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Pearl's pov.

Hyunjin told me that his crown ceremony will be in two days.
Me and my mum decided that before we attend this we have to return back to dad.
Mum had some explanations to give and I missed him so much.
So me and Hyunjin said our goodbyes.

Me and my mum returned to the surface together.
We changed into our human form but it didn't take long for my dad to notice us.
"Omg Pearl and Sara you came back." he yelled and run to us with a bunch of clothes in his arms.
He came running to us and gave us the clothes. We put them on.
"Pearl I am so glad that you are okay." he smiled.
He turned and faced mum.
"Sara." he said kinda anxious.
"Pete. Hi. It's been a long time. I know it's really hard for you to accept me but I am really sorry for everything. You didn't deserve this. I am not cursed anymore and I always loved you. I still do. I missed you everyday. Please forgive me when you can." mum said and looked down clearly sad.
Dad hugged her tightly and smell her hair.
"God Sara I missed you. I missed my favorite mermaid." he smiled and mum laughed. I smiled too.
I had years to see him this happy and now that my mum was finally free she can enjoy everything.
They took me in the hug too.
"Pearl where is Kkami?" dad asked and my smile faded away.
"He didn't make it." I said almost choking in my words.
"I'm so sorry Pearl. You loved him I know." dad said and squished my hands.
"Pete I will explain everything let her rest now. She had a rough journey." my mum said and we went inside the house.

I left them alone because I knew they want their moments together alone and they sure have a lot of talking to do.
It feels so weird to be back home after all these.
Who could have thought that I will return here as a princess and not just a princess but a mermaid too.
I went to my room and the first thing I noticed was the bed thing a made for Kkami. I missed him. The first friend I made after all these years. He didn't deserve this.
I took a small pillow from his bed and hugged it tightly. I laid on my bed and I looked at the sea outside.
Some tears left my eyes and without even knowing I fell asleep probably because I was exhausted.

Later in the evening

My mum came in my room and sat beside in bed and stroke my hair to wake me up.
I opened my eyes and smiled. I have missed this so much.
"Pearl baby your dad wants Hyunjin to come visit us. Can you invite him for a dinner? It will be lovely to have an interaction in the surface too and we can all dress formal too. Invite the King and the Queen too." my mum said I widened my eyes.
"Are you sure about this? It's a bit nerve wrecking for us and I feel like it could be awkward. I never had that much interaction with people after all those years." I said and bite my lip nervous.
"Okay okay I get it. If you call Prince Jisung and Felix too? They are your friends now. It wouldn't be that bad."she almost desperately for me to say yes.
"Ughh okay okay I will go tell them. But I don't know if I have anything to wear." I said and stood up.
"Don't worry I got that covered you just go tell them to come here at 9." she told and winked at me.

I went to the beach and touched the water and called for Hyunjin. I think this is how it works right?
After a while I heard a voice in my head saying "I'm coming love." and smiled.
I sat down in the sand and waited for him.

After a while he came.
"What's up princess? Missed me already." he said cockily.
"Shut up and listen to me. My mum said to invite you,your parents, Jisung and Felix for dinner here." I said in one breath.
He widened his eyes and I laughed. He looked adorable.
"Can I dissappear from this world now?" he dramatically drowned himself.
"I had the same reaction but I don't think is something important they just want to talk and interact here on the surface too. We literally risked our lives all these time and we are scared over a dinner." I facepalmed myself.
"Parents are scary love. Nothing scares me more than my dad." he said and I laughed he sounds like a baby. I can't believe this man sacrificed his life many times.

I went close to him and kissed him.
"What was that for?" he asked suprised.
"Umm I think it's because I like you and I want you to calm down." I smiled.
"I think I will be more nervous if you don't give me more kisses." he pouted.
"You are really something else Your Majesty." I rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss on his cheek but I was moving away from his face he grabbed my neck and hold me near him.
Our lips barely touching. I was only feeling his hot breath in my face.
He looked at my lips and I bited them because of the situation between us. I liked this feeling. I wanted him to touch me more.
When I decided to move closer to him to kiss him he let me and moved away.
"Princess don't tease me. I will not be able to hold myself and I want your dad to like me." he smirked looking at me and the mess he made me. I was blushing for sure.
I stood up and starting running away yelling "Be here at 9."

I returned home and my mum was in my room with a bag in her hands.
"What's that?" I asked her and I raised an eyebrow.
"Your dress. It's a gift from me I went and bought it when you were sleeping.We bought clothes for all of us with your dad."she smiled and handed me the bag.
"Thank you." I hugged her and I took out the dress.
It was a black long dress that fit my body with strapless top and open back. It had a slit in the leg too. It was sexy but not too much. I put it on and I looked myself in the mirror. I smiled in agreement,that it was perfect.
"You have become a beautiful woman Pearl. When I left you were only a kid. I'm sorry I missed all these moments with you." she said guilty.
"It's okay now mum. It wasn't your fault. You are here now."
I started fixing my hair. I let them down and make two small braids in the one side of my head and decorated them with pearls.

Fast forward to 9 o'clock.

We were ready and the food have been made already.
We heard a knock at the door and my mum went and opened the door.
She bowed and let them in.
I made a signal to my dad to copy what I did and we both bowed.
King and Queen were wearing clothes with blue and cold details as always,Jisung and Felix were dressed formally but not too much but this time with black suits and then I laid my eyes on Hyunjin.

He was wearing a black suit with a black tie and he had cold jewelrys. His blonde hair was in a small ponytail but he left some under it.
He felt so human this exact time and I felt him more close to me. He was standing so good and he was walking easily in addition to the last time I saw him walking. I smiled at him and I saw him smirking looking up and down to me.
"Welcome all here to our home. I'm Pete and I'm Pearl's father. King and Queen nice to meet you." my dad introduced himself.
"Please for now on we are John and Erica not King and Queen." Hyunjin's dad said and my dad nodded.
"Here are my son's Hyunjin and Jisung and also Jisung's boyfriend and Hyunjin's best friend Felix." King John announced.
"Nice to meet you all. To tell you the truth I wanted to get to know you all especially Hyunjin since you all helped my daughter. Thank you." he bowed.
"Mister Pete Pearl was the one who mostly helped us so no need to thank us." Hyunjin said.
"Sara told me about you young man. I know how much you have done. You will be an amazing King." my dad said and went to Hyunjin and hold his arm and Hyunjin got all shy.
I smiled at this picture it was really beautiful.
"Enough with the chatting let's eat and we can talk on the table." mum announced and everyone sat down in the table. Me and Hyunjin sat next to each other of course we need to support each other now.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now