A whole new world.

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Pearl's pov

"Pearl are you sure about this?" dad asked me worried while I was walking with him to the secret beach so I can leave from there.
"Yes dad I have to know what I am and I have to help the merman. I promised him and he is the first friend I made after all those years. Sorry for hiding all these from you but I didn't want you to remember the painful memories. I didn't know things we go this way." I reassured him.
"I think there isn't a day I don't think of them. But your happiness makes me happy." he smiled but I knew that he was hurt and afraid.
"I love you dad. Thank you for everything you have done for me." I hugged him while we were walking and he wrapped his hands around me too.
"I love you too sweetheart. Now this beach you told where is it?" he asked me.
"Here down this path." I showed him when we arrived.

He smiled weakly "That's when I found your mum crying."he looked down trying to hold his tears.
"Dad you don't need to go down there I understand." I said worried. It broke my heart saw him like this.
"No I want to make sure you are okay in the water." he said and we walked down the path.

Kkami run in the water and a sudden light appeared. Kkami was now a small mermaid. More like a merman but baby sized.
"Hello Pearl. I'm Kkami like you named me. I am your guardian and I will be forever loyal to you." he said I was shocked.
"Kk-kkami hi. You can talk wow. You don't have to be with me if you are scared. I don't want you to get in trouble." I said.
"No it's my duty to protect you and love you like you loved me. I am stronger than you think. Now let's begin our trip." he smiled and I nodded.
I hugged my dad and said our goodbyes.
I went into the water.
"Kkami please protect her and Pearl I hope your merman is a good guy." he made sure.
"Yes dad he is and his name is Hyunjin."
I smiled and waved at him and went into the water.

"Now Kkami tell me what do you know about Hyunjin?" I asked him while we were going deeper. I was kinda scared because all these were unknown to me but Kkami said he will protect me if something happens. I hope nothing happens of course but I can let my guard down.
"Prince Hyunjin is the first son of the royal family and the inheritance of the throne. His home is at the east sea and I also know that he sings like a siren which makes him most dangerous during a fight. He was the best at his training since 14 years old and he makes an amazing leader and king." he explained to me.
"Thank you I think that would help me learning him more. Now I think we should go to the east sea. He is probably there. Can you guide us there?" I asked him.
"Yes but in the east kingdom other than the queen there aren't other humans and they probably know about a human knowing prince Hyunjin we have to find you a tail." he announced.
"But where do we get a tail?" I asked worried.
"I know a place where a woman who is human sells tails for the humans that want to get through the deep ocean let's go there." he said and focused to find the place probably with his mind and I followed him.

While we were swimming there I examined the deep ocean. Hyunjin was right it is beautiful down there. Sun wasn't lighting the water anymore but you could see because it was still daytime.
There are so many beautiful rocks and corals here but he took my rock. So stupid Pearl what were you thinking.
I touched his pearl.

Please Hyunjin let us find you.
"We are here." Kkami said and pointed at a cave.
We went inside.
"Hello Miss." Kkami bowed and I did the same and a lady came.
"Hello you two. What can I do for you beautiful lady? she smiled.
"My friend here said that you can give me a tail so I don't attract attention on me in the east kingdom." I explained to her.
"And do you have something precious to give me as an exchange?" she crossed her arms.
I looked at Kkami and he moved his head negatively.
I sigh I tried to think what had high value. Something expensive maybe in human world.

My pearl.
Hyunjin's gift.

I had to give it if I wanted to help him and me. I am sure I can't find another without him knowing.
I took my necklace.
"Here is my necklace. It's a pearl from your ocean." I said and give it to her.
"You can't find this outside sea. Someone gave it to you." she told me.
"Yes it was a gift from the merman I am trying to find. But I have to find him so if this can help us I think he will understand." I explained hoping she will accept it and give me the tail.
"Ohh sweetie it's okay you can keep it I will give you a tail. I like you." she came close to me and put my necklace again around my neck.
"When I am done with my mission I will repay you I promise." I reassured her.
"You are sweet. Now let me find a tail that suits you. Saw me your swimsuit." she told me and I took my clothes off to reveal my aqua swimsuit.
"Yes I have something for you. This color really suits you and it's like you part of the kingdom." she came with an aqua tail in her arms.
"Try it on. It's like you wearing a long skirt. You'll get used it." she was calming me down but I was for sure looking scared.

I put it on and it was like my dream came truth. I always wanted to be a mermaid and now I can actually be one. I was feeling taller and bigger but it was a beautiful tail and I loved this feeling. I started swimming around and I could even swim faster with the tail.
"Thank you so much. It's amazing and beautiful." I said excited and she smiled.
"I hope you will make it in your journey and I hope your merman is handsome too." she winked at me and I blushed.
"Thank you again. I will repay you." I smiled and waved at her and me and Kkami left.

We were now heading inside the kingdom.
Everything in this kingdom were blue. The houses and shops. Every mermaid and merman had all kinds of blue on their tails,clothes and sometimes hair. They are beautiful.
The shops had many beautiful jewelrys and people were dressed like they were all royalties.
Kids were swimming here and there playing and I found myself smiled at this view.
I was only imagine this when I was younger but now they are all real.
Everyone seems happy here.

"Kkami where do we find him?" I asked him but I had to be careful not to mention his name near people of his kingdom.
"I don't know I can't sense him here." he said worried.
"Maybe we should try find his best friend. Felix was his name right?" I recommended
"Yes that's a good idea. Let's split and ask people. And we will meet again in ten minutes here." he said and left.

I went to a shop.
"Hi sorry to bother you do you know where can I find Felix?" I asked the lady there.
"Sorry darling but Felix is always moving inside the kingdom I don't know where he is now." she answered me.
"Thank you for your help. Bye have a good day." I smiled and left.
I went to ask all the shops but none of them knew for sure where Felix was.
Felix boy why are you moving so much? The energy.
"Hey lady did you just thought about Felix?" a little girl told me.
"Yes I guess" I told her "Do you know where is he?"
"I saw him giving food to the poor again behind the bakery." she told me and show me the bakery that was far from where I was looking.
"Thank you sweetie but don't read other people's minds. It's not right they will feel bad after that." I patted her head and she nodded,smiled and left.

I went behind the bakery and saw a beautiful boy talking to people who were sitting down and eating.
He was just like he described him. An angel. He made everyone laugh and he was a light to this people.
"Hey do you need any help here?" I went to him and the people sitting there.
He looked at me confused.
"Yes kind lady. Can you sing us a song? I would love some beautiful melody in my misery life. After all we have already eaten now." he smiled weakly.
"Yeah sure I can do that but I am not so good." I smiled at them and starting singing at them and then other people around gather around me to listen.

After I finished they were clapping.
"I would easily pass you for a siren. But you don't do bad things with this you heal people instead." an old man said.
"I'm happy to help you but I have to go. I promised you to meet all of you again and I want to see you stronger." I squished their hands and left from there.
"You are Pearl right?" I heard a voice and I turned around.
"Yes. I'm Pearl nice to meet you Felix." I smiled.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now