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Hyunjin's pov.

Pearl left hours ago and here I am in the middle of the night learning to walk. This girl really is something else.
After hours of practicing I can now walk properly but I can't for sure run. I will practice this other time.
I continued walking the beach until I found a house.
Is this Pearl's home?
It had 2 floors. The second one had a big glass window.

That's when I notice Pearl. She was sleeping. She was so peaceful and this is the only time she's not mad at something I said.
I looked at her for a little while and left before someone saw me.

Next day

Pearl's pov.
I went to the beach but Hyunjin wasn't there yet. I sit in the edge of the beach in the water and waited for him.
Kkami was playing in the water and in the sand. He was so happy here. I want to be too.

I started singing softly a song because I was getting bored.
Where is he? I missed him. Um wtf did I just think? You crazy bitch stop.
"Are you thinking of me?" I heard a voice and it turns out it was the one and only Hyunjin.
"No I was just singing." I defend myself.
"But I can read your mind. You didn't know mermaids did that?" he said serious.
"I was only thinking of you because I was getting bored okay?" I said annoyed.
"So you did thought of me." he smiled devilishly.
"I swear I am going to kill you." and I pushed his head in the water but I knew this didn't do anything to him.
He laughed.
"You don't want me to do the same to you princess. Don't tease me." he smirked.
"Yes please I think I am going passed out." I admitted.
"So today we will go deeper but you can walk with your feet." he sounded sure.

I listened to him. He took my hand and made me stood up. He pulled me close to him and I walked deeper in the water.
I was standing up and the water was in my breasts. I squished his hand.
"It's okay you are okay. I am here and if you can't swim you can just put your feet down and you can walk again." he smiled and rubbed my hand with his thumb.
I took a deep breath. And relaxed my body.
"Now you will learn how to float. You don't have to do anything. You just need to relax your body and the water will bring you on the surface. You have to lay your head back and then your feet will lift up on their own." he explained to me with details.
He was still holding my hand and he pushed my head gently back. My head touched the water and my feet started to get higher.
"Nice. You are doing great. You just need to relax more so they can come all the way up." he smiled at me and I took a deep breath and my body went higher.
"That's it you are doing it now. I am proud of you." he sounded excited and I laughed.
"Do it too. The sky is beautiful." I told him and he immediately did it.

"You know the sky and the sun are looking more beautiful from the water. I wish you could see it one day somehow." he said and looked at me.
"When I was younger my mom used to read me stories with mermaids and everytime we were going in the sea I was pretending I was a mermaid too. Swim fast,breathe inside the water,see clear inside the sea water,going in the deep ocean and see the beauty of the underwater world." I said looking at the sky.
"I wish I could make your dream come true." he said disappointed.
"I am doing swimming lessons with a merman I think that's enough for my dream." I smiled at him.
"You would make a beautiful mermaid though." he rubbed his thumb in my hand again.

"Are the stories for the mermaids true? The mermaid really dies because she couldn't kill the one she loved?" I asked him.
"Yes that's the real story. They told the children the other version of the story so they don't hate humans and not being afraid of them. We can't say "I love you" too to those who don't know we are mermaids." he explained.
"So you can say I love you to me." I teased him.
"Do you want me to say it to you love?" he pulled me closer to him and he touched my face.
My heart was beating fast and I couldn't hold the tension.
I lost it for a moment and I was inside the water struggling to get out. My hand slipped from his.
"Pearl I am here. Relax and focus put your feet down and you are okay." He catched my waist and I put my feet down and touched the bottom.
I coughed a couple of times and I took deep breaths.
"Easyyy princess. Look you made it." he was smiling at me.

"Thank you but I am now exhausted." I got away from his grip and walk to the beach.
"I have to go. Thank you. Today was amazing." I said shyly and got my staff quickly and left. Kkami was running behind me.

Hyunjin's pov
She is so cute. I thought and giggled.

/The Cursed Prince/ Hwang Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now