The East Kingdom.

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Pearl's pov.

I woke up and I realized I was not in my room. I felt a figure next to me and I slowly turned my head and saw Hyunjin looking at me.
"Good morning princess." he smiled and kissed my head.
"Good morning Hyunjin." I smiled and blushed from embarrassment with the unknown situation we were in.
"Tomorrow night is the ceremony?" I asked him.
"Yes if we are going in a fast pace we will make it just in time." he told me and I saw that he was anxious.
"Hey,don't stress yourself more. You're finally free. We are going to win your place back in the throne." I smiled and rubbed his chest.
"You know that if we weren't in this situation I would have done many things to you right now." he smirked.
"Do them after everything are okay Your Highness." I bite my lip.
He touched my jaw and lift my chin and his lips touched mine.
He knew exactly what he was doing.
I broke the kiss and stood up to tease him. I was already missing him though.
"Don't tease me babygirl. You are going to regret this." he raised an eyebrow and licked his lips.
"Bye see you in a minute." I opened the door and blew him a kiss and laughed. I heard him laugh too.

I went to the living room.
"Finally you love fishes are awake." Felix said.
"Did you really say love fishes?" I asked him confused.
"I'm the funniest I know."he threw a piece of his hair back in a sassy way.
"Don't steal Jisung's jokes bro. I'm going to tell him." Hyunjin came and Felix panicked.
"No no no please. I told him that this joke is awful so I could pissed him off." Felix begged him qith big eyes.
I laughed. I love seeing them like this.
My mum came in.
"Did you rest? We have long way to go and little time to be there in time." she announced and we all nodded.

We left the Black ocean and started our trip.
We talked about our lives all those years. Happy,sad,angry moments who lead us to all these.
After hours we rest in a cave.
"So Felix tell me when did you know that they like each other? my mum asked and looked at us.
"Mummmm this is embarrassing please stop." I whined and hide my face in Hyunjin's arms.
"Well I knew Hyunjin liked her when he came to the kingdom again only to find her a present risking been caught by guards. With my amazing help and taste the necklace she's wearing is his present." Felix explained and I looked at it.
I didn't know he did all these and I gave him a rock.
I facepalmed myself.
"What is it Pearl?" my mum chuckled.
"It's just that he gave me a Pearl and I gave him a rock." I said embarrassed.
"It was blue though. Like my kingdom. I didn't own anything blue because I didn't want to be reminded by the incident. But you said it suited me and you reminded that this is my kingdom and I belong there after all." Hyunjin made me feel a lot better with this and I was glad I helped him without knowing.
We smiled at each other.

"What about Pearl when did you realize?"mum asked Felix.
"When she came to the ocean to save Hyunjin and find you. She was determined to help him and protect him. Jisung and me agreed and I'm pretty sure Kkami knew too especially after guards' attack. I have never seen Hyunjin calmer with anyone and Pearl wasn't afraid if he was beside her. They took care of each other. It was too obvious. But they didn't realize it yet. I'm glad they did it." Felix smiled proud and looked at us.
"Thank you for helping us Felix. I don't know what I would do without you." Hyunjin said and patted his back.
"I'll try be the best friend you deserve." he continued.
"So Felix tell us about your love life." my mum said and Felix chocked.
We laughed with him blushing.
"Um I actually have a boyfriend. He is his brother Jisung. We eventually fall in love after we became friends." he said shyly.
"But let me guess the King wants a Queen next to Jisung for traditional reasons. So stupid law. Jisung deserves to love whoever he wants despite his place on the kingdom." my mum said serious and patted Felix's back too.
We rest for a bit and then continue.

Next day.

We arrived out of the kingdom.
"Listen kids you have to show to the people and your father that you are not cursed and I need to publicly make an apology and explained my situation." my mum said and we all agreed to this.

"Pearl let's talk for a little." Hyunjin said and took my hand and we went away from my mother and Felix.
"Listen my father isn't very polite anymore. After my cursed he didn't mind hurting people's feelings. So if he says anything to you please try bear with him. I will have your back but he is the king still I don't know how much I can do." he was shaking.
I hold his hands.
"Hyunjin I am right here with you. It's okay. I can take his words as long as you are happy." I smiled.
"Pearl I am so happy to have you." he said and hugged me.
"I am glad that I met you." I told him and smiled.
He kissed me passionately as if it was our last. I hoped it wasn't though.
We are going to protect each other I know.

He broke the kiss and hold my hand.
We went back to my mum and Felix.
"Ready?" Felix asked and everyone braised themselves and we entered the kingdom.

The kingdom was decorated everywhere with blue rocks and pearls. A lot of lights. It was like a big party and infront of the palace there were almost all of the kingdom to see the ceremony.
We went closer.
The king, the queen and Jisung came out of the big doors and everyone bowed and clapped their hands.
We pushed a few people to come to the front row.
I heard people talking.
"Who is pushing?", "Who did they think they are?", "Wait isn't this Prince Hyunjin?", "Didn't he exile himself?", "What is he doing here? Will he cause problems?"
These were people saying but I stayed silent.

We came to the front. Guards saw us and moved their weapons towards us.
"Dad stop this. I came to take back what's mine."

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now