When all went bad.

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5 years ago
Hyunjin's pov.
"You become 15 years old today prince Hyunjin. The ceremony will begin in about an hour. I will ask the servants to dress you up." mother said to me.
"I don't need help to dress my self leave them alone. You know I hate others touching me." I said to her and looked at me angry.
"Listen to me young man, I gave you the permission to do whatever you want, me and your father love you and you have to start get used to the royal treatment. You will be the king one day. So now calm down and let the servants do their job". she said and left from my room.
Three servants came inside and dressed me for my "ceremony" I prefer to call it a birthday party.

15 years old it's important age for the sea world. This is the age when all the royal children start their fighting training so they can defend their kingdom.
I was excited but scared at the same time because it will be my responsibility and I don't know if I am going to be ready on time.

The ceremony began. The people of our kingdom came to celebrate me and they all came with presents. I don't think they notice that we have enough already and I preferred to not give me presents but they don't listening to me so what can I do.
I was getting bored and I was looking for my best friend.
"Felixx" I yelled when I saw him.
"Happy birthday bro" he came to me and hugged me. "Here take it" he gave a small box.
"How many times do I have to say I don't want presents?" I looked at him annoyed and I opened the box. It was a ring. I took it out and wore it. He then brought his hand next to mine and I saw the same ring in his finger too.
"They are awesome. Thank you so much." we hugged each other and started talking non stop.

Suddenly a black wave of water came over us. All the people started panic and I was looking for my mom and my dad but I couldn't find them.
A black mermaid came through it but I have never saw such a mermaid. Most of them have a color and they are smaller. She was bigger than my parents.
"Why I wasn't invited to this amazing ceremony? the lady spoke with a devil smile. Me and Felix were hiding behind a table.
"Where is the birthday boyyy? she said playfully. "Oh there he is why are you hiding from me darling?"she said and threw the table away.
I made a signal to Felix to run and I turned to face her.
"I am Prince Hyunjin of East sea." I looked at her.
"Oh my god what a beautiful boy. You blonde hair and your face. Some ladies here are madly in love with you. To bad you will never find love." she was starting to get angry.
"Who are you what do you want from me?" I screamed.
"Sara enough." my father command. "Leave Hyunjin alone he is not part of this" he yelled at her.
She laughed hysterically "Of course he is. If you didn't love a human and made a child with her and left me, he will never be alive. You hurt me. I loved you and now all I do is hate you and your son will face the consequences of your immaturity." She screamed along with crying and point with her finger in my direction and put a spell on me.

My blue tail became black along with my blonde hair.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" I screamed and fell to the ground.
"No one will ever love you like your father didn't love me. You will become the cold hearted prince everyone hates and you will not feel love for anyone. If and only if you find someone who truly loves you only then the curse will break. But that's never going to happen because you'll be disliked from everyone even from your own father." she laughed again hysterically and disappeared.
"Dad what have you done? I asked angrily and attacked him. Felix came running to me and kept me away. I got pissed and I hit him and saw his nose bleeding.

That's when I realized I was becoming what she told me I will and I swam away from the castle.
Prince Hyunjin the Cursed. Fucking great.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now