A solution maybe?

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Pearl's pov

I ran back home and I couldn't stop thinking of the deal that me and Hyunjin agreed. I mean it's crazy I will learn how to swim again by a merman. Wild. But me in the sea willingly it's more wild. How am I gonna hide this from my dad though? Not that he gives me so much attention but if he sees me all wet from the sea, I may be the reason for giving him bad memories of mom.

Next evening
I went again to the beach with Kkami and I sat down. Hyunjin wasn't here yet.
I played with Kkami and the sand and I decided to touch the water with my hands. I was hesitating but i though it's just like water in the house you weak bitch just touch it.
I put my hands in the water and I moved them gently. I was picking rocks. They were so shiny and beautiful. So different but the complete one another.

Hyunjin's pov
In my way to the beach I saw Pearl near the water. She was playing with it. I didn't realized but I smiled at this view. She wasn't like the first time I saw her. She is strong. I was sitting inside the water and observed her. The water suits her. I feel her love for the water and the sea. Why was she so afraid of it? She put her legs inside the water and sat there. She could be a beautiful mermaid. Her long hair and beautiful body everyone in the sea would speak about her.
Hyunjin get yourself together what are you even thinking.

I swam near her and jumped and touched her legs.
She screamed "Wtf Hyunjin are you crazy? You scared the shit out of me" she took deep breaths.
Fuck Hyunjin do something right asshole. The fucking curse.
"I'm sorry I thought this will be funny. I won't do it again I promise." I said full of regret and I sat in the edge of the beach.
"First rule for us to be friends don't scare me like that when I am inside or near the sea. I won't say this again. If you do it again I will leave." she said sad
"Okay sorry. I don't know how to act and it's this fucking curse's fault." I said without even thinking if I should tell her this kind of staff.
"What curse? What are you talking about? She sat down and looked at me confused.

Well there isn't coming back now.
"A long time ago I think 5 years ago in my 15 birthday ceremony a mermaid came but she wasn't a regular mermaid she had dark magic in her.
She was in love with my dad but my dad wasn't and he married a human and the other woman had become obsessed with my dad. So for revenge she put a curse in me to be cold and don't care about others. So that way I cannot find love. My dad hates me for not be able to break the spell because he says I am too stubborn,my mom wants to be on my side but my dad won't let her and that my place will be taken by my younger brother.
Because of this curse I lost my best friend. I was treating him like shit and I have hit him many times but he loves me and he won't make any complain but I couldn't let him live like that." I said and she seemed disappointed which broke my heart.
"You know what fuck it. Go away. You will probably be hurt by me or hate me entirely." I yelled at her and my veins start to pop out.
She touched my hand and my reflexes hit her. She was crying.
"I'm so sorry Pearl I didn't mean to-" I tried to apologize but she interrupted me. She was hugging me tightly and stroking my back.
"Hyunjin it's okay. I don't mind. Let it out. Cry,scream do whatever you want." she said crying and I broke down I hugged her tightly and started crying.

Pearl's pov
My heart was aching. That's why he looked so sad. He is in so much pain. I hope I can ease his pain as much as I can.

After couple of minutes he was more calm and we broke the hug.
"Pearl I didn't want to hurt you really. But fuck this curse. I am so sick and tired of this." he said disappointed.
"I'm okay Hyunjin. Look I don't know about magic and nothing for your world other than fairy tales I was reading when I was a kid but a curse can't control your emotions. Yes you may be a little aggressive and all that but you apologize. The fact that you apologizing means that you understand that you are wrong. That's all you. I want to help you control yourself. You can be however you want to be with me. Maybe we can make you a sweet man and later you can go to your parents place and find someone that will love you." I said full of confidence that I can do this.
"And that way the curse will break. Pearl you are the first one that's willing to help me so much. I will still teach you how to swim though." he smiled.
"I am sure your best friend wanted to help you too. And yeah of course I am not doing anything for free." I said and we laughed.
We said our goodbyes and we promised each other to come there tomorrow again.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now