Dark past.

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Pearl's pov

"How did you recognize me?" I asked Felix and he smiled.
"Ahh if your best friend came to you for help about a girl and wants to give a present and she is wearing it now it's not so difficult." he said proud.
"Genius idea the pearl. It's beautiful thank you." I said shyly.
"So I didn't know you are a mermaid. He didn't mention it." he said.
"Yes I guess he didn't because we found out yesterday. Apparently my mum was a mermaid and I am here to find her. But I want to find him first. We fought but I still want to help him with,you know,his problem." I explained.

"So you don't know where is he? He isn't at the beach. Fuck this boy running away everytime. I will help you find him. Why did you fight?" he asked.
"I can't really tell you here. Let's go find my guardian Kkami and I will tell you later." I announced and swam to where Kkami told me to meet again.

We went there and Kkami was waiting for me.
"Kkami I found him. Here is Felix. Felix Kkami." I introduced them and they bowed at each other.
"Do I have to do that to?" I asked them.
"It's more polite in the older people especially. But when it comes to the royal family you have to do it everytime." Felix explained and Kkami nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of the royal family,Prince Jisung is coming with his bodyguards." Kkami announced and I saw a carriage and everyone started to bow when it passed by them.
We bowed too but it stopped infront of us.
I looked up and I saw inside it the Prince Jisung Kkami said. We stared at each other for a while. He was beautiful probably my age too. He looked expensive but I think he was actually scared of something.
Kkami hit me in the arm for me to bow again and I immediately did it.
"Mr. Felix, did you have any news from my brother?" he asked Felix and I looked at Felix who was looking at him in the eyes.
Their eyes were intense and the stare was longer than a normal stare.
"No Your Highness. I don't know where he is but I can sense that he is okay." he smiled weakly.
"If you learn something or know someone who knows please tell me. I am worried." he sounded really sad.
I was trying really hard not to talk. Good thing I didn't have to look at him.
"Of course Prince Jisung I will." Felix said and bowed in agreement.
"Thank you and make sure the new lady has a great time in our kingdom." he said suddenly and I looked at him scared but I immediately bowed again.
"Thank Your Highness. You don't have to worry about me I already have great time here." I said trying not to stutter.
"You can look at me it's okay." he said and I followed his command. "What's your name?" he asked me.
"It's Pearl Your Highness." I answered him.
"Well Miss Pearl have a great time here. I have to go now. See you again Pearl and Felix." he smiled at us and signaled his bodyguards to leave.
He left and everyone continued doing their thing. 

I took a deep breath not realizing I was holding my breath all this time.
"We have to leave from the kingdom so we can talk and he is for sure not here." Felix said and swam outside the kingdom and me and Kkami followed him.
I watched Felix from behind. He didn't seemed as strong as Hyunjin physically. But he had a lot of wounds and bruises. I felt bad for him what happened to him who did he fought?
He literally has the looks of an angel but he looks hurt.
"Pearl you know I can listen to your mind right? And I am sure Jisung listened to your mind back there." he said and smiled.
"I am so sorry I forgot about that. I am embarrassed and now I think I am in trouble." I said worried.
"No you are right about Jisung and me. It's getting dark you won't be able to swam safe. We are going to my secret place and we could talk there." he announced and I followed him.

After a while we were far enough from the kingdom and we went inside a cave.
"It's not comfortable but I think it would work for today." he said and sat down.
We did the same.
"So Felix what happened to you." I asked him.

"Hyunjin left 5 years ago from the kingdom because he has the curse but it's not that the entire reason. I think you know what happened so I will explain things that he probably didn't say to you knowing him.
His father after the curse saw his attitude and how he acted to people and he didn't help him overcome it but instead he was hitting him for him to learn to behave which obviously made everything worse for Hyunjin. One day he hit him back after the first weeks of his war training and his dad got really mad and locked him. His mother begged his father to let him out but Hyunjin's condition have gotten worse. His dad was worried that at this point he couldn't rule a kingdom with a queen in his side so he gave his official place on the throne to his younger brother Prince Jisung who you met. Hyunjin got really angry at his father but he knew that if he stayed here he was going to make many things to his dad and brother that didn't want to happen. So he sent himself to exile and left the kingdom." Felix explained serious and sighed probably because he remembered everything that happened.
I didn't really know anything about Hyunjin. I was crying without even realizing.
"Pearl it's not your fault you didn't know. He didn't tell you because it's his story and he didn't want you to pity him. He wanted to think of him normal. It's okay." he patted my back and smiled at me.
"So what happened to you?" I asked him because he said one side of the story.
"I was always by Hyunjin's side and many times I got into fights to help him inside the kingdom. But many times he raged his anger on me. Especially when we fought about things he should or shouldn't do. I knew it was the curse that's why he was acting like this that's why I didn't get mad at him never. I know he loves me. And I love him too. He is my best friend." he said and smiled weakly.

He didn't want to show that this was hurting him. He had every right to be mad at Hyunjin but he took it all for his sake and Hyunjin knows it and feels bad.
"I'm sorry Felix this is happening to you. You don't deserve it." I was crying and I hugged him.
He hugged me too. He really needed a hug I could tell.
We broke the hug and I wiped my tears and his.
"So what about Prince Jisung?" I asked him.
"We are in love." he confessed.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now