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Hyunjin's pov

I swam to the deep ocean. I was near my kingdom. I was hiding from everyone. Nobody has to see me here and I don't need to meet someone. Maybe it will make things worse.
I am here to find Pearl. A beautiful stone.
What color though?
Nah too girly for her.

"Hey. What are you thinking about and what are you doing here?" I heard a voice next to me and I turned to face my best friend.
"Fuck Felix you scared the shit out of me." I told him.
"You,the Prince Hwang Hyunjin, scared? Wow that's new." he said and laughed.
"Shhh stupid. Shut your mouth and don't say my name out loud. Nobody knows I am here and don't tell anyone." I looked at him dead serious.
"Bro I miss you come back here. We will find a solution. It's been 5 years. If you relax love will find his way." he said concerned.
"Look Felix we talked about this. My father hates me and I can't be here standing like a failure. I can't even rule my own kingdom that's why my little brother takes all the responsibilities. I hate to push pressure on him. You know him. He hates this. Besides I found someone that I think she could help me." I said shyly.
"SHE???? YOU MET A GIRL?" Felix screamed excited.
"Shhh shut your mouth dumbass. She is a human. We met by accident in the beach I go. And we made a deal. I teach her how to swim and she is helping me control my anger and be nice to girls etc." I told him and he made excitement eyes.
I hit him in the arm.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I regreted doing that.
"I have told you many times it's okay. I understand. It doesn't hurt me." he smiled widely.

I know that it hurts him. Some of them even became bruises. Sometimes he couldn't even touch the place I hit him from the pain.
"Tell me what are you doing here?" he asked me.
"The girl gave me something and I promised her I will give her something back. A beautiful rock maybe?" I scratched my head.
"Well sir you have come to same place. I'm a known women and men manipulater with gifts. What color do you want?" he acted cocky.
"That's the problem I don't know. I thought of pink an purple but I think it's too girly for her." I explained to him.
"Maybe a color you saw her wearing and it suits her?" he asked curious.
"Aqua blue" I immediately said to him without even thinking it.
"Well that was easy. Wait here for a minute." he said and swam away.
I waited there and in a minute he was back.
"Ready to impress your girlfriend?" he said excited.
"She is not my girlfriend but hurry up and show me I have to meet her in a little." I said nervous.
"Tadaaa" he yelled and he was holding in his hand an aqua blue pearl.
He hugged me back tightly.
"I hope you will find your way out of this stupid curse. Whatever you need me I am here. You know how to find me. Now go she will be waiting for you." he smiled and broke the hug.
"Felix please look after my baby brother. If I have you looking for him I will be sure he is okay. And please take care of yourself too." I said sad.
"Of course Hyunjin. I already do that. Relax and focus on yourself. You actually act a lot better it's a good sign." he said.
"Thank you for everything Felix." I hugged him again and starting tearing up.
"Crybaby go away from me now. Pearl is waiting." he tapped my back and push me away.
I waved at him and left.

I swam to the beach and saw Pearl already in the water like yesterday. I smiled she will be so happy.
"Brave girl I see." I said.
"It took me much effort I have to admit." she said disappointed.
"Hey don't be like that. You did this alone and I think that's enough. I am proud of you." I smiled and she smiled too.
My heart skipped a bit.
"I have a gift for you." I said to her and she was looking me excited like a baby.
"Here" I showed her my hand with the pearl.
"That's not a rock though it's a pearl. It worths more." she said hesitant.
"Can you shut up and accept my present? It's beautiful like you." I said without even thinking and she blushed and she took the pearl.
"Give me your rock for a minute." she asked me and I gave it to her.

She stood up and went to her bag and was looking for something. After a while she came in the water again.
"Here. Now they are necklaces." she handed me a necklace with my blue rock. I wore it on my neck but she was struggling putting hers necklace with the pearl on.
I moved closer to her.
"Let me do it you stupid." I said and I took it from her hand.
I moved her hair to the side and exposed her neck.
"I almost did it though." she said without looking at me because we were really close. I could hear her breath being heavy.

She looks so vulnerable right now. I wanted to touch her cheek. I immediately stop this thought. I tied the necklace to her neck and I moved back.
Only then she looked at me. I could feel myself burning up and she was blushing too.
"Thank you. It's beautiful. It matches my swimsuit too." she smiled and looked at it again.
"And your name. And your beauty." I said and winked at her.
"Stop seducing me dumbass. Now tell me about you."

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now