First time.🔞

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Hyunjin's pov

Me and Pearl sat next to each other and my father was next to me and next to Pearl was her mother. I looked at my dad who was smiling and started eating,then I saw everyone eating and I decided to start too.
I had never eaten human's food. It was delicious,warm and made happy. I smiled.
"Hyunjin do you like it?" Pearl's mum asked me.
"Yes it is delicious thank you." I answered her and smiled. I looked at Pearl she was smiling at me and I did the same.
She squished my hand that I had on top of my thigh and returned to her food.
The dinner went smoothly. I learned a lot for the human world and Pearl's parents told me a lot about Pearl's past.
Her past had a lot of memories in the sea and her mum never stopped saying that she loved the sea. She always had her mermaid sense even though she didn't know about it.

My parents of course along with Jisung and Felix said embarrassing stories of me younger and Pearl was laughing all the time.

"So Pearl I know that this is a tough question but I had to know as a king and as a dad. What will you do? Will you stay here or will you come to the sea? You are a princess after all." my dad asked and I wished he wouldn't.
Pearl's smiled faded away and she started biting her lips.
"Dad stop. Pearl don't answer and don't think they will hear your thoughts." I looked at Pearl who took a deep breath.
"It's okay Hyunjin. I know your dad wanted to ask that all night. And he has every right to know especially because he's your dad. Everyone needs to know. Sooner or later I have to make a decision." she looked down at her feet.
I took her hand and squished it.

No matter the choice you'll take I will support you regardless. I told her with my mind and she looked at me.
I am sorry for making this all difficult she told me through her mind.
"John,Erica and boys why don't we go for a walk all together and let them talk hmm?" Sara said and stood up.

Everyone left and me and Pearl left alone in the house.
I immediately hugged her and she took a big sigh.
"Do you want cuddles?" I asked her and she looked at me like a baby.
I kissed her forehead and she stood up and took my hand.
She leaded the way to the stairs and then we went in a room probably hers.

Pearl's pov.

I took Hyunjin to my room. He was the first boy I ever invited here. He was the first outsider in general that came to our house.
"This is my room. Sorry it's a bit messy. I was getting ready for the dinner and I didn't get the chance to tidy it." I explained and faced him.
"If you need to made a mess for looking that hot like today I think you should do it more often." he winked at me and I blushed.
"If you find me hot looking like this what can I say? Thank you Your Majesty." I smiled and play with his tie.
"Don't test me princess. I don't know if I can continue being a gentleman. Your dad seemed to like me." he smirked and grabbed my waist bringing me closer to him.
The butterflies this man gave me were unbelievable.
"Who said I want you to continue being a gentleman though?" I run my fingers through his arms.
"Who do you want me to be now?" he said and kissed my cheek and then my jawline and went to the neck slowly.
"I want you to be my boyfriend. Just my boyfriend. No parents,no kingdoms. Just us." I told him and moaned in pleasure.

He looked at me worried.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you. It's my first time too as human and as a merman." he said worried but I'm glad he was so thoughtful.
"Yes Hyunjin I'm sure. We will learn together okay?" I smiled and pulled him closer to me.
"Then this dress of yours has to leave princess." he said and he unzipped it from the side slowly.

He kissed me and and we stared a hot make out session.
We were becoming messier with our kisses and he lift me up and put me in my bed.
He hovered over me and removed my dress only leaving me with my underwear and bra.
He was taking a good look of me and his eyes were full of lust and love.
I pulled his tie and kissed him aggressively. I was getting impatience.
"Easy princess. I am all yours. You'll get what you need." he said and started kissing my neck and the moved to breasts.
I unclipped the bra and threw it on the side.

He started kissing them and grabbing them and I moaned from the pleasure.
He moved away and took out his tie in the most sexy way possible.
I helped him with the buttons on his shirt and threw it away.
His God sculptured body was making me breathless.
I kissed his neck and moved to his chest and abs.
He moaned in pleasure and pinned me down.
"Darling I was nice all this time but you are really testing me." he smirked and starting kissing me again.
I am pretty sure he left hickeys all over my body and then he reached my sensitive area.

He looked at me and I wanted to scream for him to touch me but I didn't.
"Princess if you want me to touch you,just say it and I will. It will be my pleasure to serve you." he breathed heavily and his breath sent shivers all over my body.
"Please Your Majesty touch me." I begged him and moaned. He was really teasing me and I couldn't do anything about it. I was under his control.
"Yes Princess." he said and placed his hand over my underwear and started making circle moves.
I wanted more. I moaned frustrated.
And without any warning he put one finger inside.
I screamed by his sudden move but he was finally touching me.
I was a moaning mess and he liked it. He was looking at me while playing with my left boob.
His speed was getting faster and I was close.
"Hyunjin I am close." I almost screamed but before I could finish he took his finger out and I complained.
"Not so fast love." he told me and took my underwear fast and threw it away.

He immediately put his mouth in my area and I rolled my eyes back from the overwhelming feeling.
His mouth and tongue were making me feeling like I was in heaven and I moaned non stop.
I grabbed his hair and moved his head while I was thrusting my hips on him.
I was close.
"Now princess let it out." he commanded me and I released the knot in my stomach.
He stood up and took his pants and underwear and threw on the floor.
I gasped at the size of his dick and my breathe was getting heavier.
He came on top of me again with a condom on and put it in his dick.
He looked at me with concerned in his eyes.
"Pearl are you sure about this? I might hurt you." he was nothing like 2 minutes ago.

He adores me and I do too.
"Yes Hyunjin I'm ready." I smiled and pulled him by the neck and kissed him passionately.
We couldn't breathe anymore and the moment we broke the kiss he put his dick inside me.
I screamed in pain and he immediately squished my hand.
He let me feel comfortable with the size and when I nodded he started moving.
The pain went away after a while and we were now a moaned mess.

"Pearl I love you so much." he suddenly said and breathed heavily.
"I love you too Hyunjin." I said and moaned in pleasure.
His movements got sloppier and I knew that we both were close.
He fastened his tempo and he was hitting deeper too.
"Pearl I think I'm-" he started speaking but I cut him,
"Me too Hyunjin."
And just like that we both finished.

He fell to the side next to me and hugged me. He took the blanket and placed it on top of us and kissed my lips softly.
"Are you sure this was your first time?" I laughed.
"Yes love I swear." he laughed shyly.
"Thank you for being careful." I looked at him and smiled grateful that he was my first.
"I wouldn't hurt you princess. I promised you that." he smiled.
"I'm tired stay here with me don't go." I begged him.
"What about your parents?" he asked worried.
"They will understand. It's not weird." I cuddled my face in his bare chest and closed my eyes.
"Goodnight princess." he said and kissed my head.
"Goodnight Your Majesty." I smiled and hugged him tightly.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now