Ancient race.

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Pearl's pov.

"What do you mean finding your mum?" Hyunjin asked me confused and I looked at him breaking the hug I didn't realize I made.
"I talked with my dad and he told me that my mum is a mermaid. She isn't dead she's somewhere here." I told him smiling.
"That's amazing Pearl but it's really dangerous for you to be here." he told me worried.
"That's why I have you right?" I smiled at him and he smirked.
"Pearl my curse though." he sounded exhausted with this.
"While we are looking for my mum me, Felix and Kkami will help you all together and fix your anger until you are capable of find love." I reassured him.
"We have one week until Jisung takes over the throne. And who will fall in love with me in such sort amount of time?" he said weakly.
He didn't deserve this. He was an amazing person. Just because he was cursed,anybody can see that he is kind and caring. It broke my heart see him like this.
"It's going to be okay. I promise you. Okay cheer up." I hold his hands and he sighed and smiled again.

Felix cleared his throat.
"Look in order to find your mum you have to know something Pearl." he said and everyone listened to him carefully.
"Me and Jisung think that you might belong in an ancient race of mermaids." he said and I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean? Why does she belong there?" Hyunjin asked really confused too.
"We think she has healing powers." Felix confessed.
"Wait why? I haven't done nothing magical." I asked him shocked.
"Do you remember what the poor man said to you when you sang to them? You sound beautifully like a siren but instead of causing chaos you heal them. Also when you hold Jisung's hands he felt so much calmer and Jisung is really anxious all the time. Probably you do this to Hyunjin without realizing that's why he's nicer to you." Felix explained.
I looked at Hyunjin he was thinking.
"But he still had outbursts and anger issues." I explained.
"That's probably because you don't know how to handle your powers. I think that if you find your mum she or you can heal Hyunjin and break his curse." he suggested.
That doesn't seem so bad. I won't be cursed and you will find your mum." Hyunjin looked at me.
"Then let's do it if this helps everyone." I said and smiled but I was actually afraid. Maybe it's dangerous. I put everyone in danger.

Am I really doing this for Hyunjin and not for my own problem?
I want to see him happy but I think I use the curse as an excuse for me not to be alone in the ocean.
Am I really that person?
"I don't know though were the ancient race of mermaids are living." Felix sounded troubled.
"All those years not being home and swimming almost all the ocean I haven't met an ancient mermaid except the Black Ocean. I didn't look there. I don't know what is in there. Even for me alone is dangerous but we have to try it. I don't think there is other place for us to look." Hyunjin explained.
I took a deep breath.
"Let's go there then." I tried not to stutter from the anxiety that hit me.
"Let's start our journey because we have a long way to go." Felix explained and got out of the cave.

I started leaving too but Hyunjin hold my wrist.
"Are you okay?" he asked me.
"I'm fine now that I have you here protecting me." I forced a smile.
He pull my wrist causing me to hit my head on his chest. He hugged me tightly.
"I am glad that you didn't leave me Pearl. I missed you too. I'm sorry for talking to you that way that day. But you are just doing things without thinking and I was scared. I heard you screaming for help in my head and my heart dropped. I thought I'll lose you." he confessed all these to me and I was holding my tears. I didn't want him to worry for me.
"I won't leave you. I am right here. Whatever happens with our problems, I am here." he made sure I knew this.
"Thank you Hyunjin. For everything." I said.
"Also I did tell you that you would make a beautiful mermaid and I was right." he smiled and broke the hug.
"It's not real though." I replied.
"It's okay it looks real." he smiled.
"Let's go we have long way" I said and exited the cave.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now