Dark Hyunjin.

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Pearl's pov.

"Mum finally. I have so many questions. I missed you so much" I said fast and didn't breath at all.
"Pearl shh. I see that you have friends with you." she looked at them behind with a smile.
"Yes mum they are the first people I met in the ocean. This is Kkami my guardian, Felix and Hyunjin." I introduced them to her but when she heard Hyunjin's name her smiled dropped.
"You said Hyunjin? As like Prince Hyunjin?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Yes mum that's him. How do you know him?" I asked confused.

"Pearl. That's the woman who cursed me." Hyunjin yelled and my eyes widened.
My mum was the one who cursed my first friend.
The person I have to protect.
"Mum why did you do that? Is that the reason you left us? You were in love with another man and left me and dad for your stupid revenge in a boy who didn't even know your love story with his dad? You ruined the life of a 15 year old boy and mine and dad's just because you couldn't bare to lose? I screamed frustrated and crying.
I can't even believe what I hear anymore. She left us heartbroken and she was thinking of herself only.
Dad probably knows all these and he has sad all those years because the woman he loved left him with a child.

"What was I supposed to do Pearl? I lived a life I didn't want to live. Your dad found me the day I learned that Hyunjin's dad was going to marry someone else, a stupid human, over me the Queen of the Black Ocean I felt betrayed. You don't know what love means,you can't understand. The only way to take my revenge was through Prince Hyunjin so I can make sure that his first son can't take the throne known also as the strongest weapon in the kingdom. And in 2 days this wil come true." she said with an evil smile.
I couldn't recognize my own my mum.

I took steps back from her.
"Dad loved you. If you could give him a chance you could have seen you would become happy. And Hyunjin is not a weapon. He is an amazing person stop talking for him like that and break the curse this is stupid." I yelled.
She collected a black maze around her.
"Pearl darling. I am the Queen here. I deserved a king not a human and I can see that you choose a stranger over your family." she looked at me and her eyes darkened.
"Pearl stay back she is dangerous. She has black magic in her." Hyunjin came infront of me.
"Pearl I don't want to fight your mother. I don't know what to do. We have to find a solution." he looked at me worried.
"Maybe you can weakened her while I am keeping her attention." I told him and he nodded.
"Please be careful Pearl." he said and squished my arms for support and then he run to Felix and Kkami and gave them orders.

I focused on my mum.
"Mum please calm down. You don't have to be mean to people that didn't hurt you. You can move on and accept it. This happened 5 years ago. Please come home to dad. We can be happy again." I told her and she was listening to me.
Felix and Kkami started throwing a bright light to her but she didn't bother much.
Hyunjin throw a bigger light at her.
This pissed her though.
She throw black like glass knives to to them and one hit Felix in the chest.
He was bleeding.
"Mum you are going to kill them." I run to Felix.
I tried healing him but it didn't work.
"Pearl your healing powers don't work with black magic. Don't bother"my mum said
Kkami was next to me and tried to heal him with medicine he made the other day.
"Sara if you want to kill someone kill me but don't touch my friends and Pearl." Hyunjin yelled at her.
She smirked.

"Prince Hyunjin you talk exactly like your dad. I am not going to kill you pretty boy. I will just show my daughter your true self." mum said to Hyunjin and her eyes went darker.
"Mum NO." I yelled but her dark magic suffocate Hyunjin.
The dark cloud around him dissappear and Hyunjin's eyes weren't soft and gentle anymore. I couldn't feel him anymore.
"Prince Hyunjin please show my daughter what you are capable of doing. You have no feelings,no heart,your mind is mine now." my mum said and Hyunjin hold his daggers in his hands.
"Well I guess we are having fun tonight babygirl." Hyunjin said and winked at me before swimming fast towards me.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now