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Pearl's pov

What even am I?
Do I belong there? But I never went into the deep ocean. My parents didn't tell me anything. Do they know? Are they even my real parents. How do I tell my dad that? I have to admit that I went to the sea too.
Maybe I'll learn how to control it and then tell him. I need to know the truth.
Maybe this has to do with my mother's death.

So many questions. I am so overwhelmed. I wish Hyunjin was here and made me feel better.
But all I do is being a burden to him and I'm not even helping him with his problem.
He is the cursed one and I'm the one acting like this.
I'm going to do this on my own.
I am not going to die I know I can breathe and see now.

I left the house with Kkami and went to the beach,it was too early for Hyunjin to come here so I got into the sea by myself.
I tried breathing in the water and when I saw that I could actually do it, I went deeper until I couldn't step down.
I went inside the water and I was moving and trying to remember swimming on my own.

It was fun. I wish Hyunjin was here to see me.
Uhh I have to stop thinking of him. I should give him break.
But how can I stop thinking of him?
Hyunjin is the only friend I have in so many years and even though he is cursed and acts like a stupid boy sometimes I am so glad I know him.
Who meets a merman in our days?

I was exploring a deep part of the sea when suddenly I felt something grabbing me.
"Where is he?" a man with a sword on his hand asked me.
He was strong. I got so scared.
"Who? I asked him.
"Prince Hyunjin. Where is he? I heard your thoughts talking about him." he said casually.
"He is a prince?" I asked him shocked.
"So you do know him. Yes he is Prince Hyunjin of the East sea known as the cursed prince. Now tell me where is he. I have orders to return him home." he commanded me.
"I don't know where he is. I only met him at the surface. And even if I knew I wouldn't tell you. He can return home whenever he wants." I snapped back.
"Miss you leave me no choice but to take you with me." he said and I didn't even had time to process this.
He took my hands and pulled me with him.
Hyunjin where are you please help me. Am I going to die?
I started crying.
"Let me gooo" I screamed and moved my legs aggressively but he didn't even flinch.
"Hyunjin help meee." I screamed.
"He is probably far away don't try." he scoffed.
Hyunjin i need you. I'm sorry I disappointed you.
"Let her go now Woo." a familiar voice yelled.
I turned around my head and saw Hyunjin. Thank God he came.
"Only if you came with me to the king." he looked at Hyunjin with a grin on his face.
"You choose the hard way Woo." and with that Hyunjin gave Woo a strong punch in the face and I left from his hands.

They started fighting and yelled at each other.
"Your brother needs you. You can't leave him like that." Woo yelled and Hyunjin stopped.
"I can't live there. You know better than anyone father doesn't even want to see me. I'm just there to help Jisung. I can't bare being hit by my father. Felix is taking care of him. Tell father until he changes his attitude I'm not coming back. And don't ever touch this girl again or I would kill you." he said with darkness in his eyes. I could see cursed Hyunjin getting over him again. He left Woo wounded there and took my hand and brought me back to the surface.

He changed into his human form.
"Why the fuck did you go alone there. Do you know how dangerous the ocean is? We don't even know what kind of creature you are yet. In the sea they can hear your thoughts if they are near you. You can't just call my name like that. They know you now. They know you know me. Fuck Pearl what were you thinking?" he yelled at me.
"You. I was thinking of you. That you are helping me all the time and I didn't do anything about your curse. I'm just a burden to you. That's what I feel." I yelled back at him.
"Pearl I don't fucking care about how you feel in this situation. Did I tell you that I'm pressured to do this? No. I chose to do it for you. And all this time I was being nice to your which means you helped. But going alone there how stupid are you? he said angry.
"Don't tell me I am the only wrong here. Why didn't you tell that you are a Prince? That your father is hitting you? I don't know anything about you. You only talked about Felix and the curse. I told you so many things and you didn't trust me." I said disappointed.
"I was protecting you. Now that you know and they know they wil be going after you too to get informations about me. The only safe place I had it's ruined now and all of that because you act like a little girl." he said disappointed too.
"I'm sorry but this is who I am. I, I need to leave." I said and stood up and looked at him. He didn't turn to see me.
I was making my way to the path

"You ruined everything. Don't ever comeback here. You won't find me. Forget me. I will find someone else to teach me how to love." he said without looking at me.
Tears started streaming down on my face and I left from there running.
Why do I ruin everything?

Hyunjin's pov.
It's for her own safety. I can't risk something happening to her. I broke her heart and it wasn't even the curse. I wanted to be that way. I'm so sorry Pearl. I thought and tears were streaming down my face.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now