardian again once I will be reborn. I will always be your guardian. You still don't know a lot about the ocean. You need me." he smiled widely and I laughed.
"Are you sure you can do this?" I said and hold his shoulders tightly.
"Yes boss." he smiled like he wasn't about to die at least he will come back and we will bring Felix back too.
"I love you. Thank you Kkami. I will wait for you." I said and hugged him.
"I love you too Pearl. Thank you for having me as a friend." he hugged me tightly.

We both had tears in our eyes.
He went to Felix's body and Hyunjin let him down.
He touched his chest and a bright light came from their bodies.
When the light disappeared Kkami body had vanished and Felix opened his eyes.
"Oh my God Felix you are alive." Hyunjin yelled and hugged his friend.
They stood up.
"Wait what happened? Where is Kkami?" Feix looked at me.
I couldn't say a word. He looked around.
"Pearl you let him sacrifice himself?" he yelled.
"Yes because he said he will come back. He will be reborn as my guardian again." I yelled back.
"Pearl baby he is not coming back." my mum said and I looked at her shocked.
I looked at Hyunjin and Felix and they were looking down.
"No. He lied. Did he? He promised me." I screamed.

Hyunjin took my hands and squished them. He pulled to his arms and hugged me.
"Pearl it was his duty to you to make you happy. He knew that Felix was someone important to the kingdom and me. He told us not to stop him by his thoughts. We didn't want him to do it. He wanted to do it. He knows you love him and that's what made fullfill his duty. I know you are sad now but try to understand him." he said to me but I still felt awful.
"Hyunjin it's unfair he didn't deserve this like Felix too. He was so small and helped so many times. He was listening me and my problems. He led me to you. To this world." I was sobbing in his chest.
"This is all my fault Pearl. I am so sorry. But I was cursed too I didn't want to do all these. I am sorry to you too Prince Hyunjin and Felix for hurting you now and years ago." my mum said disappointed with herself.
"I know how it's like to be cursed Sara. I understand I don't blame you." Hyunjin said and smiled.

"Mum explain us what happened." I said and she lead to the way to a room so we can all sit.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now